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... Once-more the flower show takes its place as a leading 'eetof the summer season. The exhibition opened yes-1 terday is the eleventh of those given annually by the, 'Lr'eds society, 011( happily it quite maintains the highi character 01 these always welconse displays. In some respects the present show has ad-vantages over those of ipast years. One point in its favyour is the betterecredi- ...


... Aj liiZA&Y AN-ID ART GOSSIP. -,r. Iorace Iowari FurnesshaspresenitedllisVariorurm .igioils of Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth to the :siiy Shalspesre Society; and Mrs. Furmess has also to the society lir Concordance to the Minor ?? or Sli4spnilaCe. ,IC-, ftl/ br3 that M. Emilo Glivier, tile ex- ri ilr of ANsjohl)1 iaL., is elliployirig his leisure in the oI s I-t. I.J ]la's ,ter ...


... I A meeting of gentlemen interested in thle promotion of ?? and the welfare of the Leeds Chafrities was held 1 invitation of the Mayor, in his rooms, at the Town Ha -yesterday, to consider proposads for the OrgenisatiOnsof a Artlud musical fetival in Leoese during the present year. Among the gentlemen present were The Mayor (in the chair), Dr. cbhsdwlek. Rev. D~r. Tleod, Dr. Kell% M6eesr 5W. H ...


... LACE AT a- IE INTERN.ATION T4L En EIBITION. To all Inlyse's end v. carets of lace, still more to all .vho I Ito C tt it I stiiC and1 Iistorical ?? of vic-, 3ic inteiesi ad in ?? ?? its moanlactilro, WO healitlty recomlluned a visit to tine cr'lecttoia tow to be foundI in Ci 8is S at the Ilntelit:tlioilai ExhibitioU. Inl ?? class, witt ?? leoth I, ud dilli meltcitie manie lace, thert ar'- to be ...


... TilE BIRMI?GilAMI-IOR?E SHOW. The e~ighth an nual exhibition of hunters, carriage, and|c other horses, whichl stands sscond onaly to thlat in the Agricultural Hall, London, was onened for judging and the private view yester day. There wasI1 a very fins showv of horses, and the exhib~ition psomises to excel its predle- CesSorS in point of oxcelleuce. On accoun~t of the largo siumber of entries ...


... MR. GLADSTONE'S DISSOLUTION ADDRESS. ?? Greenwich friends, This Pnrliament About its business must be Bent; In its successor I would be The whitebait borough's proud M.P. Of course I can't do all I wish At frying of your little fish. You'll lot me, as we Scotch say, wait On Kettle o' the Kirk and State. Five years of work performed with nous Have weakened Cabinet and House; And though our ...


... FA.SIIfONS FOR SEFTEMB1??It. (Prom Lisa Miilia-scr end Dsvesesosior.) Although at the moment we write, suosaserfisehienc late still t lecilso do jour, our readers will now lie itiuritius to hear esusetisiug positive about Isa mode af the coining autumn and oven waster. We will thc.relere ealtglstsas thorn as much as en our power. id it is a fact that the giacefial anti oonveuisal palessaics is ...


... TWO LOVERS. Two lovers by a moss-grown spring: They leaned soft cheeks together there, Mingled the dark and sunny hair, And heard the wooing thrishes sing, O budding time! O love's blest pritnle! Two wedded from the portalostept' The belle made happy carollihgs, The air was soft as fanning wings, -White petals on the pathway slept. O pure-syed bride! O tender pride! Two faces o'er a cradle ...


... STOKI.0SLEY AGRIOULTUTRAL SHOW. The sixteenth annual show of the Stokesley Agricul- tural Society was held yesterdayjfa the large fields situate at the east entrance to the town attached to the Manor House, and kindly placed at the service of the society by Mfr. Hfeneege Wynn aFinch, the patron. Situate, as itokesley is, in the midst of the fertile vale of Cleveland, it is no' surprising to ...


... .LITE3RARlY AND ART GOSSI[P: The Rev. David Hogg, of Kirkmaloe, is preparing for publication a Life of Alleu Cunningham. A statue of Mirabeau has been offered by the French Government to the town of Aix, the work of the sculptor of the place, 1. Trophcine. It is placed in the Salle des PaseePerdus, in the Cour d'Appel. The RIght Hon. W. ,. Baxter, M.P., has revised for the press the lecture ...


... I I T E R A.T'U-R E. Mr. GLAMSTONE ON THE PLAO0E OP HOMER IN ?? this mcnth's Contc;pcetu/ Pevi; W Mr. Gladstone concludes his essay on The'la.c of Homer in History and in Egyptian Cbronology Like its lpre- dececsor, the paper is a remarkable evidence ao the thoroeghbuess of its author's acquaintance, not orly with the Homeric poems, but 7ith the researches of all the leading coimmentators, ...