Advertisements & Notices

... ABBAWILam 5~antd.a goo Werknuaa Mkj1 an A 4-~gy naannez n *-0a5 NeZ~ale, 118. Grabam 5XE 4-1114SM an Sn.W0V5boifr- 9d He =not ?? 8 oznp eek IFLgpAWEB Wanted, 611IXWHad t sa0 W drw lne Baw nd Cppa4tre:mAlea orI ?? ot Hamptn ?? lkea-atd rstls ok AN1 meD. Mn Bud bb2V Boys, amedM Gra TomsW BratheaClemhn Guenintlook Fodrger; slatin alollt ..Wfal WOERI% WErkman. eri atnt eesitnao okat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTRICITYIS LIFE.' PULVERMACIHE WS IMPROVED PATENT GALVAN10 CIIAINCBANDSJ BELTS: Am BATTERIES, &o. have rneethsifpooigrtoaieerfestl olliecious and esvietysl~ploil namild. continuous form, sqithoret sn ooks or, unpleasant senuse. thinooxild 11j1tof gosetints have bsen by its means re- st dt) osII IIstrength. Reliabe evidence in juie!of, the unparalleled efiliosoyof these appliancesI BHEET ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAMUBII L 3ROTlZRS, 50, LUDGATE-HILLLondoul. tgl Go IDERABLEADV NCB in PRICB of R FAlIRUCS for the coming season has been aistiolpated by SAMUEL BROTHIERS' extensive ready-monev purohases in the great oentres of manufacture; honce thevbaveoie satisfastion of rnnounolng tht thore vwill be NO ADVANOB in the TARIFF (I to their patrons. which je ?? REPRESENTING NINE '9N)1SQ1J.AI TIE8 FRY CLASS of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILLIAM -S. BURTON, 4t~*'~GENERAL FURNITSHIING 1RONMONGER, ,ii~~s % ~BY APPOINTMENT TO H.R.H. THE PRINCE OP WALES, SENDS A CATALOGUE GRATIS AND POST PAID. It contains upwards of 850 Illustrations of his unrivalled Stoclk, WITH LISTS OF PRICES, AND PLANS OF THE 30 LARGE SHOW ROOM~S At 39 Oxfo-rd Street, 1, la, 2, 3, and 4 Newman Street, 4, 5, and 6 Perry's Place; and 1 Newman Yard, London, W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oeo 61111rch Toi.&.G fLASGoW YOUNG MEN'S ChRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. _ CITY HALL LROTUBES. .Th rav Drn. M'AUSLAXF .London, TllI8 EV1ENING - Stbt 16Tn D8 IttB1he. ?? t t 0re,,Oa ?? 1tnolimex, from 'Dar it0 BA1LUX MILLAn rreddesa. Tieketo.6deaeb A 1I M ISS I O X OByTHU BEtGLISla PBE9iBYTEBt1AN CHURCH. gblXNU C b eheldftST.MATTREIr; F 513j URCH, on TUESDAY EVENING th 1flTH, at ie4* VA El SI6VES~oN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pIA PAG IlAFE f.T_ . MnTS A CONvd6LR10j;qe`c Tir ?? but mioe.suothers knuw'th* ?? oryonft the ' ?? gmeW. :sd Itue, Iti~eery hiafino toltlie or mom n noreot djonct tbtni 3e golled to ,;bke itV. kmo iellevee thie slfl'&i4p t ?? Pierteze ol boi 1i CeilUla ?? the ettrth ?? i. i tellonie Wltoitt te im s doid bp s1it ohemlat: alto. emos Ot!$O A BAU'TI:vUL 0NP)l=ifUti ii,-NA0AN'8 E NOIkA BALX given ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? T ?? TSO LADEEN WHOSE SEWING COTTON DO YOV USE8 ,.AMP$1ELL & ALEXANDER'S, O 1Course. Theltr X C O R D of is the heel for Al D1mM US ; BOtuYing jfron the Drapers ploase see that you get t atIA Pic Xhepidouly U11 GBNTRAL.DRAPERY WARBHOUSE. em F ?? F1 135 ANi 137 ABQYLL S1TREET. .VIT IE oATTN 1'0 TEEi'bR~tOK OF. tthe rLSANNAILSl~ttmwer;Fiouis; all XMke ?? tb * CARrIIT&DIQIES ldA~tSTORAL1UltS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLALCK; SILK JACKOET VELVETS. ..OU BILK5 \ ?? &~½ BELL isAD1 A Mr'E'S MATHIE & BELL, 12 AND 16 JA AI - ?? t - o tied!b., BI DDEIm o N8TE B, farge stoom of V ary Su1Perior and o Unually Cheap BLAOC tNION troin 1t. 7d. Vial Bioh Quguti- a at I& 9 and 6& 6d. & Yard; COLOVR'BSITED ?? 58 and8, D, Vn f - . IaId R. a DrMaS JACKET VELVETS. approved Makm from - li. ._ to . FAM1ILT AND COMPLIMENTARY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :EW ETORYM Thn Wee1c1~j k4 4 i of Saturday the 14th -Decenmber will contain the Opening Chaptora of TIlE SHINING WAIF; OPJ1ThaANNALS oF WADDUm TkOnPE: an Exciting Story of English Coast Life, by an Accompliahed Writer. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ftiet to &zbbea7Zsz. -Adr~tismevmts for LAe PALL MALL GAZETTE should be sent to the Ojffce before Half-,ast Nine o'clock onmsthe day offitblioation. Advertis-e1ents bo be displayed should be sent on the ?? dayO. Announceternts of Births, Marriages, and Death,; are inserted in the PALL MALL GAZETTE at a charge of Five ShilZlins. They may be sent throug/h an advertising Agent, Newsagent, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORErGN AND COLONIAL FGOVERNMENT TRUST. (FIFTH ISSUE.) Bearing 5 per Cent. Interest, to be issued at 88; thus paying about Ls 13S. 6d. per cent. TRUSTEES. The Right Hon. Lord Westbury. Lord Eustace Cecil, M.P. George Wodehouse Currie, Esq. G. M. W. Sandford, Esq. Philip Rose, Esq. Within less than a year from the fourth issue of this Trust, the trustees have been induced, at the solicitation of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C RYSTAL PALACE ROYAL HOTEL, (a Facing the Crystal Palace and close to the Railwfay Stations, from which all pacts of London can be easily reached- A Ladies' Coffee Room. '1arilt sent on application. IN OBDINAIRE, pure and sound, V 1S. per dozen, bottles included and carriage free.- JOHN RICHARD WACE and CO., Wine Importers, &c., 45 and 46, BAXER-STREET, PORT. O1AN-SQ1ARF. HTEDGES AND BUTLER, ...