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At 37 Berkeley Terra

... ce, on the 27th fnA. Xs ; LILLIE; a daughter. At S0 Monteith Row, on the 27th &tct L 1 WILLIAMI SPEIRs; a son. 2 At 18 Newton Terrace, on the 27th bum. Ki P ROBERT DOUGLAS; a eOnl. t At 101 Ardgowan Street, Kinning Pari, at th i 27th inst., Mrs ROBERT Moa0isof ; a eoon. n At Dunard. Dowanhill, on 27th inst., the wif c) AN.D&Ew H. TURNBrLL, Esq.; A dlaughter. d' At 15 Hill Street, Garnethill, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .fIaX te~itigli dihd ce: WEDNESDAY, June 19, 1S72., D Of BIRTHS. gr At 50, Victoria Street West, on the 5th inst. the wvife of -Bev, a I JAMIES H. COLL.IE, Molville Church, of a daughter. F At 9, Union Terrace, on June 14, irs Dr CRtOMBIE, of a daugh- flt ter. On the 15th June, at 17, Craigia Street, Mrs HALL, oftriplets -two bovs and a girl. Mother aid childrcn are doing well. At Middlston of ...

At: 4 Belgrave Stree

... t, on the 21st inst., Mrs .-,TAMZS BLAIE; a son. -At 6M Mntdith Row, on the 21st inst., Mrs Wr. -A, ; a son. At 4 St James' Street, Kingston, on the 2Mt inst., Mrs ROBERT SCOTT; a son. At Canal Street, SEirkintilloch, on-the-21st inst, Mrs lome MENZIES; a'son. At 41 M'Aslin Street, Townhead, on the 20th inst., Mrs WM. CItWxELL; a daughter. .:At Whng House Beith Ayrshire, on. thi 20t , jnt., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3 BSRTHS, MARRIAGES, A1ND DEATHS. ) - SCALE OF PRICES. Yotices of Births and Deaths (16 words and under). ?? ?? ls, Gd. eachs. Marriages (24 words and under), ?? 2a. 6d, each. I Pe' each S words ad dkional ?? ?? 6d. 2 ?? .. .. .. .. 6d. ezfra. , r d t ?? ?? At 332 Duke Street, onthe 7th inst., Mlrs WILIM. o COCHBAN ;a son.' At 2G Gladstored Street, on the 7th inst., MrM . THOS. HUSBAND; a son, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 7EHanmptonCOurt Terrace on the 19th ins, the wife of the Rev. DAVID MILLAB, BLA., Si il. John's Parish; a-son. - At 376 Crown Street, on the 19th inst., Mrs Ja 1 ROBEarsON; a son. 2 At 8 West-End Park Steet, on the 19th inst., ,lb Mrs ALEx. TaOMso80; 'a eon. s-t At $7- REsiaae Street, on the 19th inst,, Mrs D. MATHIESoN; a daughter. At 101 Ardowan Street,. on the 19th inst., Mrs~ It. DUNCA ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - DEATH OF OOIJOI4EL YRMP at hit residencewin lLondon, oh '-Sunday forenoon:' ~He' Ws 7 '~Coloel ykeswastheso of S'amuelr ~Sykea Esq., -of teoc Drgigo rnhof the ancient Yorkshire family of Sykjts. snas He wasbor inthe'ycr'190,and -had thus;4reaobed the~ rell 'aeof eighty-two.'~ He entered' the Bombay' Armyrthecn early age of'fourteeno l sI vd'nI Lr Lae 'at' the ol lhrorin105. 4s perio ofe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 131 Main Street, Anderstdn, on 28th inst, mrs Wms. M oasisoN; a son. At Bloomfield Partickhill, on the 28th inst., the wife of LEWIS P. Murm EAn, Esq.; a daughter. . At`9 Regent Park Terrace, on the 28th inst&, Mrs GxoBGL DUTHEm;. a daughter. At 21 Granville Place, on the 2ath inst., Mrs -JAMES HEDERsoN; a son. .At 107 Dundas Street, on the 28th inst., Mrs -G=Oso A:sDxEsoN; a son. At 240 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... X3iritlt. At Stafford Place, New City Road, Oa the 14th. inst., the wife of ARCHIBALD LAUDER; a son. At 11 Annette Street, Crossbill, oi 1th inst., Mrs, JAMES FARQUHAR; a son. At 128 South Portland Street,.on the 14th inst., the wife of ROBERT DONALD; a son.. At 8 Monteith Row, on the 14th inst., Mrs WILLIAM MUIR, l-ate of Edinburgh; a daughter. At Orchard, on the 14th inast., the wife of Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATHE and REV. DR NORMAN MACLEODs of but giv It Is our painful duty this morning to sanounce bee the death of the Rev. Dr Norman Macleod of che the Barony-an intimation which will occasion a a feeling of the deepest Sorrow, not In Scot- by land alone, but throughout. the whole empire. the For some time Dr Majelod had not been in als good health, He was still, however, able des to continue at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 8 Lynedoch Crescent, on the 12th inst., the wife of JAMES REID, Esq.; a honM At 26 Patrick Street, Greenock, on the 12th inst., L Mrs WILLIA CAnqs ; a son. 2 At Orcharclhill. Hanilton, on the 12th inst,, Mms Mum3 3D *a daughter. At 235 Dumbarton Road, on the 11th inst., Mra -ROBERT COOPER; a son. t At Caolisla Distillery, Port-Askaig, Islay, on the 9th inst., Mrs DuecAN JOH1aTOwE; a son. L ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF COLONEL SYKES, 1P. £5 Our London Correspondent writing last night, s ays:-I regret to have to' record the death of th Colonel Sykes, who for many years past has ar reprisented the city of Aberdeen in Parliametu. uo The melancholy event occirred t the town en residence of he.:aecemas' yesterday evening. or, He had atttiix the ripe old age of 82, and his death-u besaid'tobhave xeilted ...