... 'eThe three most desirable things to possess are a sound ,edigestion, a balance at the banker's, and tast. All Ministers, Whig; Radical, .or Conservatiyb, lie a ie Majority, a Surplus, and No House. I n The three best letters in the alphabet are L ...


... legitimate dimensions. These are not, even in the present phase of the question, of the narrow and pinched order that many besides Whigs and Church- men are apt to believe. The union of, the Secularists and the Nonconformists, which must have been forcibly im- ...


... Dilke's proposal for a revision of the Civil List-of the discussions in and out of Parliament as to the Prince's annuity. The Whig Government proposed ,0,0001. a year. The Tories thought 30,0001. enough, if not too much. In January, 1840: In the debates ...