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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper



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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper

Advertisements & Notices

... Ln'tinh wr lO10~s.-17 75ner~ne-It.Otat £E52. EASE SI years. lnloudingD par$ of farriture for £l0o-aeommo0- L datlion for hadf at 6 per cent. if ?? on the pre- mlte., 2. Cewley-rtrert. Abingdon-street, Voatnanster (near tho Houses Of Parllamoentl. To Saddlirs and i garnosse Wakero. T O be SOLD, a Basiness, In the City of London-goodirill, steok- G in-trade. and tixtureo about C230-returne L80O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P f L V M a M A a K E Approved by the Acaodemy of KedicliSe at Parie, and ethey ?? authorities In England and abroad. This Bolf-Applloable Physbeol Comodive, unike noxious drugs, is harfetmy ied of efficav vastly euarlfr t=oal ther ?? Toee. dies. ?? vto e ahysologal. phpeal, themial effneefa of the electricity they geuyn permanently impart intothe system, these ampv= exerolae an interissi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ 1O~t~lhl4Sat CEAP FAItES to the West of Engltid am Niho lonfor Nine of ?? 0805 smut ?? eO h (e-bide taio 40 e, and truso lseeentI t Oouvl~at0.1, Keointg8a 29, Wast BrotnM L08,o atnu els ke. asebournamPot, tohose, L uvmpshireZ Wtn nd DFavttt ATt BaaTa=e lrPaeomhe. yon. Bieu mcilabo tho Modyfrngtfolwn kidt Tlisuesday thete oatnolIt.N ARR.NGEMlNgTSonfr th ihssue f st, and, allsr ?? WAtelo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EMORAVION To AVEL&ME. *donors nor ? yews of age. I ?? Dometdo Servants, or Widows (without stil- dline under12) notteesding 40 Ye1of age. Sobiest to the payments ao under:- For Males or Females under 12 years Ofat ?? £2 seeh. Ditto ditto .,o ~m n ?? 4 Ditto ditto over 40 and under 500. 5 Felwons paying thoir own 'Passage roosivo a Lendy %*000f0t1 Ivalue of 420.. Esndoodek descriptive of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ob.eofltutY3OGU in uifeP l K W DOO b on 5f ot le tda- V~TrainS VDC' Tmbaan;t l forl WatNewlo Even? lffond~eV on Mondays y. * ?? Eastaer Forpl .F~ ?? e im Tbl s and Porame sdbythnea bdueed ly pe JAME ALLP.OR1'IT. GeneralManager. M)arboD RMayAW4 ST&TZ ANqD ALLAN LINES ~AM HIP ganr. Pasanger bokedto al ~ertoof the or as Inoe.Setuo Now Yorkc, lao 10 sns.No ron STATE LINE, .COMI'SEDml ice-eass ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUB LIC AMUSEMWENTS. CRXTERION THEATRE, negeont-rirrtIO, PlecadlIvy. SPcIon AND POND, SOLE PROPRIETO~R&iS Hayesand- isa Fnny Hllasa(fro the allery end Iothe- RiOn YALM ohn ELaVle, THEaATRiaEr, STRAreerND.wr Mr. .A Barnrres, Mr.. WW.E GareszAN, Mr. . ArlEe, and Fr.B 13M Ofeaea Ethrsevivanz oyf Gshboraet ithe amusc.1' Alre MONDerAYfte dr hing ath w.ek Ahe AeifErIaue LADYl On-_ Gem. t09.ovWa. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . ?? at CHEAP FA RES to the West of uIaglOad, Snd North of Devon for Nine or Sixteen Dfays C everc ?? until f0irtther notice, ?? wil lealIC W t atr. obidse etktioa at 8.40 a~m., and from lanmne 211 (the I p.l2, engsinoton at 8.29, Weat BrosmPton at '8.S2. and. aelsea st 8;S tom., callinbg at Yauxhall. blaplrm-3unotiond . l ton', Weybrid;e, lVoking. Fflawnlg'OR.h., aml Mngutolce, tr Andover, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * 3UD16R it -SCIECOL Booms. E'R1S TMOLOGICAL. SPELLINGO-BOOK AND BUITTERL'S READING AND SPELLING, -in B~uy Gradatiei -upon an entirely Orignsal Plan, by ?? Dissyllables are reudee s qgas Haleo. Pills Edition. Frit is ad bounod. 'BU R'SGADUA PRIMERi ogvn&4t d- tion. Priceead.onaL~ee~ * London: 'San-as and o.'s'a okdlo rnSZASIS or WOWN FTUMOIURS: their Treatment and Radical Cure. ly David ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MtoIS aosndeo the nigow Buildivnge Soeetie~satreavin eametot peSDAYioNX at N12 co EET ?? valhbe sember of thea tbe, 40111Dwiheheld assti TEl, itedUI HOTEL. Gran Hidtest,Cal KEdgESDkag, Dcmberneth, 1axe, aplts 7 ettsk ptreckd ?? B01rpoee o GappintinhaComite t cnede and determ . ings als enthem seldrahildrn's t ?? faes he rodeo ofd ?? atis WNov.1 E. oota doe Leather, letB VpuotS. ,C S oe PrateS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIO AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE ROTA?., HAT19A*XEST. SOLIS IMMa AND MANAGEa, Ma. J. Bi. BucOzmmla Hi VRY eenig duingthe week (Satardayeletd t E SoVLrwmEAJID MAOUTE. MeRc. JOHN HOLINOWEnD.1~ei M~RS, . PherdpsaCak,1 Orainf.Oboa, an THEokIALSonat Ho M Anisd MiILsmToole Meret.h Mimesl Farrd Rogerys siad HarAWE r,.f O1iezktV a cc t 1 eefomaN On58 moatngpeda oeg ow anuday. Vred~osreeinmtee ,ets~enltled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO GMORE PZLLS OR OTrZR ?? caD euro himself withoist medicine, ?? CUR OF, by DO BARRY'S DELICIOUS' RgVlkiN AroAtbeCA 00wchieb is less expensoive but more neourilys ?? n L 1eat s 1ndoa m ft'times itosoot in other Copies ol'78,0O authentec cures o ind ustionde ed ai~ oatilotio7 , diarrheash r anrvoumesfl d, billounsfesO' tll kindsteoa :5tif~eie~ho~ te eded e EMSCO~E- arsb, rheoeiisil v cold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p ~ V E it M A a H E 1i P ?? G OALVANlTO CHAIN-BANDS. REMiS, POOlEP BAOTlTER 4 BECENTIY TMPtOVED. Approved by tlee Academy of AWloino at Paris, and other 11,idj authorities in Enaland and abroad. This Seif-Applicabie ?? Oa.rtine in or efilcaca vastly savperior ?? othe; cxoet11l rr0 d i Oring to twe Ohyotopical, pbhi¶0j ° chemlical effects *f ths electricity ttey aenly dnd permanentlnimprt into ...