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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. CaSrge5Jor announeioscement of Murriaqes, 2s. 6d,, of qirth and Deaths, Is. 6d.; ea to imszre iaserljn thJ amount must, ik. all cares, bd prepaid. DEATHS. Fogarty-July 14, at the Convent of Mercy, Doon Co Limerick, Anne, called in religion Sister Mary hag. dalene, daughter of the late Mr. James Fogarty, Ballinahow, Thurles, aged 23 yearsdeeply regretterl There ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MA chargesfor annotratneenset ot Marriages. 2 6d,, e gjA #sad Deatha, ls. 6d. ; and to imn-ere i awri ?? motentg e mt . ifn all caeg, be prepaid. BIRTHS. Gilligan-July 19. the viie of Mr. Jaiur ?? North Circulsr road, of a son. Pelly-At Sandymount, county Galwvay, the %pfe, Martin Plly. Esq, Coroner, of-a son. MARRIAGE. Boland and ?? 18, at Kidra Castle, b j Boland, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Chargresjor aseoauinremenlt of Mari'ages, 2s. td,, of BirtA3 anul Deaths, Is. fist.; and to Omsure inserons tihe unsount rnust, in ?? Cases, be prepaid. MARRIAGES, Boland and Mulcahy-Julv 18, at Kidra Catlee, county Tipperary, by Rev. Timothy Dooley, P,Y., Clonea, assisted by the Rev. M. Mooney, P.P., Cahir, Edward, eldest son ef the late James Boland, (Cabir, to Kate. youngest daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARiBIAGEhS, BRTHS, AND DEATHS. The following are the quarterly returns of the nnarriages, births, and deaths registered ia the divisions and districts of Irelaud. Tne mar- riages ere for October, November, and Deceiber, 1871, andthe births and deaths, for January, February, and Matoh, 1872. Mmarlages-There were i,13r marriages regis- teredein lreland during the fourth quarter of 1871, a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. cagefosr anouncentac of Mlarriat-:s 2e. 6i,, of HOWtt zand Deathy, Is. fid. and to imai'e inaertion thg amount must, Ln all cases, bs prepaid. BIRTH. Biclsardson-July 20 at Clareville House, Harold's cross, the wife of Vl,. H. Richardson of a daughter. MARRIAGES, Johnston and Lalor-July 22, at the Uhutch of thc Three Patrons, Rathgar, by the Rev. B. GInnau, Edgar ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THlE FUNERAL OF THE DUKE DE GUISE. SI ti (From a French Correspondent.) d Dreux, Jnly 27, 91 Henri d'Orleans, Due d'Aumale, had seven e, children. Three Princesses died in early youth, Al a first Due de Guise died in France before the a' Revolution of 1848, at the age of seven years; h one, a Prince de Conti, died in England; a t] Prince de Conde died in Australia. Of all his ti children there ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. Charkgesfor ?? of Marriaeges. 2s. 6d,, of Birth s and Deaths, IsZ. tid. * and to isnure qingertion th, amount must, in all cases, be prepaid. BIRTHS. Fradsbaw-July 29, at Mountrath, the wife of Hucghe Bradshaw of a son Dunme-July 29, at 30 Queen's square, Nortb, th- wi'c * f Andrew J. Dunue of a daughter. Fitzgerald-July 21, at 31 Liverpool-rond, Isingt .a, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SENTENCIED TO-MARRIAGEI In the l'ecord Court at tba ClVulnel assises yesterday, the following case w'£s heard by Mr illarie:- A ellimn v. O'Brienu-Thi.s wa an action on title to recover a portion of the lanlis of loso& green. The blnds are held under a 1 ase bearing date the 23rd Febrnurv, 1843, ex-eluted by Mr Newhlam to William Anglirn. the father of the phdritiff Patrck, and gramlfather of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE 1'l,.ft AT lRAY. For some days thp general therne of conversa. tioni in Bray and its neighbourhood bas been the recernt fracas, in which the principal parts were suaitdired by a military veteran of high respecta. bility pod a medical, or quari-mcdioal, gentleman, not young in Sears, twice a widower, but still not ?? to thetenderpassioun As amatterof course, there was a lady in the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. Charscsdofr asnswiunve.neiit of Marriagee, 2s. lid,, of Birthsp asul Dea~tas, 1s. 6L. ; anset to i1ssters ?? trs aioueit anset. i71 all cases, be prepail. BIRTH. Logan-Suly 4, at Smithaitown, coanty Mpath, the wife of Nichvias Robert Losan, Esq., of a son. Boland-July 5, Mary. the beloved wife of Mr. John Boland, Lucan R. I. p. Buldustone-July 3, Mr. Henry ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR. RICHARD DAVIS WEBB. We regret to announce the death of Mr. Ri- chard D. Webb, one of the oldest and moat respected citizens of Dublin, which took place at his residence, Leinster.road, yesterday morning. Having been In declining health for some time back, his demise has not been altogether unser peoted, but the intelligence will be none the less sorrowfnl on thise account to a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE REV. LAURENCE CAR13Y, 0.C. A good priert was yesterday consigned to the grave amid thesinoere lamentationsof thousands, for whose spiritual and temporal welfare he had worked with zeal for years. Ris funeral testified the respech and esteem in which the Rev Mr Carty was held by people and priests, He was a good priest, a true and honest friend, and a real Irishman, The Office and ...