... d. OS GWADAF BYTH FY NGWL AD).| -. - ?? (If ever I cease to love). ad Yn Lloegr neu'r Iwerddon, W Neu unrhyw ran o'r byd, na Eis gallac droi fy ngwyneb gv At urrhyw garbref clyd fo Pa fan sydd fel ein Gyinru,. I gaffaol gwir fwynll;d pr c !¢ued pig boll glr y wig ia Os gwadaf byth fy ngwlad, Cydan. dc Os gwadaf byta fy ngwlad, ,; Os gwadaf byth fy ngwlad, ry Distawer caa boll Gymru an, Os ...


... 1' Il Guarany, the new opera by Sefior Gomez, which, was performed for the first time last Saturday, and has been, played twice during the present week, was certainly worth. producing, and has been produced in a very creditable way, and with a just appreciation of its chief claims upon popu-* lar favour. It is pre-eminently a spectacle, and as a spectacle it has been presented with almost ...


... DEAD OR ALIVE AT THE QUEEN'S THEATRE. Mr Tom Taylor's new play owes the outline of its plot to a novel of Balzac's; but whether this has filtered through some earlier drama, to which Mr Taylor is more immediately indebted, we cannot say. Probably not; for, though it is very French in its characters, it hardly has strength or clearness enough for a refinement upon another writer's work. The ...


... FASHION AND VARTETIES. I _ __ THlE COURT. Wiudsor lwitlc, Tuc,. sy IThe Queen drove out yesterday afternoon. Her Mlpiesty 8 dinner party included Ih d Roya^l [iif,. ness the Grand Dulie ef Aleclhlealurm, Xitrelitz, thir Itoyal llighicast's l'P iore and Prin1ce's Chriltial q .Seleswig-13Olstein, his Ro'uyal liighlle!s Prilnce l,,s. told, ihis Screne lliflttua53 the D~lke Altl 1,or .lhbneEs the ...


... I FASMON AND V.RLETiE i. THE COURT. Windsor, Tueojay The Queen drove out in the grounds yesterday &fte. noon,. Her Majesty's dinner party included her Roysl Jm j. ness the Duchess of '-ambridge, bis Royal llihite,, the Duke of Cambridge, their Royal Highneisee tb Prince and Princess Christian and Prince Leopold the Duke and Duchess of Atholl, Viscount 0tifder4 the Marquis of Huntley. Her ...


... THE D RAXA IN PARIS. (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) PARIS, TiIUltSDAY NesiGT.-From the signs of ceaseless activity visible in all the Theatree, a splendid autumn season may be con- fidently expected, the principal playhouses already announcing their novelties. The first new play will be a tbree-act drama, to be pro- duced at the VAUDEVILLE, with Mdlle. Farguoil in the principal character, ...

Published: Sunday 21 July 1872
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1716 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... OPERA COXIQUE. This handsome edifice was again opened last Saturday evening, for the benefit of Miss Caroline Dnverr ay, who had secured the assistance of several ladies and gentlemen of eminence in the theatrical world. The entertainment was originally announced to take place on the 22d ult., but for some reason known best to those immediately concerned, was postponed, Postponements as a rule ...

Published: Sunday 07 July 1872
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 615 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... NEW EDUCArIONAL WORKS. TIEF. tlisAMhB iN Tsusims CoOsMUrTZI: BY ME&NS Ie I soaLAWse, by Francis A. Iankun, KA., C.E, (T., ?? Leignians, Ureeu, and Co.), is a well priated aud cleawly viritten volume, setting forth iu An excollont mananer the theory and method of ascertaining by dia- graus the amount of strain to which a truss is subjected wh.,vl b!nrif g a coestant load. Though of a somewhat ...


... ART EXHIBITION AT BRAMl -\Y An ealaillitien of woraks of art and scieuati, ?? 1iy Ol'jects of interest trot trubrac-I by eithcat'r ?? ?? this evening in the Nc.. tcin-l h :h ~nl3 Yesiterday we WE-re favonred. with a vlocA of th0 iLo- r: r i the sahool-rocoms, which presented a lively seen. M Lin3 ~r v~ilfizig Irands were busily enigagcd in cove:rinig tir' wii with pictures by distinguished ...


... We have received copies of Mr. Abel Heywood's rd Penny Guides to Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight (Hey- Ld wood and Son, Manchester), and can recommend them as .beig very handy and useful. In addition to a concise des- cription of the chief places of interest in the district which they describe, the little guides eputains much historical information and facts likely to be useful to tourists. ...


... * 6 No Fatherland is the most bewildering story it has ever been our lot to read. It is as incoherent as a dream, as discursive as a tale told by Mrs. .Nickleby. It ranges in time from the year 1790 to the year i872, and in scene from Russia through Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, England, and the United States to Mexico. It despatches three generations of characters in the first volume, ...


... POLICy OF Rien MEN.-It is told us that the Both- schilds never take into their employment any person who has been unsuccessful in the, affairs of life, and that the fact of any man having failed in an undertaking is in itself an absolute bar to his entering their service. We do not know whether this statement be true or fictitious, but if true, it does not prove that the Rothschilds have ...