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... £1 pg-R ATUBRM. - ?? Hoeed The 11i'slory 'if Gree jhome and 6fth voluille of professor Wayd's tralslix- N~r ar( rh CurtiuB 1HistOry of Greece brings the in t~he m aD3 ofD to the point which it has reached in a petty II Jolldow, . . ossible not to share tho to the al ,rr ?? It is imP him ridd hope6' thatthe accomplihed thor Another- rocniu bis history, and ?? to soe 0%. jt l tagf the ...


... 7- ,. ?? )w lth t Its of tho preqent thce Il ?? a4 to the'cl' 10 gninltcd to 8ir 1(a' rl) h lan for the P I the (ritdiaO SO gaib ilw ay the ?? the shehme itseli thc l~cfiet ls 'daffect~i lle incorporation of exr ri]1 i 'iaaii ?? the Coy 0lrimbi, With e)ostrlon parg 0hlnosei stretchseS ar the coti,,ont from ave vllieb Oce~nl 'Vhcrail traY is not less neess8ary h to people the vast es ...


... CHlRIS TMA.S CA'TLE SHlO WS. WiSnAw.r-Thoanntal exhibition and sale of fat cattle connected with the auction mart of Mr Jeme Aiarahal]. Etb auetlonetr, Cafloke, tnlk place yesterday in tht court yard of (jolt Mr Ilgila' hotcl. 'he exhihitio this year wee very superior, at both aa to the number of eattle enhibited, and ?? particu n lary a to the jualityof the cattle brolughtforwar.1 psard T of ...


... NOTES ON LITERATURE. SCIENCE, AND ART. BIR MATTHEW ARNOLD has in preparation a new edition of his Literature and Dogma, in which be will reply to his foreign critics. He is also preparing another edition of his little book on Isaiah. We are glad to see announced a newseries of the Acadenmy. That journalwillin future appear weekly, and be morepopu- lar in style, and more comprehensive in ...


... I 1TERA TUIUDf, 8OiXNO1D, & ART 17MMS. (PrOm tho AthenI The admirors of ' 1alAustion's Adventure will be glad to hear that Mr Browning is going to give them another Groek play in a modern dress. Mr Hapworth DixoK In preparing for the pross the third and fourth volunes of his work on Queen Catherine and Annel Boleyn, called the History of the two Queons. A conlulittoo of the trustees of the ...


... Lig~ht Sciencefor Leisure Hours. Second Series. By R. A. PROCTOR, B.A., &C. tat London: Longmans, Green, & Co. pa ALTHOUGH yet a young man Mr Proctor has achieved a el wide and honourable reputation as the most trustworthy all of living popular exponents of science. As a rule, scienti- anl tic men are proverbially jealous of attempts to make know- .( ledge popular, which seems to threaten what ...


... TIlE SPIDER: A SONNET. I hate a spider ns I hate the Devil ; There's such a lust of vengeance in his arts, Snch never-tiring joy in working evil, As blasts what elsc, to me, were splendid parts. I do remember well-when but a child- I used to mourn the silken-wingcd files Which his sly-woven weblet did entice Into its deadly toils, and mark bow wild And swift-as fury full personified- Down ...


... TIrgi,.(TUBE, SCIENCE, & ART ITEMS. . -- ?? ~ (From the Athenrourn.l and 9au: aiembers of the congregation and other tices ,ads of the late Dr Robert Lee, of Grcyfriar's, for, Djobugh, are preparing a memorial volume, cOOI tilig of a selection from his sermons. P03b AeOW Shakespeare Society is projected. The Ora pcomr of the society will be to promote the th,3 bsietic rather than the textual ...


... C!RMSTrMA-, BiOKS. (1) laectibstic stories. Iq TI'his is one of theo most dolightful books . which for some timne ha-s come uuder our not-ioe. The title, Fautastic Stories, is not a very happy One; it does not give a proper t idea of the nature of the fascinating stories oontained in its pages. The 14 stories are sin-0 gularly beautiful, and perfectly enjoyable v by young and old. It. wold ...