Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC N~OTICES. ?? FULLER'S REEF GOLD MINIVG COMPANY _L (LI.MITED). Situate on the Dleiislon Goldfiold of New South Wales. Registered unuder the Cosnhanies Acta, 186 2 and 1887, whcreby the liability of the shareholder is limited to this amount of his shares. Capital £1.50,000.. in 15,00,1 ?? of £1. each, 8.000 only of which are now offereu.-for subscriptkon, the ?? 7 00M shares being taken ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. HE SOLIHULL GAS CONPANY (LIMITED). T . Solihull, Augs 1,173. XoTrIcE rS 17BR1BY GI/IES, tbat a GEYNERA 3MEETING of the Shareholdenq of the SOLIIfUDLL GAS COMPANY IMITED) will h_ held at the Town Hall, Solihull, on FRIDAY, the 22no day of August instant. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. 3By order o the Dlrec'ore. - EDWARD ORFORD SMITH, Secretary. TBAD:EBMEN'S ADDRESSES. CLEANING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (iABRtELI, Demtie l'B4,, DI~e~ieetii.F G A Tooth.U., Seta ftt 2 gUiDes; Stepping. 2L 64. llyet29 J. O Mer ant Clother H . t e quo. th ~~lFmIand the Qe it5 Enrol*, Arum', Navy, an ?? 114 to 120. Rsgent- atreet, and 92,ortltnlh a'.at0 I llddBtroeb, Liverpool. 10, K ?? ~ 9Now-ar~eat Birrioailbova. OR AUGUST ANTD BEPEMBER.- F E. J. NWO-LL' Touriet, Travellinit, and OrnlalRi sUMIarloentldmem ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TM1 DAI. !lhlj De3 (9swias, Seth iufatnot at Twelv docloek at the 1roked Ofilee ?? Omber, Tithebernatrot., O0 N j1jwsaoleoo k ea *ekat1.p8ar ?? ly ?? W. 0. Wtte d o.,mrobiit8 or to %t;b 3> , IOGER A OALPRR,. BraOk Og Am001T op s W2Hoil IT MAT 00110-h1 r th BAroled Mae. rtt ofr ah~qaOG i881 I;, Brokere. llONDAY. o' Dav aOWexS, Wx the l Seitembo, at El1even 0o'd14k, ID the renenroa1 Waeroome, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVER~TISERS. CURT of . WP~ IAWD AIIVRAtTSL(!NS ?? three lirea to length) referringt lutei OsS oo Porsons Wanted Poet ob ol reAatnnE and aun and'of he mro1 DAILY WEERTIN sOISHLI . Advertleometsof-this is ta r boe wl i ecre the noa rd Pamo Bisos cnmluacs~sts under !Salee by Pitvate 'rTtN 'oeet'W~te &o.. will elsa bce oharged eepres ?? Fartie aenowevii adifertlateniets, In tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HARN!. XXEL-A=p~? at 0, -S181 SV nionl J ue keer, g- igedf 8, ?? W.Itai I Working Ep a I, ,dd ,9 CIte ftr.t.1 Baa 0~laodPeto, Bj, Mm* petdo~agd Peson sarkt 8 i g MttAirHoOCO. 'L A11~~ 140w 0 AIp31, satin g ?? to igh B1 Elol~eiferred Hly.}uada ?? iy 7 o \:taido Young Wi>2ldo h Slo4it, 'tE. Goadeuatereno AJe.-Adrv got 1,0t A rj ntoiitr trltr otoi lso, utliart. Ir ?? ag , Mane or two. Vonv. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NICOLL, 31porhant C-lothior and 0jter, 114 1t 120, Re0e4ftseet, aut P ?? ?? at IS01,ancbCdter, end S1 toshR Fhlollabl HIT8 form to ?? ~ ~ ?? frome 4 31, W- Ridug Hot3- rotie deloao ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6B6mlrdaI $ales. THIS DAY. Th9 Df lahdrda~) thQ Eth insoatnt, at Trwelve o'eloolr, 9t tbe 0121*rdlo. (1II, E~xho nge-bnildhn;a N. 10B22, 10W BavreLb Fihe Medium and oteumnn Amedican, Now landieg, from Uharleston. J. }. RAYN HR h CO., Brokers. This 'Day (prhba,). the oth iistant, at Twolve o'clcck, at the Broken,' oeo, D 7, lExthanqes-biing, MOY 480 Pieces, ex Sonuan, from Oe boou 7anS; L1rME, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? To ADVKTIBU 1W ! W I U ~ ! u D I S T I O X I m a D A l s Db M U D ! d PB V I D U A vH U TI) hKE W T S loot V W l I ii len th) f to ni. lein Wne. pri oh BV ~ a ALVetA ?? all %* , W a e f a n P' W m n e £ b a m iha /a lig o n ofthiscan O . Mi a ofthek b;= o b SimI~ ?? seiao U by~ e v~tO Trea y, T o beo L ol W i d I hi .W m Mi1 J 'lothst denodS hat L, Sr Valt Bo i eolnand G . Preent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE~ TO eADVERTL5R81 The H~~fornSgRTON In the DAILY KME GMT.42 )N ADVXIIT2SK8ETo (not extleedlO WU V ien5(1h)frfjfrhwQ*9BtIkaAtloMla, i an =uaiItba Mlewelianaon ' Want fthe Ji0to 5lXpNKru 'The charge for THREE COMM I)AXLY INSMTIONS in ON]~ SHILLING. .MOrU elti Of tkil Class that ane booked WMl be chariled lb. otrz~ua~e ~ Erm ne.enlvrenioeants insertedl ft.. will alsoa be charged arab PdOI W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SH.9:0Ea -ST~ TPP( N0OTS -ICES.- OAR0 1FFRIF TOTOl T OIK, k ; g f-XSltI1T00TXO DB~TWOSA .,E+SNg~t%'S BE.I1)O 1HlSTOL HiV;,L ANfi 0 0]D~U Di 0THH-- 'v . -5 5lBOVTU; WALS7a ATLIITI BT1OAHI GO' cleww e ftslseetO* t-p11.poCered, ?? bu8t ?? CAB GO.IAiO1E,, ?? ?? DjoT .Loel ?? §0. sh.p. adh-a OthO ?? rtae. wll ecU reulrl h , ee -41DL1F DIF AN 2]W ORK TI*O 5hn BewSt 1 ~ ro~ exroel fo t^ Trde S JtA1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PREPAID ADVEP0TISUENTS IN THESE COLUMN : S OTEN~ WORDS . ?? ?? ?? TEBBE INS ?? ONE SHILLPNG S1X INE&RTIONS ?? C+HTRH4rEN ( a n i IRTIFIOATED MASTER for the * Orielton Bohool, parish of Monktou-ApPlJ'to the S8oataty, Ur. Thomas Lewis, Iveston. pombroso. 612 AN Ai'tThlD iranmealAtoiy, a tU1 TtbO'JYlOTN O-I& I Y f for the Llywell National 8chool. One whocal l *PAy tho hlltoillulZ and lead a ...