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... Dublin, Wednesday Evening. The Stock and Share Market on the eve of the Nes Year was in all departments dull for present transfers, the chief business, especially in the fo- reign group,being for the account, at prices frac- tionally higher'than those qf the presviou s day. There was an average investment in the Funds, Consols remaining' unchanged at 91.7 -7, while New Stock, after small ...

Published: Thursday 01 January 1874
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2849 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... hIii is :iY AN Lw {u M v E Et Jtc FINANCIAL AND SHARE RETROSPECT 1 FOR 1873. [ws~rtrrs AY MU. A. O'D. TAT LOR Fo0. THE NIeVS-LETTER 3 EBZsLFaaT, 31ST PEcceMB&R, IS3. STANDING on the threshold of a new year, a rapid, survey of some of the finarncial characteristics of the past twelve months may not be inopportune. I I We have passed through some sharp periods of pressure in the money market. ...

Published: Thursday 01 January 1874
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3898 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKE? 'INTELLIGENCE. DUBLIN MARKETS. SPTITAL'I5fLDS BACON MsARKET,DMc.:31.-Falr supply ot all descriptions of, bath Irish and American cured meats offered to-day, bringing good and favourable results at the following figures. Butter-Fine qualities insmall stock and held for an improvemient of 2d per lb ; other classess un- changed. Quotations-Flitch bacon, 65s to ?? per cwt - uliddges, 74s to ...

Published: Thursday 01 January 1874
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 993 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... IRISH. BELFAST MNAIMtETS-IVEDtNESDAT, DEC. 31 BOROUOS .ntJGT OFFiCIAl. PLC 5.9 SOrS &lC* Per cvt, of 112 1'IC Per cw, of 112 Ib. Potatoes, Cfile3 0 : s 4 s d ii d zikor-ios .3 - Rocks ' °- 3 Wheat, witAe 12 4 to 13 0 Carrute, red 2 6 - 3 Do. red 12 0- 12 6 Turuips,'SweieO 8 - Oats, old 0 0 - 0 0 MangrlWurtzd 1 0 Do. new 7 6- 8 6 4 (5 '0 Oatleal, 14 3- 141 1 PincVI i I - Barley 0 0 ...

Published: Thursday 01 January 1874
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1239 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKET INTELLIGBNCE. DUBLIN MARKETS. , l llN CATTLE MIARKET, NORTH CIRCULAR-ROAD, JAN. |. Anuaveraae supply of cattle and sheepat market. First-class qualities in each department easily disposed of ast extreme rates. In genoraldemand dull, and much more ifafva.tur of buyers than sellers. Quotations-Beef, prime heifer and oxen, 75 to 8de per cwt ; second quality, 65.s to 70s. Mutton, p rime ...

Published: Friday 02 January 1874
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1102 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONXTETABY INTELLIGENCE. DUBLIN MONEY MARKET. Dublin, Thursday Eyening. Yesterday being a holiday, the Dublin Stock Exchange was closed. The English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association have given notice that the half- yearly interest payable on the shares of the Asso- tion, at the rate of £7 1is. per cent. per annum (equivalent to £13 lOs. 10d. per annnm on the mnount originally called ...

Published: Friday 02 January 1874
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 991 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... I IA R I I T ST. I Li I S H. BELFAST IARREl-TS-TIII P5AY, JAN. 1. BOROUGH 3IAiIMhT OFFICIALPI M 'lCr. GrAI.N, .ka per ccvt. of -1'2 lb Per ewi. of 11 2 lbs. PusosCl S 0 Ic 3 O rik-rie ~ 0 a 3 s . s- Idces 2 0 3O Wheat, whitc 12 4 to) ii Carrots, red 3 C- D)o. ccc 12 0-12 0Tuirnqo1,, Owe, U 1 Oats, old 00-0 OMarcp,:l\% crtz-I I 5 7d'-83 : ClsoC)3cg, pI s 4 1hI 0 Oamel it 3 - 14 Ii' Pit~t ...

Published: Friday 02 January 1874
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1771 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... -- I -.1 II O., - , ?l I ? ?.' ?' i ?? I W ;-,.,-7,D i I-' ? t %J ?.. --? - -,,-; ;'LNC OF EX'IL.UD NWIL'tX'T -Trn ISUE DEiPATM'ENT. Notes issued, 4.7,497,77 .ov eruiiient*ibt £l1.017,tC' ;thtsrscudtj., s -4 idcm& uthecr tutiiuol .. 21,QiY.7 3 !£32,29 7,7S3 ____ ____ ____ ;1_ BANKING DEPARTMIENT. Proprietors'calptl, £14,5.3,00N GovernmuenL seu- Rest, . .t. 3,17,721 - rities, . £_ 3 _ 4.ts ...

Published: Friday 02 January 1874
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 797 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... ikONEY AND COMMERCEI Lrr-Oi OUR WlJMM0CIAL O0KtISWPNDIfWl BxscAs'Tr, Fasa&Y EVs7izco, JAs. 2, 1674. I87S. Tas greatest authorities of the country for the past wefk have brought all their experience and thought to the consideration of the general commercial and political condition at the e!ose of the expir! ing and the commenoment of the opening year. So v&st a eubject, veutilated by some of ...

Published: Saturday 03 January 1874
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3840 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... .HE REVENUE. TI following is an abstraot of the grisJ prodrce of the reisnua of the United Kzdn teurIcr mentioned periods, eudedi D.. ,; , ' , with thoe correspcndi;g l:.. f * L . ' yoar : - Quarter crendd Dec. 3!. 1i73, 1S72 ;Increase. Decr-sp. Customs , 5,o1o 5 ,t79 E39,f000 - VY% ...

Published: Saturday 03 January 1874
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 443 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I U IS la. BELFAST BYnriAST, Fa~jIAY, JANUARY 2. Tun WzATnxn has b~een stormy since our Inns.; out,-is~ labour, however, progresses favourably. The foreign arrivals this week to the Slat ult, consist e~f 1,470 tons wheat, 424 tons flour, anud Sty lids. fl.rsxeoid Foreign and Stote Grmi-Foreign wheat has been vt-,j linni during the week, rwith st1i an upward tendency. F'~cr in improved demtand ...

Published: Saturday 03 January 1874
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1413 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I MARKET INTELLIGENaE. DUBLIN MARKETS. DUBLIN CORN EXcHANGE, JAN. 2.-We had o fair atten- dance to-day, continued animation, and tending upward ot ices generally. Irishwheat andoats against buyers Barley held for a further advance of Gd; also foreign wheat. Maize steady. Flour somewhat dearer. Prices-Ijome-grown wheat (white), 33s to 36i 6d; red, 29sB to 3.9Gd; inferiosr 24s to 30s; foreign, ...

Published: Saturday 03 January 1874
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2116 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce