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... The Greek inhabitants of Marseilles are about to found in that city a weekly journal, to be published iln their own language. lIdIlc. Xosa Bonlheur Las been for sone days past ii. I ungary, and is now at the ohateau of Baron 5ilru. o, tile 3rd of Decenober fifteen scholarships in ?? College will be assigned by competition to ?? of clergvllmeu between the naies of 10 and 15. Thie Scotsmut says ...


... ARTISTIC AND LITE Xi RY. The title Of Mr 'T'eoinysou's new IdYll will be Gareth and Lynette. A fairy cnnedy, hy Mr W. S. Gilbert, will be pro- duced at the Ilayniark,*t t rly ii. Decemn;er. A new novel by the author of Patty, called Mariani'H Marrioge, i in the rilrepr The writer ot Gin.ix's Baby, is vngaged on a nsew story. It is ruwiourt-0 that 01tig Grange, a poem of some nmerit ...


... Good TWords lor the3 Youn. ( . _ fi~ th Ewng. (London Strahan and Co., d6, Ludgate ?? Gieorge I Macdonlald, who conducts this periodical with gr^eatvigour, furnishes as Lttractiveauc tertain-| en.t for the youngsters as ever. . The Deserted Ship sails on to port with a fair wind, and the wanderings of ' The Travcling M nIrgeriC are not vet ended. MI. De Liefdo dctails the carcer of Cornelis ...


... ! Ernest Renan has a now work in the press, the subject of which is The Apocalypse. bir Murray's announcements include Personal Wioiiograph , by Lord loughton, and a History of the -Royail Artillery, by Captain Francis Duncan. Dr Darent, one of the principal writers on the Times, received 1,000 fromn Messrs Chapman and Hell for his last novel, Three to One. A reprint of Lord ...


... Nautical Moagazne.-(London: Mlessrs Simp- kin, Alarshall, and (lo.)-The October issue of this periodical contains the usual articles npon nautical alairs. Besides the technical intor- mnation, however, there id an interesting paper in continuation of others upon the British Constitution and Government, in which the way the laws of England are made and ad- ministered is described. The ...


... Golden liouirs.-(London: W. Mackintosh, h 24, Paternoster How.)-If titled authors are an attraction, * Ermengilda, afor chapters of which appear in the October issue of this peri- odical, should be a popular tale, since it is written oy the Countess di Tergolina. Mary Powell continues ?? Ups and Downs of a Painter's Life, Mrs H. B. Paul, Trevor Court, and Mr Furlong, As Silver Tried. ...


... TUE IN'TER NATIONAL EXHIBITION. [FeOM OUR LONDONt CORUESOSPDENrT.] SCULPTURE. One of the most interesting divisions of the Exhibi- tion to the art student, is unquestionably that con- tiuning specimens of British and foreign scudpturo. Yroui a public point of view, however, this depart. ment contrasts unfavourably with tl.o other sections, as regards patronage, the extensive galleries contain- ...


... ARTI.STIC AND LITERARY. The sublject of Rosa Boulheur's hlst pailtilng is a combat betwveeii a tiger ?? at Ii) ena. Dir It. NVi. Emerson Nviil probably mijake a trip to Europe wvhilo hiS bouse is rebuilding. Mlessrs i3elland Daily proinian a new work called Twilight and Dawn, by the author of the Four IwIesaengers. It is ?? that thlro ewill be an election of a new Associate of the iwyal ...