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21 September 1872 (5)


Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... TrHE Rev. CJHARLES VOYSEY offlolates EVERY~ ~eamplse, a aqurter1oe Re-served seat entane in or inr=et-~gs ed--'m Ak. Hanbury, M.A., 24, Old-square, B EV JXNDAVIDSN will continue tO`PREAOH a 4EER SUNDAY until further noieI h giultural Na1 .Iellngton. Morning, Il ev nig .30. Colebrooke-row Fol Church will be re-opened on oompletion.0 alterations. 'Tic 5I9JF. MO~NOUBEI)'. CON WAY~-iU dleliver ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 19TIELSO ZATH. GRAND PUMP ROOM HOTEL, in immediate connection with the Mineral Baths, High oisss ecoominodation.forvietora generilly. Good CoffeRoor for Ldos and Gentlemen, j __ailwaye and Carriogre to WelIB Cathledral, tho cheoddar CUiffa, and other Laes oS interst, _ 96ZK3TIL, I)ORKING, by 8. E. R.-STAR and GARTER HOTEL. For Familiefi a ?? tlemen.rorotopltr, W. DITnO, Wine Merchant, 15, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~LK nd MKEA SEVN PR CENT. FIRST J24 ORTAGEBONS-NTIC ISHEREBY GIVEN, tha th C~IPNS ue n te et ctoernext will be PAID cn. andafer ?? OtoerattheCosoldaedBank, 52 Thread- needesteet Th Coponsmus belef thee lear days for exa- TRSUANT to a decree, of the High Court of Chancery accede in a6 oause BARR and another againust WILLIS, the OVEDITORS of ROBERT WMlLIS, latesof 48 Hunter-sitreat, llomenbury, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~W~ cOINQ O~lNB OF RR, PRICE, & Co. Way be obtained of all Drapers ana Haberduabere throughout tihe Kingdom. ftrLk-IONDON: 14, Bow-lane, E. MANCHESTER: 42, Mooley-street. PARIS: 72, Rue de Rambuteaui BoulevaraI -PA9ISgy: ?? and Oakebaw MillB. Rhbitlors of Spooling MaoMne at Internatlnal Exhhton, 8ndMalcersof H ems NE PLUS ULTR& COTTON, the. ?? Cotton for Ladesl' us ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G EN E RAt NURSING INSTITUTE, 6. Henrietta.stseet, Covent-garden. W.C. SIIFl5CAT, DThoer-on-ALFIt'ED EBSWOOBTi{, P1.0.5.S Resident skilld medical, surgical, and inonthiyrnurses are snp- p led a~t au *-foment's notice from this Institute; aiso fover nurses, male r ttendtanes, and wet nursen. Applicitieus to be addressed to the Searetary or Lady Superin - ENEBAL FUNERAL COMPANY. Theo NECROPOLIS ...