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The Examiner


... rendered their union a seeming impossibility. Clancarty is a Papist and a devoted follower of King James; the Spencers are Whigs and enthusiastic supporters of King William. Clancarty has fought for his sovereign at the Battle of the Boyne, and has served ...


... Future of the Whig Party. It is natural that this article should have received much attention from the majority of our contemporaries, for it is not only couched in studied terms, but it is manifestly a set panegyric and revindication of thi Whigs. The defeat ...


... at that time seriously endangered by the intrigues of the Canningites, the Whigs, and the High Tories. The first regarded him as the deadly enemy of their lost leader; the Whigs were openly opposed to him; and the High Tories could not forgive him for ...


... judgment seat. He had stored his mind with a pro- digious mass of varied facts, and all the narrow but precise wisdom of the Whigs lay at his command. He was also a born debater. And finally, he had the perfect command of a style which, if viciously artificial ...


... consistent opponent of Parliamentary supremacy. He conciliated the hitherto irreconcilable Jacobites, but he alienated the Whigs, who had been labouring so hard to build up constitutional free- dom upon the basis of the bloodless revolution. De- scribing ...


... the writer, as well as sustained interest in his facts and comments. Cockburn was not the greatest of the leading Edinburgh Whigs, but he had the largest and most amiable nature, the finest range of ability. He was not so impressive as the restless-minded ...


... declared, and it amounts simply, as has been said ever since the Tories took office, to an acceptance of the policy of the Whigs. We do not suppose, says Blackwoodcs, that Mr Gladstone's Cabinet in their inmost convictions differ very materially from ...


... Liberal Party, however, is the principal political contribution, being a brilliant sequel to Lord Salisbury's Appeal to the Whigs in the October number. The most important literary articles are based on Mrs Somner- ville's ' Personal Recollections,' and ...


... circumstances; the difficulty was eventually removed by the judicious mediation of the Duke of Wellington. The advent of the Whigs to power made Denman Attorney-General, and he found himself obliged, in his turn, to appear as the prosecutor of rural and ...


... Edin- burgh Review, there is in the correspondence of the Man of Feeling some amusing evidence of the effect produced in Whig circles by the terrible infant Blackiwood's 3laga- 7ine, and the famous Chaldee Manuscript. It is to be hoped that some ...


... Editor of the Edinburgh Review is the last of men, to judge him by all that he has ever written, and by the conduct of the Old Whig Organ, to throw a social bombshell in through a palace window. We must accordingly be content to remain ignorant how far Mr ...


... subsequently enlarges upon the dissensions in the Liberal party, and of course takes the view which com- mends itself to a Whig. Mrs W. Grey has a very able paper on the Idols of Society - idols which are wont to obstruct the path of those who seek ...