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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. TI¶HEATRE. ROYAL, ]DUBLIN. b.. Mr. Harris the honourats announce the eon- agementf for a limited number of nights, of the 81OtaBiaaBRRy SUJLLIVAN, 'The leading tragie actor of the Britlsh stage.- See Times. Mr. Sullivan will be accompanied by the celebrated hIre. Louiea Vlaer, nc. Miis Oleveland; Mr. George Robinson, And the popular actor, Mr. S. 1F. Cathcart. On THIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PT1UTIC AMIJSEMENTS.. EA'i OYAL, DUBLE,. T Ei t' Rhts Of thelamoun tmagic actor, The leadilt tragitsactorof the British stage.`- The Times.i Mr. Sullivan will be accompanied by the colebrated Mrs. Louisa Viner, use Miss tlevelane, Mr. George Robinson. And the yopular actor. Mfr. J..P Ct athcartt On THllS EVENING (Friday), 20th Septeilber. the performance will conrunlwnce with Shskespouae'm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. NORWAY ASTS SPARS, POLES, '&o. The Subscribers have a Large Assortmen of above, suitable for suitabeL ?? AU MATIADR N OVLDN Alo orFrmus, ?? % on the new JAMES FITZRIMON AwD SON, SAW MTLL9k IN BRIDGEFOOT-STrEET. AND VIOTORIA QVAY; NB .The arealnso preunared to mpl on1h s'orts notice aterS. olstsO SeSgoat Flooring, elte of 2l sizes from the ?? in Banor ac hlowsrsntes 11 j 1J S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. .- NO FTIl DOO EXHIBITOR. Stand.16L. BY HEIR NAKMTYS ROYAL LVITERS PATNT.I RE WdFADEGRAVE LANDAU. T to Sll ?? ?? THE, RIN(iRHRI~I Th e lightest nd ?? ourirsa d e ;osnparison sollolted between the aboTO CarrIages and a be fund elsewhSM. Drwnsand Testmo5il O ppiatoI. In e~r shw Bom, will be found an olegant and Extnsv ntc feeydsrpino eraeow ared to ell forCash, oron easyterms o thel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IA11WAYS. lHE MIDLAND GREAT WESTERN FIT RAILWAY (OF IRELAND) COMPANY. EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF THE COMPANY. Noticolsherebv given that an EXTR AOIRDINARY orSPeUIAL GENERALMEETINGoftheProoeRvayrs or StoclkholdersT in this Corn any will ba held. at tho3 C~ziway's Oitikes, BROADNTONE TERMINUS, in the CIty of Dublin, on THURSDAY, the 10th day of October next. 1872. at the hour of One ?? in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? A. M K H 0 N A N D 8 O N. )M~~e pA,(SIeSs0O-140 t PATRICK ~l'K]C)NJ The I.gest v ufncwurerB ol W I ND 0W *BL;I NP W In hiho hgdln lIN 15 t5 AUNGIER aSTREH, DaN~ 15 SHOt-pvARNUiNCEMENTS.5 1TiB1 .G le ?? ' Saver.,L 'ah,'or4 arid Cao 1-IyB~lc& TEIgl Fo1Rcw perseuIng*unch.' 16 hilIE LWOMAN of this day. Offe Da fr~eta 58.54 UTNi~El~ Tobieoeb 'and Cigars i'qery varity by* VflO those who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS. TL-IE SADDLERS AND HARNESS. TL RMAKERS' LOOKROUT. TO TIlt EDITOR OF THE FREEMAN'S JOURNAL Sin-We were quite prepared for Messrs. Lennan's denial of our Statements which appeared in your issue of yesterday j egarding the system of importation car- ried on in the establishment since Mr. Lennan, Jun., became partner in Hl39. Messrs. Leanan charges us that mor statements are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. NORWAY /4rASTS SPARS, POLES, ?? The Subscribers have a Large Assortment of above, suitable for MASTS. LADDERS, krs S FFOLDING, Also for Farm use, in ilcking lav on the new principle. JAMES FITZSIMON AN]) SON, SAW MILSL 15 BRIDGEFOOT.STAEETo AND VXCTORrA-QUAlY, Dublin. I NIB.-The are also prepa^d to suply on the ehortest notiee Rafters. Joista, Seasonea Flooring slates of al ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. NORWAY ASTS BPARS, POLES, &O. Tit Sibrirerihr have a Large Assortmeat of above, suitable foer fATSF LsADDERS, AND SCAFFOLDING; Also tr Farm use, in Rickitg Hay ea the now principle. JAMES FITZS9MTON AND SO-IN, SAW MILLS 15 BRIDGEFOOT.S-MEET. AND VICTORIANQUAY, Dubli . N.B.-They are also prepared to ?? on the shortest notice Rafters, Joists, Seasonel Flooring, glate8 of all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL POSTINGS. COURT OF BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the Matter of H FEE Judges of the Owen Byrne, of Dan- T IL Court of Bankruptcy gan, bumnierbill, in |audInsolvency will itatthe the Connty of Me'ath, leaid Court, Four Courts,. Girocer aud, Shop- IDublin, on TUESDAY. the keeper 8th day of October, 1872, at a BankraPt. | the hour of Eleven ?? o n in the Forenoon, for the ad- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS. . RANDRET.H'S PILL8 ,3 ENIDI1Y vZORTrALI £11D .(-OCENT. W!Bth sbeen longest known has been most con- : dered. and what hts b'n most considered In bet understoood0' t' ae life of the flesh is in the blood.-Lev. xvll, 11. IT Is HURTFUL TO BLEED EVEN IN PLEIU. RISY pIZZINSSS OR OTHER INFLAMIWA.. TORV AFFEOTI)NS. PURGING WITH BRANDRETH'S kILLS IS UERTAIN TO cUiE PLEURISY USUALLY IN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALE 1 WILL OFR81b Y Sv~OTIO , 0, TU8DAY 10th Si81BBE, At ther Sale RODg CORN 1X0114NA DusiI, ' 8>I'S.1WH3ATU54s maia Prtl in future advertiaenre . So Lower Sacvie-street' 1i137 &rd September. 3879. REiNED PETROLEUM. SAMUEL BOYD beg. to inform the Trade 0 that the baquo Or HORNIET. Hras arrived attbds Port from Philadelphia, And is nowv dischar~i~r Oae g consistigA of FIFTY-THlRIC ...