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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES. AND DEATHS. .Cehargs for Annouttnements/ Births, Marriages, anSL Deaths, 2s. 6. each. To insure. insertion announcements should be prepaid, and in all cases they must be authenti. cated by the signature and address of the sender, without which they ean tu 7n case be inserted. BIRTHIS. DILLON-Jan. 19, at SandymountHouse, the wife of Thomas Dillon of a daughter. GAYNOR-Jan. 17 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - ?? ITHO >LAT4TR l OF, HOWTH . The remains of this much-lamented and venerablt nobleman ¶vere yesterday consigned to their last rest' ing place, in the ancient Abbey of Howth, in the pre. sence of thousands, who were there to tps .the last mark of respect to the memory of one who, for two. thirds of a century, occupied an exalted position. in society as the representative of a title that ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS,.MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. W aeva for AnrnounceMWets of BirtA8, Karrlag6ea an4 Doaths, 2&. 6d. each To inture ineertian announceimen*S MOhUM be piepaid, and in all cases Wvy must be autheni. .ated'lnj the eiugre and ?? qs4'he sender, toithoug wshib they can in no case be inserted. BIRTHS. DEASE-Fbb. 14, at Turbotetown, the wife of Jamei A. Dease, Esq., of a daughter. GEARYr-Feb. 10, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF CHARLES FINLAiYS(O, ESQ., OF JOdirSTONB.] Oar announcemeuit of the death of tlis gentleman will be receired with deep regret by a large circle C4 friends in this town and province, where Mr. Finlay- son wae .ong and well known. Many years ago Mr. i i Finlay=n was resident at Gilford, county Down, il i the extensive thread manufacturing concern of Dun- bar, DI'Master, and Co. le there ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. £rObOhargesfbr Announcerrenteof Births, marriarges, and Deaths, 2s. 6d. each. To hijiure insertion, anrnouncre;wnts should be prepaid, and in all cases they must be aluthenni. cated by the signature a0un addrssee of the sehr, without twhich they can in no coae be inserted. BIRTHS. CALVERT-Septesmber 29, at the 13elfapt Bank House, Bal. lynuena,, the wife of R U3. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rff~fC 7TAP1A&E, .UfD DEATE~h. TZ, L7 :1 tr : CZ.;o z . , - I.- .umitg,, z ..l C ?? ,c ?? 2 1,-; 3, a ay-s, zct, ?? c' a. -- - ?? - ?? n. ' ii 2~L ?? ?? D ,I~, mifj . C A rrrvu 70, N - r . I ?? .(J ' ihas, ?? * iS.. .fHY i Duli,rCg~A.I#C va ?? h( i ?? G01i'l, lfotj ¾ Pift ll' kra E' . ZSN Jl ,, ?? h * r. Hi NTf Jbi Lf ad lz-i.c~oT LI IF {ib' RT A. ' IN1 ,Kr vG2C.RTKFS G G T C' R E ?? SPI ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE REV. W. M'CARTHY, C.C., KANTURK. - (From a Correspondent.) The month's memory for the late lamented Mr. William M'Carthy was celebrated on Wednesday in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Kanturk. For upwards of nineteen years he lived and toiled in this mission, and during that lengthened period never was a duty neglected, ziever a trust betrayed, nor a harsh, unkind word spoken ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. gr har9esfeor AnnounereentsoJf Births, Marriagies, and Deaths, 2i 6d. each. To insure insertion announcenents 8hourd be prepaid, and in all cases they must be authenti. cated by the signsature and address of the sendedr, without whi ch they ca nts n case be inserted. BIRTHS. BECK-September 19, at Ramelton, county Donegal, the wife of the Rev. John F. Beck, M.A., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. . Crahareafor ?? oremenesof Births, Marriagee, adn Deathe, 2s. 61. each. To insure ioeertion announcearneit shopld be prepaid, and us all coacs they must be authenti. ; atedby the signature aed addreia of the 8ender, wiatlea .tehich they can in no ease be inserted. BIRTHS. BIGGE-May 11th, at Nynee Tal, East Indies, tht wife of Major Bigge, 5th Fusiliere, of a son ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE SIAMESE TWINS. A correspondent of the New York erald gives the following details :-What the proposed final disposi- tion of the bodies is to be Inam not informed, but re- port here says that they Are to be embalmed and dis. posed of, at an enormous price, to some museum or medical college, or placed on exhibition at a sum equi- valent to the value set upon them by the Mount Airy ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Wahargyesfor Announcsmeantsf Births, Marriaes, and Deaths, 2e. 6d. each. To insture insertion announeemests should be prepaid, and in all cuses they mrust be authenti. cated by the signature and address of the sender, without whichi they can in st0 case be inserted. BIRTHS. BOGAN-October 13, at 210 York-road, Belfast, the wife ot John Rogan of a son. FLANIGAN ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. FLOOD-September 29, at Port Lester House, Blue Bell, the wife of Joseph Flood of a, daughter. GAFFNEY-October 1, at'13 Grantham-street, the wife of Bernard Gaffney of twins-son and daughter. O'DEA-September 28, at No. 4 De Courcy Terrace, Glas. nevin, the wife of Mr. James O'Dea of a s0n. STELFOX-OCtober 1, at 1 Park Place, Ormeatn-road, Bel- fast, the wife of James Stelfox, jun., of a ...