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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE ILATE S. A GRAV ES, ALP. SAMUEtL . RoBewr GRAvEs, M.P., whose sudden death was reported in our columns last week, was of Irish birth and extraction, having been the son of Mr. W. Graves, of New Ross, county Wexford, and himself born in the county of Kil- kenny in the year iSiS. He was educated in a private school at New Ross, anad, entering very early upon mercantile pursuits, eventually ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, ASSIX-October 12, at Vernon-housO, Bolton-le-MoOrs, the wife of the Rev. B. Casein, M.A., of a eon. DlCKMSON.-Otober 13, at Hurst-dale, Altrincham, Cheshire, the wnteofu1.1. Leifl8oO, offlao. tLoB IfY.-Oetober 13, at Ukeldleld, Sussex, the wife of tho Rev. H. Hopley, of a daughter. RAURML,-Oetober 12, at Gloucester-crtsent, Hegtent'-parl4 the wife of W. R. Kahrol, ?Aq., of a eon. XIa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. BALTHAfAAR: - August 20; at Baatxow-btil-plaee, Hegent's- flk, the wife of 0. Balthasar, Faq., of a son. BILAR.-Ausuut 19, at the Trcssarlh Hotel, the wife of A. Bldr, of a won. BUTDT. -,Auust 19. at Cambridge-rood, Kilburn, the wife of C. B. Butt, of a daoghter. CASTLE.-August 19, at Emrsworth, Honts, the nife of W. H. B. Ca tle, of a son. ?? 19. at flrehado-honus, Ravensourt-pnrk, W. ...


... tober 20, the wife of G. M. B. Arnold, Esq., M.A., F.R.Hl;S of Essex-corrt, Temple. of a Son. BROWNE.-Oatobsr 10th, at Farnborough (Warwickshire), the wife of the lbov. Mamraduko i. Browne of a son. (ARPENTE R.-October 20, at Park-cottage, Lower Norwood, the wife of B Carpenter, Colonial Bank, of a son. 'OSS.--0ctober 19, at iMordeld, Bolton-le-Moorn, the wife of J. P. crone. Eas., of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OF P (W. RUT S ' ' ?? DM'. 20. It is the custom here to make invitation cards about as large as a sheet of the Daiky Ymw, aid the consequence is that no pocket not specianly construoted,. will admit them. Tis, causes, of course, an ?? state of affairs. Gwentle- men, who woe d otherwise be happy m the pos session of a great social privilege, walk ?? with square yards of pasteboard in their ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRtTHS, AIBV~lSOl-ScPtemher 6, at Finberouth-r04, West Iromp- ton h ieet t ?? d tuhter. fo t ,WBheEwf Sep tem~be~r 4, at i'olaaee-eod, Surbiton, the sytie of W. B teebee, of a daughter. th SWXA.-~SeftembcrA len-t4t ?? h ?? of W ?? i., of aadughe the C5NINGHAM.- 5e1tesber 6 at T. at Mal-l Tooqoap, the til3e of C C. Cen-gh Hemp- DWARDS.-Septeom r 5, at TheAvenue, eteadu. Am Fame Lyon Edwardsof ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTAS;i W 3EDEN-Sh l. D * mb * 19 at Blaekbeatb, the wife' u Cao teis N . Bow den- Sbnit4, Iloy Nay, of a dauhter. :1lA'.-Deoembar 20, at Tooting, the wif o of R. i. ray, Faq., 21, at Chester, the wife of Captan Chauncey, of a 3nona . l; obactowf o > ?? 2, at re~nlill Rociedae, theowfe oflH.:L.O C ipp3, Esq., 18th Reg~ment, of a Slaoghter. ?? 22, at Giroavcoer road, ?? Now-park, thewifo~f E.W ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BiI'171S. U3EOVE9.-Februery 12, the wife of -Georgo Groves, of XIddlc- ham, Yoris, of a son. MLL.-February 1t, at Fairight-villa, Kidbrook-park-road, Blackheath, the wife of H. I ill, Esq., of a daughter. Z31RNINGCHAML-Febroery 11, at Kensington, tho wife of A. P. Jerningham, Esq., of a daughter. JfOB.-Febrntry12, at AW don-house, Waterloo, nearLiverpool, the wife of Thomas R. Job, of a son. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ALLAN.-April, 1D att Lydii ar, Vokhar, the WHfO oa 3. A. AllaDuo ofstre daetulnutfrr the wile of G. F Alleard iasn MOO,.-April 13, ,at, Buamld,4111s, Bet-pak, the ife of, O ?? of a daughter 0 ?? 16, ?? e, rayswceter * (AhLTOWN.-Apxil. 12, at. -MM~a=%ea ~eea iE. (Charltoe, M.D. faen Alemo ?? S. Dagic StiyOll~ aict pcI21, at. Selithorpe thh~e~t wife o ofl.H. Poreha o .N. aofn. d OOWIG.ADA ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iTIS. Liverool, the ife ASCFIERSOn.-JuoICO1, at Aigbilrth.Xoad~ I.V5OI ~Owf of E. Aseherson, Of a3 11 ;ettage, Lighton Buzzard, the vnle ofF BJso 1, at et the wife of Major- wiO of F~. ]laeOtt~, De, .otrotmn -squaxe, I I n BeatalC Af'urne Taxeant, Andover, tho wife of T. -Jn l oke, 1Es. of a sel, Moltimer-rocid, Hilburn, Mrs. yftifqLA ?? , arbte NWariwick-squaOr, S.W., Lady Iarnofa dlaughter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... on- BIRTHS. > NlSi~ltW3.-At ltjDarjeelifng. Bung, on the 2tth JlTy, the wifo of M -jor Wn;il iao Otborno Bllrnard, N0th Regieinat, of a fltt ?? °Gth, at iforelon, North Curry, Somerset- rinit linth anut Or 3tnnjon l ineot, of na son. Viti'* , Attgnntnt 77, oct (irnonld Paruodo, Eeuttbomano, tbo w~ife of F ?? ('nerO, ICS tinsnrtsi s-neold. N.W., oS0 ansn. CIIrrtit .I..-A'nlnn' 1ff. not ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? 9aWodalleU, Pinner, the Vife of W. Barber, Rsq., of ltneoolelr-inn, of a son. au DICOATT-Se teber 19, at GxOsvenor villas, Brixtonb-iUl, thc wife of T. P. sdioott, of a won. ?? 17, at North-lodge, Kilburn, the wife of B. p. Deaeon, Esq. of a eon. 0oitDYCE -SePte05btr 18, at Brucklay-eastle, the wife of W. D. FoedycO, Req., 3r.P., of a son. GS-EN.-&eptember 17, at London, the wife of Captain ...