Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF HORAOE GREE3LEY. NEW Yolix, November 29.-Mr, Iorace Greeley died at seven this evening. NEW Yonx, November 29, Evenins. - The cause of Mr. Horace Grecley's death, was inflamzmuaion of the brain. The Tribune says that his chief aim was to leave the world better than be found ?? Herald says that be was the victim of political ambition.- The Times thinks that the loss suffered by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. SONS. AGAR, wife of Mr. W. T., Jun., Barrister-at-Law, at kowis.square, Kensington Park, Dec. 2. ALLIx, Mrs. C. P., at Swaffham House, Cambridge, Dec. i. BRANDON, Mrs. H., at West-hill, Putney-heath, Dec. 2. BULL, wife of Rev. H. D. E., at Borley Rectory, Essex, Dec. a. CLAY, Mrs. C. J., at Stapenhill House, Burton-on- Trent, Dec. 2. CL'NNINGHAM, Mrs. J. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. GALVAN. Our obituiry notlels contained a day or two since the announcemnent of the death of John Galvan, iLB., ?? T.C.D, in his 57th year. In every circle in which rare ability, trae era- Cz ditlon, and uncommon excellence are honoared ; the sad news will be heard with profound regret. nn Mr. Galvan was born in Fermoy in June, 1815. ta He was educated by Mr. Edward Holland of t, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - 'NOTCE. Frrom this dato 2nad Deeember* 1872). ,DV=RTISZANTS from CLERKS. GOVERNESSES, and JOME8TIC SERVANTS of allkinds WANTING SITUATIONS, DI 5WLOYRS requiring the SERVICES of suoh PERSONS.- 4L1ueae wil be Ono ShilUng; 3 Insertionse 2s. 6d, APARTNMENTS and PRIVATE PROPERTY to be LET, pLD or WANTED.-4 Lines, 2s. 6d-; 3 Insertions, 6s. Wod 4 Lines, Ninepence per Line. ,, Tleseo ?? aversgo ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Soisa.-!Nov. 23rd, at 28, Woburn-square, the wife~ of Dr. ?? Rieu.-Nov. 22nd, at St. Peter's-road, Croydon, the wife of P. G. Guimaraens.-Nov. 20th, at Chilton vicarage, Thame, the wife of the Bev. 3. Bradford.- Nov. 22nd, at 1, Salem-place, Dublin, the wife of W. Watson, Jun., Esq. DAuiTEiOts.-Nov. 22nd, at Rensington-park-gardefs, the wife of J. fialliday, Es .-Nov. 21st, at Saltburn, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ered At Clifford Street, Paisley Roa;, on the 3d inst., The the wife of WILLIAM K}aB; a son. wei At 390 St Vincent Street, on the 3d icat, &Sn. .Iln- JOSEPH HENDEwtso; a daughter, In At 9 Kirk Street, on the 3d inst., Mrs WiLLitAM 'nts, SMITH; a daughter. )WIL At 2 Linden Terrace, Pollokshields, on 3dinst., lake Mrs JOHN WOODROW; a daughter. itrai At 14 Willowbank Crescent, on the 3d iinst., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... la- - -la WEIDNESDAY, December 4, 1872. ¢d BIRTHS. At 55, Dee Street, on the 2d inst., Mrs MiLr E, of a son At i, Union Row, on ythe 30tl; ult., tho Wifo of ROBERT HENDERSON, Merc¢hant of a daughter. : At Baiquhiudochy, M'cthlig, on tho 2th inst., the Wife of AL. :BIIEO~N3Elt jun. ,of aesorn At 1, Grat ing.Stret, dinurgh onthe 27th nilt., the wife of Professor CRAWF'ORD, D .D., of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BTHS, DEATHS, AND OIARRLbl, Not-ices of Births, M~arrisgeso, and Denti3eln t Lmas cases be authenticated by the slgna re of the sender They. cannot otherwilse he inserted. Olharges for annouancemenlt of Mfarriages, 2s, 5d., 0, Birthts anid Deaths. IsF Sd.; and, to insutre insertion, thte amounti must in all casses be prepaid. BIRTHfS. Kioran-Dec. 6, at 145 Jfmes s-street, the wvife .f Jp, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 84 Oswald Street, on the 5th inst., the wife of GEo. DONAID; a son. At 177 Renfrew street, on. the 5th inst, Mrs 9 FHAXIS WALROND; a D.OI1. r At 31 Robertson Street, on the 5th inst., Mrs JOIRN CRAIa; a daughter. At Gleniffer View Govan, on the 6th inst., Mrg WM. GILCHrIST; a daughter. At 6 Regent Park Terrace, Strathbungo, on the 5th inSt., Mrs ROBERT DAVflI; a daughter. At Gladstone Park, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ZARRIAGES. Nov. 27, at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, Captain, Sir H. C. Polly, Bart., to the Hon. Lilian Charteris, second ted daughter of Lord Eleho, and granddaughter of the Earl Dn, of Wemyss. DEATHS. he Nov. 28, at Scarborough, aged 70, William Blanshard 'ed Esq, late Judge of Coumty Courts for Nortluimberland ge, Nv. 29, aged 81, Dorothy, daughter of Sir Jas. Tylney Long, Bart., deeply ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -flrHW1CB.-Nevember 2S. at Ladbrohe-square, the wife e, Berthv ick, Esq., of a daughter. ?? 28, at Wylam, Northumberland, the wife *f E_ 1., Bryant, of a Don. CNoD.-Nhvember 29, at Leieete-square, the wife of J. Child, of a daughter. LEUGGI-Novemnber 28, at Parkside, Dunham NOBODY, Chelre, whe wife of B. W- Clegg, Eq., f a son. YWE8,-NOVember 27, at South Berated, Bognor, the wife of D. f C. S ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRT HS, MARRIA GES, AND DL' HIS, 131 RT HS. SONS. ALLEN, Mrs. J. B. at Eastbourne, Nov. 26 (prematurely, child survived its birth only a few hours). AN DRus, wife of Captain, sot West York Militia, at Scadbury, Soutlifleet, Nov. 28 (twins-son and a daughter). AlCOLEE, Mrs. W., at Woodcote, Docking, Nov. 25. BROWN, wife of Mr. ER.. M.D., of Brighton, at Ryde, I.W., Nov. 29. COURAGE, Mrs. E., ...