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Advertisements & Notices

... Oeo 61111rch Toi.&.G fLASGoW YOUNG MEN'S ChRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. _ CITY HALL LROTUBES. .Th rav Drn. M'AUSLAXF .London, TllI8 EV1ENING - Stbt 16Tn D8 IttB1he. ?? t t 0re,,Oa ?? 1tnolimex, from 'Dar it0 BA1LUX MILLAn rreddesa. Tieketo.6deaeb A 1I M ISS I O X OByTHU BEtGLISla PBE9iBYTEBt1AN CHURCH. gblXNU C b eheldftST.MATTREIr; F 513j URCH, on TUESDAY EVENING th 1flTH, at ie4* VA El SI6VES~oN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pIA PAG IlAFE f.T_ . MnTS A CONvd6LR10j;qe`c Tir ?? but mioe.suothers knuw'th* ?? oryonft the ' ?? gmeW. :sd Itue, Iti~eery hiafino toltlie or mom n noreot djonct tbtni 3e golled to ,;bke itV. kmo iellevee thie slfl'&i4p t ?? Pierteze ol boi 1i CeilUla ?? the ettrth ?? i. i tellonie Wltoitt te im s doid bp s1it ohemlat: alto. emos Ot!$O A BAU'TI:vUL 0NP)l=ifUti ii,-NA0AN'8 E NOIkA BALX given ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? T ?? TSO LADEEN WHOSE SEWING COTTON DO YOV USE8 ,.AMP$1ELL & ALEXANDER'S, O 1Course. Theltr X C O R D of is the heel for Al D1mM US ; BOtuYing jfron the Drapers ploase see that you get t atIA Pic Xhepidouly U11 GBNTRAL.DRAPERY WARBHOUSE. em F ?? F1 135 ANi 137 ABQYLL S1TREET. .VIT IE oATTN 1'0 TEEi'bR~tOK OF. tthe rLSANNAILSl~ttmwer;Fiouis; all XMke ?? tb * CARrIIT&DIQIES ldA~tSTORAL1UltS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLALCK; SILK JACKOET VELVETS. ..OU BILK5 \ ?? &~½ BELL isAD1 A Mr'E'S MATHIE & BELL, 12 AND 16 JA AI - ?? t - o tied!b., BI DDEIm o N8TE B, farge stoom of V ary Su1Perior and o Unually Cheap BLAOC tNION troin 1t. 7d. Vial Bioh Quguti- a at I& 9 and 6& 6d. & Yard; COLOVR'BSITED ?? 58 and8, D, Vn f - . IaId R. a DrMaS JACKET VELVETS. approved Makm from - li. ._ to . FAM1ILT AND COMPLIMENTARY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :EW ETORYM Thn Wee1c1~j k4 4 i of Saturday the 14th -Decenmber will contain the Opening Chaptora of TIlE SHINING WAIF; OPJ1ThaANNALS oF WADDUm TkOnPE: an Exciting Story of English Coast Life, by an Accompliahed Writer. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .0 V a AOdAiJRANT b SaNEiT - ePOV1,,YoE¶tbiiL N .N ?? vA-July,1872DO, ecie t;£ori 1;xed.eot nflv ?? ?? g Otisbe I clce, molitho notitce. perc cent, per Pacet 3t6 Moutba Notioe, D per CenAt. Per Rc~liosysib at iU 4gsoo ir AKO ?? at 3 Months Notice,3 Lpr Cent. per * liou' -Board o DOF DA LIITD) j,0jjFIT tORR CAUPByEIA, Chairmana., Ru IV.I S.TREEILTE,., A LONDONgg I. P. RSN, C.S.T. ?? a Eo.t' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D0NI~jno~espromptlyRopillam'daW A tic ~~eHN~8Rxt:T, GLAB001y ot AgnS. ?? jNJIIY NCCIEN D J1.A? vA0 Y ?? TRAVELLERS oiQfluc, 119 SnT. VOSGENTr Sr.. O1O5f AlRlS JLI, & CLARK. fl09n ETAILT ~tTANCE SOCIT-Y O F ant' 89 Rin~g William Straeet, D Ett l ols~O o ilter ?? , CXi I,3 ilia St 111sgow 1 lsG H ~Z LIFE ASSURANCE It I-; E; OFFICB.. 1.FousI)ED 18233 A TE plE ~ SPISCIAL BONUS SYSTEM. 3A tin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D'HB{ Wee7kly Ztp deti Sagt';'Sme -I ,the -}4iL D~gemrn~rF . wri .;ntiiln the Opening q..hapttere -oi' THE t SO INII4-WAtPt oWAPAwNT 1 OF WADDU( Tu rn:ean EXCiing E Story of English oast .Life, by au I Accomplished Writer. t _ - _ . ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PABtAGRAPE AD VEELOLWL5L5ES ; it. WLAcv , 8nlurpeoti-Dentist,:extracot Toeth w1thOlt5 ia n. at 22 Dnidla St., lot Door &bov6 N.B. Raivway Station. POX'S PALABI tofCtsda`dbASTOR OILS, . whioh wre specially recommended, for those who cannot take i or retain the ordinary kinds, by Dr. Powell Brompton QOn- ecumptlon Hospital; Dr. ThorowgondVctotl4 Park CO=ZYST tion Hiospital, London: Dr. Cryan, S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in = NT~ it _ ?? ?? ttiSi' . : ?? G vESSY i F O, T. ER('S, ROAD.. ?? £( ?? ' i' t 11 , ?? ?? ?? ., . . -it*~sS;|MBIFOR GHRIS.TM4LS F.IFTHS An ApprZlianIG[Ice r SdJF6Lt*O es t4CNL FLToNIWL IMPt ?? I8E r FA JXN CROVI Au Pxd ec d x! P.> A--, i 1 '!IB Lnf'Sw;.wsSN h3osto aiNiVORY. Mo. B; . tup Hd%-UingdSib 1.;UV4 Z1isa ; AIL Applications W be , ado~t ' i dI Ai-t, M ret Ha~itLbr> I 1'2 4 ?? ?? .6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS. HREAKFA5T-EPPa'S COOOA.-Gra~teafu and Confortfug, CHiLDiRENTEETISING.-At no period of young life is more' anxiety and trouble given 1o mothers and numses lbau wben children are cutting their ,teeth. The pain can he lmn*- _ dlatchi relieved by appiyin.l to Ihe rsums Mrs. inhocowu American Soothing. Syrup, w hich bag setrood the Stt of Dearly halfa cetury It s inocet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o iig it, f 'Sg1.3VI4S LITR,, Os.I - ' .. ' ~ ?? NYII i A, & HL1$' N . 1c. - 3cio~l, ?? I 1A wntT~ O n . EI rorrecV t 6B-OI 1..MrUL ,.nW~hIel?.NIMO. 1- FmNGAIL', ?? 00.olG 11 .~ AULIpDfWlUP .° !QW -MI~M 8An.WAI8O~ i~~ , ?? ?? ;uselg ' Y ON o ., *d .Lbs . ?? Xrc Pee }r {Sh~iillop. I , , 1E FmS ITWE'OES8 alt THER OEOS.; i3 BII JIlIS - s'L&R1K4 As~ of From T'een~J PaLaeo; The Owry wil ' ot ...