Advertisements & Notices

... ?UBI0 &L1B@RU8. .RE ROYAL, BIRMINGH~j. ON MONDAY NlXT, JUNE 24, MR JOMPH ELDREyB COMIEDY AND BURLE&qUE 0OM ANY. Preas oppion.-' Thebeat and mcat peafeot Company we hae bhd ?? 5SO Tri H E R B. Z K O A Lo MONDAY NEXT, JU:;E 24, MR. ELDREDS COMEDY AND BURLESQUE COMPANY. Tho PermoemauaewMcomineocea at7.30. (Doers open at70'clo0kl wlbh LOVE'S DOCTOR. Onion (%Hweool Balsiava)..lYrr. 3. Erne'. To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SONBAR1 rRIMN OAJO COS LONDON. PROMPT and Ea'AB~sIMMiD 1702. POMP andLIBERAL LOSS SETTLEMENTS. ln1aursasceS affected in all pat fthe World. G.W. LOVELLa Secretary, I) &I'ti OR~ nqJURY FRkOM ACCIDENT, with the qun ?? and. Urrsy, provided for by a Polic Of alI kind's. An Annual Payment of . ;Z, to4 . 6&Insures £1,.000. M et.c allaowance at the rate of Lii. per week for injury. ;M- 00. hav ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ulY IENEtAL MEETIG oif thle Sharehlerdsf ox thle Cem. ~ ccvi i I lvidatNo. 4, Old i'alavo ?? wveettuieetor.on teidoy of July oct. at 1 'le ntefrno trrcorll~ ne reevoof navthoriting thetips ieo of fiioborrow- togllotl~.. ?? ic nder the East Qflou.'ostor.liirr Rail. woo he. ?? n~ fiefrpve of considtl ileg, if tlieeght soil 5ppro oreParlki'ini'it, infititlei A lff O rde ?? Hailway Clopiinyi to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1DUCATION.-FAMILIES REQUIRING GOVER. JUI NESSES, Tutors, or Sobools, xeainvited to male a selestion (without charge) fromthe carefully kept REGISTERS at Mewsr. Carter Lambort, and Co.'s, Educational Agency, 103, Edgr2We. DUCATlON. - (TOWER-STRElT SCHOOL for 113 GUOLS.-The ElFTERM, THURStDAiY, June68. Paplis esreparei for the Senior and J aor Camboidge Eramistlens.- lces. 8, 10, anld 12 guineas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITTCH of APPLTCATION for LEAVE to fl~e a 3 isOCLAIHER and MESNiORAN ISUM ofALTERtATIION. EteMA'TIKER 0ii LET ItlItS PATENT granted to ALEX.~ I1DNt HORACE BRA4NDON, of No. it.Qotido Pari9,RIoueu, rac,O civil egitgneer, for the IoivettlOti of ?? Imiprovemenets in the 3s~na or ?? for produtinC the score oaleipleto cotobustioti ~fGas paralflin and ether Iltvlro-earbon 0Oils1 bearing date the,,~t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws high govern the operations of digrestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, fr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately favourede beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' ?? Service Gazette. iade simply with boiliug wrater or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEIflE - ) To - I 7 j Wn the. View of ?? regarding: Hor=els, -BZsTAR , to., to Tourists, FamilyPartif, andgener. - Travellgeit we will publinih at Reduced Ratese in eac Sa urcau'e Daygerald : heading the UWUHORMKISOX.Ho : PR$P3IEN ES, to., The. yariG;nr. thus eeuliB d ir.i aadZ tie- Travelling Public. to; comr'-. - ' partici1arroate s - ..Esechidvertlflemeflt will-appear in- the alphabetical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ir s 3re IDr r 'Arte Ab ;r5 tot b or L arcffl _ E;: ,r. >css 3.05 u& jb3.. t'aO :lcs r.. t-, 'v Frre0Lt: -t I -. ;'rsfi S.racs~n - 50 -V. ~ ~ ~ ~ L I A E-o 1' . E , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DI N IN E It S HK f : GO, BALLANTINE & SON recopkend ie abo~eas a CWOavo 7 ?? by Peter Doomeoql MOilj hodidet11 lOS- OLD i+a. pr , A Ltmo i Quantfty o4PUBS MALT WHS~ggY. Yet 01 Xw 3 - G S. BALLANTINE SON. ' - ' ' : ~ r;-.N 1* E G-L A 8 G O ?? rT'. -7- Mtr r - ?? ?? JO'ffN LWDELL. ae of CaN ?? bav s TtoSUMEDtheT T CODth S0OO dinun his attention to~ta6 alone, be. offers better value than, .XI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y7 dols., which is a much lower rate than I had hoped for. The freightbyseato Liverpool or Swansearanges from 250. to 3 per ton, according as shipping is in sort, and I think it likely I may occasionally have to toad'aship altogether with our ores. The price I can obtain for the ore at San Francisco is x4s. 6d. per unit, the price I see in England is now 9r. 6d.; we should, therefore, on, say, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I NTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, ?? A MDMISSION THIS DAY, ONE -Ct SHILLING, Open from lo to 6. fM ILITARY BAND DAILY AT * F O UFOUR. W7VENING PROMENADES. .1-2xot and 2oth of June, 5th and i2th of July. The Galleries will be lighted up, and the Horti- cultural Arcades illuminated. Doors open at 8.30 P.5M. Season Ticket holders admitted free. Season Ticket holders may obtain tickets for their friends ...