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Cardiff Times


... FOR WEEK ENDING JULY 26th. 1874. 1873. Increase. Dec. TaffVale £ 8,463 7,791 2.. — fenarth Harbour, Dock aud R^vay. 1,-548 1.810 264 JSreat Eastern — — I«R jkledonian .• — — •• xl? North British — — •• 675 0,77 weat Northern. — •• irta JfMlwd •• 1! •Worth Eastern — — •• „ Brecon and Merthyr 1,340 1,513 Monmouthshire Railway ard c0 Canal Company 8.825 8.748 82 tendon & North Western..181,563 ...


... SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE IRON TRADE. [BY TELEGRAPH.] BIRMINGHAM, Thursday.—There was a very numerous attendance on 'Change to-day, but the reports from all parts of the district as to the state of the finished iron trade are still unsatisfactory, the dead lock which has paralysed business for some time past being the one great feature of the market. Buyers are waiting for lower prices, and in the ...

Ilatest Jftnrfcets*

... WHITLAND. MONTHLY MARKET.—This market was held on Monday last, there being a very fair supply of cattle, sheep, and pigs, which sold at good prices. Butter in casks, Is. 2d. PER HOUSE SHOW.—We are glad to state that at the I ivy- side Horse Show, held at the Ifmlyn Arms Hotel, New- castle-limlyn, on Friday, the first prize in the first class was awarded to the thoroughbred horse Artful, the ...


... RÄÍLWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS. FOR WEEK I'NDING OCT. 31st. Taff Vale.. — — £9,187 .8,440 747 Penarth Harbour, Dock and Railway. •• 2,083 -,C78 5 jRhymnev 2192 2,150 42 — Orand Trunk of Canada.. — — 2,5% Chatham •• «» •• Caledonian — — •• 3^6 — Worth Western — — •• •• CreatEastern — •• North British — — •• •• 7 ...


... A GREAT SENSATION AT ABERDARE. On Wednesday night this town presented a singularly strange appearance. The Egyptian darkness which had prevailed in the streets for many weeks was dispelled by the lighted gas, which seemed unusually bright. So strange was the phenomenon that numbers of people assembled in the street to witness it. Some severe com- ments were made on the senseless conduct ...

[No title]

... latest Jttarkets. j BRISTOL CORN MARKET, |THURSDAY.— On Market to-da, i there was a fair supply ef English wheat, for which; sale was dull at a reduction of Is 4d per quarter. A fair damand for foreign at a similar decline. Malting barley in good request j at fair rates. The high price askad fur grinding qualities checkft-j tha sale, but we do not reduce our quotation. Indian corn limited ...

xatest J'trr1td5

... EBBW VALE. FATAL FALL.—On Friday morning, about five o'clock. a man named Gould, who had been working the previous night, was retiifrnin? home, and had to pass over a bridge which spans the Western Valleys Railway. He was near-sighted, and at this point he missed his way, and fell over a low wall on to the Western Valleys line, a depth of not less than 30ft. He must have lain for an horns, ...

latest Jttarfcets,

... CAERPHILLY. PRESENTATION—A very interesting took place at the Tonyfelin Baptist Chapel on Wednesday evening last, when a large number assembled to witness the pre- sentation of an address and purse of money to the ller, T. E. Rowlands, the pastor of the above church, by the congregation, in consideration of his valuable services during the last ten years. The chair was ably occupied ...


... A Bristol county court bailiff on Sunday threw himself rom Clitton Suspension-bridge. This makos the eighth uicide from the bridge since 1864. ] GLAMORGANSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SHOW AT BRIDGEND. OnWednesday the modern Agricola had a rare opportun- nity afforded him for visiting a scene which in its associa- tions was entirely is harmony with the pursuits of his own life—where manifold evidences ...


... FOR WEEK ENDING JU> E 14th. 1874. Hi1:S. Increase. D c. I Taff Vale 5,5a2 £8,243 —2711 Penarth Harbour, Dock and Railway.. 719 1,915 1,196 Rhymney 1,884 2,233 — 349 Great Eastern — — w 4,833 — Caledonian — — 1(35 j* — Midland — — 10,553 — North Eastern — — — 6,220 Somerset and Dorset 1,147 1.198.. — 50 Brecon and Merthyr 1,389 1,307 22 London & North Western 165,327 168,992 6,635.. ...


... Our Fifeshire correspondent telegraphs a mertirv of the Fife and Clackmannan Coal Masters, held at Dum- fermline, has agreed on a revised code of contract rules which will be adopted at all the collieries in Fife and Clackmannan. Compliance with this code will apart from the question of wagesj form a condition of employ- ment before any of the colliers resume work. At present the bye-laws are ...