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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIA GES, AND DEA THS. BIRTHS. SONS. BAXTER, wife of the Rev. H. F., at Sibdon Castle, Shropshihe, Sept. 3. CLARK, Mrs. F., at Great Cumberland-place, Sept. 8. DARKE, Mrs. C. P., at Crookham, Sept. 3. ELAND, Mrs. S. E., at Kettering. Sept. 6. ENGLAND, wife of Commander, R.N., at Carrick- fergus, co. Antrim, Sept. 6. ETLINGER, Mrs. E., at Streateam-hill, Sept. 7. HEWITT, Mrs, A., at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. I I RTH S. CROCxFTT, Mrs. J. F., at Lausdowne-place, Chel- senbam, Sept. ig. FERNYHvOUGH, Mrs. C. T., at Belsize-park-gardens, Hampstead, Sept 22. GRA HAM, Mrs. J. H. N., at Drums House, Ren- frewshire, Sept. ig. HARPER, wife of the Rev. E. J., at Highgate, Hawkhurst, Sept. sq. LAWRENCE, Mrs. H. M., at Lee-terrace, Lee, Kent, Sept 21. LEATHLEY, Mrs. C, at Hampton ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? DIfTFHS -lAulnACES, and DEATHS, notexcaedin? 5lines. are iusertl at S3. eaoh, or 3 times fhr IN5.; I. per line afterwards. BIRTHS. X7T,-SON. -Beptemnber 14, at Addison-crescent, Rensington the wife of C. E- Atkinson, late of lrasaf Rimet, Cape of Voea 1ope, of i daughter. ]SAILEY.-Septatuber 14, the wifen the Rev. H. Beiley, D.D, narden of St. Auvgstiue'8 College, Canterbury, of a son. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEBAYES. . BIRTHS. SONS. CLEVELAND, wife of Mr. H., Solicitor, of Bombay, at Brighton, Sept. ?? HhasONn, Mrs. G. B. W., at Folkestone, Sept. o8. ttLOYo, wife of Mr. G., M.D., at Mellington Hall, Mion tgoanerysbixe, Sept. x8 (twins). PEASE, Mrs. C., atGreeiscroft, Darlirgton, Sept. 19. PEEL, Mrs. R. at ]3rixton, Sept. rs. DAUGHTESS. BOWDEK, Mrs. F. J., at Blackheath, Kent ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOTICE. BIRTHTS. anid DEATUS, notoxeseding 5lines, are inbw at 5s. cacti, or 3 times for IOs.; Is. per line afterwards. -BIRTUS. A.SER-qeptember 11, at High Mics, Beadonrwell, the wife of S. ?? r. *of a i nlsaghter. Pt:N=TlUN.-Sert~tubr iI, at Holy Trinity'Virarnoe, Ashby-de- 1 uzeoel,, tie Nvife of the R1ev. J. Denton, M.,, of a son. (lt~ltlEAXst.l-pti'ilber 11, the ifit of Mr. N. Grindlay, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 7 _- ?? NOTICE. BIRTIS. MARRTAGES, and DEATHS, notexceedlu hines. are inserted at s. each, or 3 times for 10s.; is. per lin terwards. BIRTHS. ANGUtS-At is, Steele's-road, Haverstooe-bll, London, on the 11th inst., the wife of JohnAngu3, ofa daughtor. CA ERON.-September 9, at Gloureeter-3treot, Warwick.-square, the wife of R. A. Cameron, of a son. CAMIPION.-September 5, at Danny, Snesx, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. SSONS. BPIRELEY, wife of the Rev. W., at Haverstock, Essex, Sept. 6. RSyMES, Mrs. A. L. F., at Ontario, Canada West, Aug. 2X. DAVIES, wife of the Rev. E. V. F., at Rossall, Sept. 4. KEAVS, Mrs. L., at Queen's-road, Brownswood Park, Aug. 28. KENNEDY, wife of Commander A. J., R.N., H. M.S. Ipiacable, at Stoke, Devonport, SepL. LESLIE, wife of Mr. A. Y., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOTI C. BYRTHS. MARRIAESG. and DEATHS, notoxceeingMllnes. are Ineerted at Zs. each, or 3 times for I0S.; la. per lino afterward BIRTHS. MElRRLEY.-Septemier 6, at the Vicerage, Maveretock, Essex, the wife of tho Rev. ?? Berkley, of a eon. D URST.-September 6, at Crondall, Rants, the wife of the Rev. ?? DEurst, of a daughter. GOIIDNEY.-September6, at Elm-dean, Surbiton, the wife of W. Hf. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEA2HS. BIRTHS. SONS. BATtOURST, Mrs. C., at Bolton-gardens, South Kensington, Aug. 29. BRYANT, Mrs. A. C., at Surbiton, Aug. 31. DENMAN, Mrs. R., at Llandudno, Aug. 27 (still- born). GRAVES, Mrs. F. B., at Hyde Park-gate South, Aug. 3o (prematurely, stillborn. HARVEY, Mrs. J., at Percy-street, Liverpool, Aug. 29. LAWBERET, wife of Major E. A. C., Bengal S.C., at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, AIARRZAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. SONS. FiRcHo, Mrs. L. H., at New Ferry, Cheshire, Sept. ag. DleucE, Mrs. W. W., at Denmark-hill, Sept. S6. EnRSKINE, Hon. Mrs. J. A., at Cheltenham, Sept. t6. ETHIERIDGE, wife of the Rev. S., at Haslemere Rectory, Sept. I5. FREELING, Mrs. F., at Frogmore, near Ross, Sept. 13. GRANT, Mrs. R. D., at Thornhill House, Forres, N. B., Sept. 9. GRADNTHAoM, Mrs. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. B IRT HS. SoNs. ALGER, wife of Capt., 6oth Rifles, at Copenhages, Aug. 31. ALLEN, Mrs. B., at West Lyon, Aheinchan, Sept. 12. COPE, Mrs. A., at Heath Cottage, Junction-road, Sept. 13. CRABTREE, wife of the Rev. E. W., at Darliogton, Sept 13. DALCLISM, Mrs. R. L., at Liverpool, Sept. II. FITZGERALD, wife of Mr. E. A., Surgeon Bengal Medical Service, at JoUnpore, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOTICB. BIRTl1S ARRIAGEd. nd DiiAPIIS notexcdjnrl6ines. are iulec-~irl 3v. eaeh. or P times for We.; la. per hibe bterwards.r BIRTHS. ANDFRSON. --&ptember 11th, at Otterbampton Rectory, Bridg. Nvater, thS wife of Wie Rtv. Charles l Uogo Andersou4 cf a dlaughter. o eVE -s8 :tsember la. at Rempshott.road. Streathamocornion, thoe ,yieeof T. C. B. Cave. Esq., of a dax4ightor. DltiutCl.-Keptember ...