... CHRISTMAS ASEMENTS. ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE, As usual, Mr. E. Saker hao for several months been h making spoolal preparations for the production of his COhoktma, annual, which has so long and deservedly held first plase in Liverpool; and, If report speaks correctly, the grand comic OCrhetroas pantomime 'Little Lalla Rookh, which will be produced this evening (Boxing Night), will equal and ...


... A727 -L ST. A .w&OnY r 1 r, I' a 'woman, and thikigh I icant say that I' earn t, mnuch at 'fiho 'ring ' pree am- so low, and we haven't got a unrnn yet-I mean to say I work, apd 8 bard too, and for more hours a day than most men; and perhaps at the end of the week, if anybody r. took the trouble to rekokn iS all up, It would he feousd that my, cek% work was as much profit and n boneditto my ...


... Christmas is, of course, a very busy time at the Music Halls, anti there is no denying the fact, that such is the liberality and spirit which chasacterise the lanagement of the majority of thelsu, that they run our Theatres very hard in thle racs for inorulerity anti public support. Pantomisno is very wcl ini its way, hut thlere are thousands like their Panto- suissc wstl their puis, and who ...

Published: Sunday 28 December 1873
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1620 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I1 Q -flI q - I A= T .,ROY AlMPflMTfEAT1U' At this place c f amusement, which Is n5ow namted In the bhlls The Dury-lane for Pantomime, the Cl Christmas sfpeialty wat produced last evening. lr The .Amphl annual, bearing the novel title of Twinkle Twinkle; or, Harlequin Hearty Tom Tucker and the Funny Old Wolman who Lived In he a Shoe, haa been written aid adapted by Mir. ly ...


... CRUEL CONSTANCY. IN this story probably the design originally included a greater number of characters than the powers of the writer enabled her to cope with success- fully. The canvas at first is a little overcrowded with figures, but gradually the best palt of them become like shadows, vanishing almost out of sight, and appearing only when they are wanted, like stage supernumeraries, and ...


... LOVE \AND__DECEPTION. A CURIOUS STORY. At the Borough Costrt, Bradford, the other day, a well. dressed young man, twenty-one years old; 4vith a large amount of assurance, ?? gave the name of Frederick Ya~dUaco or Jackson, and said lie was a clerk was charged with being on the prarmisis of Mlr. Longield Brawn, , Carlton Place, Great I6orton\Road, for an unlawful pur- pose. Mr. Brown is a ...


... %its nitu;z. I Apt title, thi;, for the hturdy fellows Who 1breseb the furious gale and Ipull,'might aid mnaib, Over, ?? seething billows on their enisaica of isaving life Apt story, too, for this seagbin of ?? happy Christmas- tide, when hearts are opena -and .pulse-strliugs are relaxed-when onr test feelings aire at ?? po1ii and ready to aid anudaisit Iduity good work. We venture to think, ...


... 1 Goethe's Hermann and Dorothea. Translated by the Rev. Henry Dale, M.A., formerly British Chaplain at Dresden. With Illustrations by William Kaulbach and L. Hofmann. (Bruckmann.) If Hermann and Dorothea had not been written by Goethe, would the world have called it prose or poetry? And would those who are precise in their words have classed it among idylls or not ? Leaving the latter ...


... rj Shkcksptre's Homle and RBual Life. By JaIIos r Walter, h Major, 4th Lancashire Artillery Volun- teers. London: IQngmans, Groen, gnd Co. 0 A large quarto volume. presented in a gleam of a colour and glitter of gold, and bearing the Impress ?? of tho most cunning nrt of thobookbinder,naturally F leoads one to think that Bo babuts a cukot must u contain some prectous jewele. In literature, how ...


... Last evessing Mr Barry Sullivaniappeared as Richard theThird, which we have always regarded as one of his best performances. We doubt if any sensation play, fortified by spectacular splendours, could have brouaht together the imsuense audience whichl filled the auditoriunl of the 1Theatre last night, and burst in waves into the orchestra aud even on to the stage, and manifested genuinc delight ...

Published: Sunday 28 December 1873
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 897 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... PA^S~TUIX AND VARTETIE&. I~~ ~ -Io VIE; COUJRT. THE COURT.Osborne, Monday. r The Queen wealt ent yesterday afternoon, attended by the .1arrhioness of Ely. Her ajesty ?? out this rn with Princess Beatric:. The visit of the Emperor FrancisJoseph O ,.P'sternbur6gtl take ntp from ter tomr svlsve ysT Emperor fs the firet Avustrian flonarvb who mneets a Conan inS ovrn capitaL PrevaOnsilntovviea have ...


... THE THEATMR ROYAL PANTOMUIME.I A crowded house on Tuesday witnessed the first representation of the pantomime at the Thetrlo Royal, arnd ' Dick Whittitngton and his Cat reeived tie honours of a successful performance. The curtain rises Upo iI 'The Abode of Mischlief,' a weird place, in which scandty spirits, good as well as evil, discuss current topics, sad where ' sallit Cupid' (Miss Lilian ...