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... CARDIFF CONSTITUTIONAL ASSO- CIATION. The Conservative fete and demonstration in the Sophia. Gardens Field, in connection with this Asso- ciation, which came off on Wednesday, was in every respect the most successful that had been held. The weather was remarkably fine and warm, and the ar- rangements made by the general committee to pro- vide amusements for the people were on a more extensive ...

[No title]

... CARDIFF POLICE COURT. MONDAY. (Before Mr. R. O. JOXES and Alderman PRIDE.) ASSAULTING CONSTABLES,—John Mawson, a labourer at the Patent Fuel Works, was charged with being drunk and assaulting Poiice-coustable Jones whilst in the execution of his duty, 011 Saturday. The constable said he saw the prisoner drunk in Crock herb town. Went up to him and requested him to go home, when he fell dowu ...

[No title]

... THE LATE FLOODS. We continue to .ei-ive account's of the terrible amount of damage to property caused by the storms of last week. It seems that in Manchester the came ('own lit- rally in shc-ts for thirteen continuous hours. The waters of the river Medlock tore away a portion of the City Cemetery in BraMord, road, and It large number of coffins and dead bodies were disinterred. Thp weir ...


... THE PRINCE IMPERIAL. The Mvrnhvj Post says that her Majesty has given per mission to the Prince Imperial of France to join the RoyJ Military Academy at Woolwich. The Prince, on Saturday afternoon, took part in tlA distribution of prizes at the Summer Fete, held at the Home for Little Boys, near Farningham, Kent. Th. Bishop of Rochester presided at the examination, anJ Lord Frederick Cavendish, ...


... A Parliament ry paper has been issued containing Correspondent' respecting the imposition of restrictions upon the sale ot intoxicating drinks in the colonies. Tne origin and roun.1 of tins correspondence are discoverable on the first page in the form of an official circular ad- dressed by 1 arl Kimberlcy, underrate of the 20th of Juno, 1871, to the Governors of our various Colonial Dependen ...

-------------THE LATE FLOODS

... LATEST TELEGRAMS. Gi'J 11D TAX OFFICE, FriJin;, 4 a.m. AMERICA. NEW YORK, Wednesday.—Secretary Bontwell, in addressing a meeting in North Carolina, said the recon- ciliation of the North with the South would not be com- plete until the majority of the Southerners recognised ecual rights of all nu n. SPAIN. MADRID, Wednesday. Senor Gorilla has issued a circular on the elections, recommending ...


... that was possible to give them a cordial wel- come, and they had succeeded in getting them hospitably entertained, and this had been done especially by the Mayor of the town. All had done their best, and they had succeeded. They had never met with a more cordial reception, and they bad certainly never bad a better fenced-in Show Yard. Cardiff was not very forward in its agriculture, and that ...


... THE PUBLIC-HOUSE. The middle of July finds the House of Commons dis- cussing very pleasantly a measure which Mr. Bruce de- scribes as modest and tentative. As nothing else is to be done, and something must be done, the bill will have the support of those who wish for more, while there must be few indeed who wish for less. Possibly the belief that all was settled took the life out of the debate ...


... ADDRESSED TO THE EDITOB. The Editor is not responsible fortheopinionsof his Correspondent, THE ROTARY DIGGING MACHINE AND THE BOARD OF HEALTH. SIR,-The chairman of our Local Board of Health, in your report of their last meeting, is said to have stated, in reply to my seemingly unexpected claim of A;20 for a rotary digging machine (now in their possession, and has been since last October), that ...


... An American correspondent, who was present at the Boston Musical Festival, gives the following enthusiastic description of the playing of the two National Anthems of England and America :— Never, since queens began to reign on earth, was the English National Anthem sung by so many human tongues and hearts under one roof, f-ow.ei-e under the British sccptre, though the linked continents and ...


... THE PRICE OF COAL. The Times observes that we suddenly find ourselves in the middle of July paying 34s. a ton, the price still on the rise, and everything that depends upon coal rising in the same or still higher proportion. The rise in the price of all kinds of ironwork and of bricks has caused a wide divergence between the estimates of architects and the tenders of contractors, and in the ...


... OAFES AND WINE SHOPS IN PARIS.— Few persons, says the Patrie. form a correct idea of the number of cafés, smoking-places, and wine shops existing in Paris. The recent census shews that thore are 5,800 establishments where liquor is sold, employing about 15,000 individuals; and that the average amount of busi- ness reaches 150 million francs per annum. The gratuity to the waiters, an ...