... , THE JN BgN , AATEn,. T~htonsiOD1AOX1ib1ibnIjC's ?? Th :Iosterna~tioniskneibdr L On Satiirdy ?? anosexe WM tllrownepen, and- 1t hase btn greatly lmpwevi dfsrlng.he esk. ,!The general arungement Ismnth ,te seinze a it was last year. In the ioetu gliry is Yqo'a hugeallegory of ?? Statts, tohee wltbi & mixe clecton of plotra, rains, et -books, &, bothg end m att active part of this aune will be ...


... -i The last meeting of the present session of the above society was held at the School of Science and Art, Pem. f broke-street, last (Tuesday) evening. The President (the t Rev. Professor Main) occupied the chair; and there was a t large attendance of members. t THE REPORT AND ACCOUNTS. The HONORARY SECRETARY read the annual report of the Council, which was as follows :- Daring the past ...


... cdkItRI:T JPH0TO~RAPf8. [(FRaM TrEE SArttAt RLYJXISWI Tar Arr t photograPhio manifestatiod took plate, of dirfet in Aineries but the Yankee seer 6e- perience.S the utisue _Otphet1j fate, aul the dis- eovery had to be made orer AgdI iy fPst sceptical OIimes. It Is only fair to Mr. Samuel 6ThVj4 thet he should tell his Own stery. He bad accorf- pauied hii wife with conjugal solicltude to aphoto ...


... giftrature. nnm?? Devid's Vision. By a Pilgrim to the Holy Land. London: JAMBS NISBET and Co., 21, Berners-stroot. It is Strange how delusive is the facility of making es rhymes. No doubt this Pilgrim who has covered some fc five and twenty pages with mediocre rhymes fancies he has tl written a poem; and it would be a pity to undeceive him, al were no one concerned but himself. David's ...


... ,c (From Ls Fullet.) B. The tollettes of the season become more elegant. and in d stricter accordance with the canons of good taste every day. I We no longer see colours and materials only suitable for n winter, worn by anyone with the least pretension to tert de e la to'letite, and though, of course, one is every now and then 5 shocked by some incongruity, it is never adopted by any 0 real ...


... | THE EXHIBITION OF 1872,. . ~ ?? ?? . . . .. A ocrrecpor~deni g-,vas the Following 6000111ti Of £le~ opening of the lntarsiationi). Exhibitiou, in Lo)ndan, last fi 'ray evenirng : We shall no doubt~be told by persons duly anthorised, ifnot qualified to judge, that the offlioal re&,)pteoa at the I Rloyal Albert Belli, laStuHight, WING UgICEeble and brilI.'nt. mit Brilliant 110yond duubt-it, ...


... lit lo A new edition has just been issued of Malthus' famous Is' Essay on Population. The volume' had become very scarce and high priced. nMr Swinburne is said to be engaged on a reply to the 0 Fleshly School of Poetry, and an article onVictorHugo's rr new poem ' L'Annee Terrible-the latter paper to appear I re in the Forinigtlytt Reviewo. I vo Mr Charles Kert has in the press a volume of ...


... PROMENADE AT T HE ZOOLOGICAL I GARDENS. The proioerade seint at these g-rdenq was opened yesterday under circumustances as favaurable as could be desired. The weatier was 1. autifully line, aud an im- mense assembly of the *-hl'r joined in the psroenenade. Thz eir El.acellceLci, the Lord lieutenanit aud the Uounteoo Sprucer were nresenr, att ni!d It' Captains Woods and Laocreles', A D Cs, and ...


... KR. , .ACCABE'S UNTERTAINMENT The roars of laughter which attend Mr. Maccalbe's clever imper- sonations of the old after-dinner orator, Miss Mary May, the lady- killer, the troubadour, and the wandering minstrel, together with his ventriloquism, have just received a fresh impetus by the intro- duction ofa song written by Mr. Tom Hood, and called Fluttering on the Line. Before the march of ...

Published: Sunday 12 May 1872
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 600 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

More Amat [ill] at St. George's Hall

... Mff ore Amatiirs at St. Ueorges Hall. A'epI.Cii' ttrciallia .e(llia t ook: plice at tile ahove Hall Oil Frioyilllt lst),1101c tleii ~adlwi mi o t irle miveto, wi~tleira ~Sta artt'o a(l little imlloltedl forl 9t'l1'Iice ?? irOlidlred. We iiay give him1 tile Ccrlit oi hainilg male e very fair selection fiom tilt rall11. (If tile iictlal~idi~eitq Will0 have patsed Ii dir hic 1notice, flir, looked ...

Published: Sunday 19 May 1872
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1035 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... ENGLISE OPERA AT THE THEATRE. Toe-,inur we are to be favoared with the first of a series of performances of English Opera at the Theatre. Of the company engaged, the Pwse Herse Opera Company, the Sauder&nzd Times of May I S thus speaks in noticing some of their performances: -The lovers of correctly-rendered high-class nmusic and the admirers of good acting must have been alike equally -well ...


... I . I pprOxv. .. LADY ADA'S REVENGE: A THRILLING TALE OF CHliVREMONT, BY WILLIUR l PLATr. In a nooDk where the meeting beechos spread Their drooping branotsos. anlg where roses rod, And yellow clemitis, and hyacinths blau, With the ivy and honeosucxlees Orew, And the swaet-pea and passion flower throve, Like kindred companins umitled in love. And all that was swestest in nature did bloom, ...