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... and his ecoonder, Mr. Aadenon, the Liberal yarty will not be true on the question for some time to come. Some of the older Whigs bold strong views on the expediency retaining small poehet boroughs, in order that eminent men, when rejected by the larger ...


... sasubb. the boy of years eidaabmily belt peesedeme of an who walk& A widow sad ma be deep mamba weselmnied eat el the i mom, Whig quite aimed af a be of a assrquh and ; were only a ocastry isademma hem Dreemelbe be boats to catch an sw :am also, a an der ...

WOOLLENS. Iccill'icr

... introducing a Rep but immediately after the hon, gentleman The Royal Sailors’ Home.—The directors office, be “ dished the Whigs” bringin, thankfully acknowledge from Mra, Kemble, of Londen, household suffrage. Now he ( we Cole) | through the kind offices ...


... employed. Mr. Midi s In usingthelJ lid the evening, contended that, physioally, beam and cattle were to a great extent alike, Whig dependent for health on good food, mud* in and proper shelter. AmOOff dm mess if pie. venting di.eise, he rpesitied metal avoldsses ...


... LONDON CORRESPONDENCE. ■or-poUtioil ch!»r*ot«r of th« baoqaa*, il w*« Mr. William Jack, of the Qlatjvw Htrald—* Whig paper —who responded to the toast, mud not the editor the new daily Cooserratire paper, which h*« been started that city, with the ohjeot ...

. Wis? camel Our Special Correspo ondent. trial bas given rise te a considerable VAY. | of opinion, and it

... why Protestants step forward to aid a priest in defy Superiors and the authority of the Church to wh belongs. The Northern Whig, which never was a Catholic paper, truly remarks that this is not a Pre at all, that it is one exclusively affecting Catholics ...

THE Ww | EST BRITON From Our Special Correspondent. The fond, the cherished hopes of the Tories hav Liasted. The

... any candidate for Parliamentary honours at thi election, aud if uot ‘satisfactorily answered, thro’ rather everboard, be he Whig or Tory. We have heard a dozen deal lately about grievances, such as the non-rat rately woods and plantations, mines, , and ...


... ot this was es Tuselay The sitssioseb the Hall ts the Olshemsts sedval wam may mall. sod duos the at Lde tor perjury, Ism a =Whig timaisslies Is the is the sad ts Mr. Ins* eold : limy d Inpoillne wbleb the yriessalles press& pea week a most eaanne et Is ...

THE WEST BRITON om From Our Special Correspondent. There is now something like a reliable authority for s' that ..

... of an order which ought prizes, and this year they have been accorded. A a large spondent suggests that seeing how popular Whig at otland breeders are, irrespective of politics, if they send for the dule D oxen, why should not Mr. Gladstone encoura Cabinet ...


... aud thas be was wear lathe astrages al theeight. and s, perlabed at Id ernes' mid esiedweles. The Wow arrid the Immese was Whig Mil. bat was mud the Ms am's Weir being sufficiently WM whs. Wray for himself, was of Ike /Mt ImmeVeie tlaillilessi Mai a._----- ...


... has been so apparent during the los years has occurred. I believe that it is a prosper which we are not indebted either to Whigs or to has been occasioned in a considerable degree under dence by fortuitous, though felicitous, circumstance: I am perfectiy ...