... SOLIHULL. PoLtEp COuRT.-At the Police Court, on Saturday, before Messrs. BH. H. Ohattock and G. A. Everitt, the license of the Greswolde Arms, Klnowle, was transferred from Isaac Line to Henry Heath.-James Lee, Greet, was summoned at the instance of William Harris (inspector of nuisances) for neglecting to have two foul ashpits cleansed. He was ordered to have the nuisance remedied, and to pay ...


... AN EXTRAORIDINARY LIBEL CASE. In the Court of QuecT's Bench, yesterday ani indict- ment for libel-the Queen ?? Burton-cmine on for trial before the Lord Chief Justice and a special jury. Mr. II Giffard, Q.C., and Mr. Collins appeared for the prosecui tion, and Mr. Serjeant Ballantino and M . Poland for the defendant. Irom the opening statement of Mr. aiffard it appesred that the prosecution ...


... SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST A CLERGY- MAN AT LEAMINGTC)N. Yesterday, at the Town Hall, Leamington, before Messrs. H. Hunt and Oswald Milne, the 11ov. Charles Turner, vicar of Moreton Morrell, was brought up in custody, charged with stealing two books, the property of Messrs. WV. H. Smith and Sons, of 186, Strand, Lond'on. Mr. H. C. Peseman prosecuted; and Mr. Edwards-Wood defended. M~r. John Dale, ...


... THE THORPPE COLLISION. BOARD OF TRADE ENQUIRY. The Board of Trade enquiry into the Thorpe collision was opened at Norwich Guildhall, yesterday, before Captain W. Tyler and Mr. ATV 511r Ravenhill, acting as his legal assessor Captain Tyler explained that the enquiry was held under the Railway Regulation Act, 1871. The matter was one of a most serious character. That inves- tigation differed ...


... V'ILST( )Narm. I ! INJ STEicIAl-. Ye terday, ,It the Pett. S'essis', before M~lessrs. ?? ff. lio:ers s and G. Wilrd, a boyv of looreej, naleitacl Gcorge ]Brow, was W ?? i0:.: u ll Casts for hlvlili,, in Jnly, sto enr iroil pills and lonic surei s frol, a coart be- h-i-ging to ir. T, orais, of Stimmer I-ill anl He[ry lear on, metal broker, WelS m11loted in 201s. costs nil didi- rected to be ...


... A case of great importauce to publicans was beard on Saturday, at the Clerkenwell Police Court. The lansdlord of the Highlury Park Tavern, St. Mlary's, Islington, was summoned for beeping open his house for the sale of intoxicating liquors during prohibited hours. Evidence was given to show that on Sunday morning, between ten o'clock and one, no fewer than 1,320 persons entered the defendant's ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-WsEmNMEDwAy, Lbefore ?? Sir C. Hall. EVANS V, DUnsS. This was a bill praying for the specific performance of a contract for the assigament of a running lease, and for other relief. Tile plaintiffs were Lewis Henry Evans, accountant, of London, and A. Scott Lawson, solicitor, of London , and the defendants Wler the executors of the late Tbomas Turner. Prior to the 1st July, ...


... BIRMINGH]IAMI POL[CE COURT. VrEST)' TlI) II- Bc'oie ilessri'. IZ ?? S. Ifmonnirvslfr (Sti)pesidirery), A. *ifl9e C. ,S&Ii, rII. ilfunto), .itt ,S. Bucklel,. S ?? A Il t r.-tdvsclc) it/ &/litlh (17), brassfoinlidor ihicesier Strect; Afairtin Lnoftus (i), Chailnelicr soakelr Park Street a ntI ll7eiiis Lou y (17), labouror, 1'ark Street, ?? ?? With stealing a thain from the ware- house of AMessrs ...


... THRE.krEED DISALLOWANCE OF THiE POLICE GRANT, -Those Sessions, -which were commenced on Monday, terminated yesterday, the business being much lighter than for some time past. A county rate of boo farthing in the pound and a police rato of a halfpenny were made. -The Police Committee reported that in consequence of the nunmber of vacancies in the police force of the county, Colonel Cobbe had ...


... l - ALIGED MURDER OY A CAPTAIN BY HIS BROTHER. T:EE AOCUS D I.N CUSTODY A 0WANTSIA. .Adreadfultragtdyhas been comnii1edonboard tlo Grcek ship pocratex,- of Spezzle. On Tolesi sy' , n~ornl~ last the brig -abovenamed was ,piked lupin the Bristol Channel by; a pilot,..mael Iltiphcs, ot the Benson pilot-boat, who bearded and found ber to be in a Algbled 'condition. , mabe- lemuently the Digby ...

Published: Thursday 03 September 1874
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1081 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... SWAMBA C'OUNTY COUT~a, (Before his Honour Judge FA ccotrao ALLEOFI 1)A D^AX TO V13H5INO cSMr.'1 TOIOMAHi .A8IIFP0IT V. TZIOMAH BFUL801f Aptr, T'IHOMAs HIL,. -Tbesv were two actions by tie plaintiff against the defendants in respect of Z!, and £2 JO., damages susiained by the plaintiff in conslsquence of defendants having on two- iloparato occasions pulled lp certain poles, and dama;ed ish ing ...

Published: Thursday 05 November 1874
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1785 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... ?? STEAD MITTION PEPITION. hJ'iTUN J UTGMENTV. to 5I1RAND UNBEATED. Ofl% - STRIOUD, TimsDrssAr. at. was brought to a con- to TIs pworaoieed Inquif? ' 105094pililig If a~t crulsian to-day, Iofter an ViopffO- 46 itokhlwi s! in lc,:s than sixteen days5. Bacoast was sra at t:leven o'clocks, at which h5o.o Jerl~temeat Pro. to dlonecly crowded, Madi the greateK5' he appearod CO vailed owing to the ...