Advertisements & Notices

... HlE NEW PREMhISES, 76,. OXSFOBD-STREET. T iT J. CFarrier, v, this month, RESUME BUSINESS here with OhiOICE and TE:N@I TX BSOl Of FASHION. AB3LE FURS.-Tempoonry PiersIet, 881 OppGSite. r.HU COMMERIA&L PLATE-GLASS CO . having purchased largely for cash previous to advanee thdr wcllrelmain unaltered. A quantitcof SECOND..ANX e SESto. be BOID at a BEAT RE DU OTION 78 and D9 lreetektroet, direotlyo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. TI¶HEATRE. ROYAL, ]DUBLIN. b.. Mr. Harris the honourats announce the eon- agementf for a limited number of nights, of the 81OtaBiaaBRRy SUJLLIVAN, 'The leading tragie actor of the Britlsh stage.- See Times. Mr. Sullivan will be accompanied by the celebrated hIre. Louiea Vlaer, nc. Miis Oleveland; Mr. George Robinson, And the popular actor, Mr. S. 1F. Cathcart. On THIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rthe PALL MALL NiAZETRc ?? ofcbefore Nal ijs e 5pgddbesc to the Qflice n.Advertisetnents da ,oluiwt on the jeio-jo des?. emo of Birte,, M riager;, and Dea/hs ?? the PiALL MAZR~LLGETEaa PALLMALL GAZETTE can be obtained in Jesse IM. JOHN ARTHUR. ro, RUE FIlsfols g who ,ill also receive Adver- THEA TRES. IDgN.-Babi and Bijou. Seven CaVnET WaitiODforthe Underground - (At Half- STRAND'-a.xNot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P-&ASLEY ROAD, IID 010 and Kitchen, ?? T( Lr. t>rURN' 5 'B 8n ; ;X i ?? LII~GgS &o) jl (RolXA,,,vsiE .Ifl SALTS refxA tOO ICDOBO Wo £2s200.Ro lo~i'TA ' *U b sd at Gla sgow I~~pply to to fl he Hll ,,theTa el Th0UOn8e Sit atpllyt ]iriytIfl, StrS g, bit insltd Wit UpSZ PICEisne ?? In e Art ie ?? iff2!rIL N (BU ,-5~Tt S~r~6S -xcrDo * retlc W i f i 'tl~ Sold. eI ?? thad~se 1111ptOf tuuhollsrallt7y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDEPX * acis Xift,Azdve~llfsmelo atoaD ?? ?? SEne; Iob OJ,',°,ttLOb H n10O 0 . tor. II' 0s tott6ttJJO SS I4,gMrIX0WOIII~ SEIonIen PAUL t4 It,, IC EI~O1Tfl 'Al W~~ty' a~tfietff C 'nYntlice CM ~~ILJI ~ ~ ~ Eu1nss4PIf00l'aeSle, gtDPAOZ ?? D a eytn g~~~tll$mil it aitttit~ ;01=o03 SD E Ti fSale. two t . bt 170, 1 WATED. 80. j &v., L In t It8 Las eek' S~A.JL HE~ HT WIN ? ?? agysll l HERALD, coot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HO3CQTELS. ADERYSTWITH. The QUEEN'S HOTEL. Tariff free. JOSEPH SWANGER, Manager. CLIFTON. ST. VINCENT'S ROCKS HOTEL, facing the Suspension-bridge, Elegantly itted up, and in a situation of uivalled beauty. CIRYSTAL PALACE HOTEL, faoing the Crystal Palace, for Famdies and Gentlemen. IMSTBOURNE, The GILDRIDGE, Famil and Commercial Hotel.-H. SUTTON, Proprietor. jRSHWATERt, LAMBERT'S (late ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rhx-ES BY AUCT106 SALE THIS DAY. AUCTION OF FUIZSITURE, &ac, AT1 B1LLYMEINOCH COTTAGE, F _ear erino Station, Holywool and Bangor Railway, On MONDAY , O7 Se&ptember, at Eleven o'clock. flH:E ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE kand EFFECTS, ?? Chiffo- nier, Rosewood and Mahogany Cabinets, Mahogany Sofas, Easy an(d other C-hairs. Book-case, Loo, Breakfast, and other Tables; Carpets and Cnrtains, Fenders ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. 'NO1RWAY MASTS SPARS, POLES, &o. Tbhe ubsoriben have & Large Assortment of above, suitable for MASTS, 'ADDERS, iND SCNAFFOLDIN; Also f.r Fam use, In lking Hay on the 'new principle. JAMES FITZSIMO1X A ND SON, SAW MILL9 N, 15 BBIDGEFOOT'S VIOTORIA-QUAY, Dublin I ; N.B.-They are also prepared to supply on the shortest notice Rafters, Joints, Seasoned Mlooring, lilates of all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I~ ~ ~ - ' 2 , ?? ~AI~ E D G iA N}A IR AIL WA Y;t., ?A .E A J. RALERAILIWAY. RO TE Vi 0 ?? SLE. PB a - ss -. . W H I P C O A S T . , , . .aTIONO Ta A INS,. WES~T OF S wCwAoaD ONDMKNLAD WEST or, SCOTLAN7D TORD 1TD-- 3 1 2 3 2 3' 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 S u ndl os To is l.- Cl l 01. Cl. 12 1 Grenockle9 0 2 2 44 440 820 * 'o w ey ?? a r 5 5 -X 1 M 57 8 .02 . 05 0152 0 5 53 910 G 53 015 Ca ll l .. n l l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g>ic tz ~eirs sfo the PALL MALL GAZErrE to ethe Occ befoe HalfOast Nine =dadn Sfl jt ZiicatObe. Adverttsemtents o.C1, sfonthidaY e a sent on thep revions day. to be dio.zjayed shou b geewents of Births, Marriages, and Deaths ,49n0n. ted in the PALL MALL GAZETTE at a are I'ler Shillings. They may be sent Charge an %vertising Agent, Nerwsagent, or hrek.h o, e 0r,#aerjy aretAienticatied, to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OOR SALE,-A good PONY (has been driven by a lady), Village DOG CART, HEARNESS and SADDLE, &c.-For farther particulars address W., 37, Corn Market-street, Oxford. ?? On view Wednesday next. MOR SALE,-A light DOG CART (by Bligh, 1 Canterbury), nearly new. Price, £30.-Apply to O.N., post Office, Chipping-Norton. TOOR SALE,-A good 110-Gallon COPPER U and small compact BRfEWERlY PLANT; consisting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RICHARD AND JO!TN SLACK, IRONMONGER3 TO HER MAJESTY, 33 STRAIND, OPPOSI2E SOMIERSETVISOUSE. LACK'S SILVER ELECTRO- S PLATE is a coating of pure Silver over SLACK'S NICKEL, a metal amalgamated, on CHEMICAL PaiNIa'PLEs, almostto thepurity and whiteness of Silver, which reuders it, as a basis for Electro Silvering, the best article that can be produced, while the fact of twenty years' wear is ...