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Advertisements & Notices

... HHMPLTREROYA&L EIRUINGIIA~ C SPFT UCCMBS OF S'E KIIP, P a6!{LAY, 'THE WINTER'S TARE, ?? With entirely Wow'ard Magefian So~ y r o as d Mry. Berberte; NeVV Drwe byas ao Mr. Apointments bi Mrs. laR~brow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH BMW~ ANA~ .&iA M Rd LI&BrM HAND mmml 1 LIIIB!U 'THE 3 'HA, Z R AR. ,Ianfacuse anI Peene by WA ?? THE ROYAL SEWING MA0=3 OOMPrANY, . . . - . .The celebrae akers ofth ROiAl: W AHEr AND nW''AsOR FIIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W EAP PREPAID ADVEBTBBM~fA&1'& Vor 600outvo LS1im OU of VW alma o *lowing are-the 6harges. - a. 8. I BMW2 WUgh Womlg to a ?? 0 S. ?? Ditto lax zotoa ~ 2 Ditto 1Sheetxet1m ,_ _ 15a ?? charges spvly on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 118, HIGH STREET, COLOHESTER. PHILIP IAST Invites the attention of Sportsmen to his EXTENSIVE STOCK of DBPnE ElO,, IL(oADING GaNS, Which for Quality, Shooting, and Sound Workmanship are UNEQUALLED. Cartridge Machines, Patenlit Recappers, Cartridge B3 HAST'S BREECH.LOADING WATERPROOF CARTRIDGES, in cases of 100 each. -, last season by most of the leading sportsmen of Essex and Suffolk, beint' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOYAI E cANGUE. LAYI.NG rntE FIIU.DATION STONE N Si NV E N C ItA N GE fiB8 ROYAL IiZGIINESSy pRINCE AItTIECR, K.Ga, on FRIDAY, ?? HEPTEMBER, iSM2 fli itritItit'te.iI vii ie ltir.icwu'J Ion-c. rttended,, be thle Far!oflt' 'Indi Si oif elpcrertl to arri' at tiii' .dOf tS I -! ecit.n ovat 12. t,t. noon. 'i'ai' Ing ,lon ?? ad. od. rial N~c' liiafaie.rirgit'tt. and Ido ?? Ct. tI 4! cI If t. c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I)FVON AND EXETER HORSE BAZAAR. 'P0 be SOLD, by Auction, at 1the DEVON and EXETER HORSE BAZAAR d i AND CARRIAGE MART, OnrLFRII)A -nextathalf-pact Twelveo'Clock, upwards of Tv'enty Lots, coulprising Ponies, weight-carrying Cobs, we1l-bred Ladies' Hacks, and useful Harness Horsesseveral of which are direct frotu the breeders; also New and Second- hmud Carriages, Harnese, Saddlery, &c. PEDRICK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RICHARD BENTLEY & SON'S I ANNOUNCEMENTS -0- FIELD-MARSHAL SIB JOHN BUl2GOYNE, Bart.. Il3S LIFE .md CORRES'31ONDENCE. ComprisinglExtracts from his Journals during the Peninsular and Crimean: Wars; Letters-of the Duke of Wel- lhilton, Marquis of Anglesey, Lords Har- dinge, i'almerston and Herbert, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Raglan, Omar Pasha, and many other celebrated Men. Also the Private and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T Th ?? ~~~ii'irl in N 4 it yer ?? W ?? in the( K, ::iilhy by an Al IO', a'In.: S,il I 'Un ?? i flies if V .. Cli. TflF( \Ti ID SffCHOOL- I TEfor II t Anel,y'si Na tionol Seihool, Tyn(-. HI Vii pflir it ci. to li sent to tilt lie I W ?? lI3T' Ailoi iViCarag'e, not vwr 1- I' \Tl) MAST!I3 WA ?? ot 0nCC.e C s lliigliinlton Enitiv-s t 1.urcli tf ?? -will 'tirnwi~il- ?? ie 5Clt to the! 1 % z ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v -i- oSPITAL SUNDAY, 5' j-j OCTOBER 27TIi. DENTAL SURGJCJly WESSRS EPHRAIM DlOS 1' anad SON. SURIGEON DENTISTSS oro, ;rosvenor Street, London, ad l0, Eldon Square, ' NevNwcastle-on-Tyne, may be consulted in ?? dry except lri,lav. AMnwNik-FverY Friday, at Blr8 tii.owdon's, 1G. Eod- wgte Withont. 44G 6 >T7 ANTL, a CERvTIFICAtTED SCHOOL- g 8 > MASTEIR, for St. Antcmoy's National School, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rthe PALL MALL NiAZETRc ?? ofcbefore Nal ijs e 5pgddbesc to the Qflice n.Advertisetnents da ,oluiwt on the jeio-jo des?. emo of Birte,, M riager;, and Dea/hs ?? the PiALL MAZR~LLGETEaa PALLMALL GAZETTE can be obtained in Jesse IM. JOHN ARTHUR. ro, RUE FIlsfols g who ,ill also receive Adver- THEA TRES. IDgN.-Babi and Bijou. Seven CaVnET WaitiODforthe Underground - (At Half- STRAND'-a.xNot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATIONAL 1J TN'S COLLEGE Lon ?? PROSPECTUS .k, for the ensoing ACAbEMIOALYEARis now ready. The i Colleg Is elgos to the emple Station of the MfetrozooLtsnllallway, nnd there is on entrance to it from the Thames Embankniet.-r ?? personally or by postage oardtso 3F. W. Oan ingbcn Bsu,t I7KJR CK LITERARY and SCIENTIFIC INSTIZ i SC TtITION Scathem ton-buildings, Chancoso-lane. The S4 l!:R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HlE NEW PREMhISES, 76,. OXSFOBD-STREET. T iT J. CFarrier, v, this month, RESUME BUSINESS here with OhiOICE and TE:N@I TX BSOl Of FASHION. AB3LE FURS.-Tempoonry PiersIet, 881 OppGSite. r.HU COMMERIA&L PLATE-GLASS CO . having purchased largely for cash previous to advanee thdr wcllrelmain unaltered. A quantitcof SECOND..ANX e SESto. be BOID at a BEAT RE DU OTION 78 and D9 lreetektroet, direotlyo ...