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May 1874
41 1




Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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[No title]

... RHTMIEY INTELLIGENCE. FONTLOTTYN.- There is some prospect nt last that a police station will be erected in this thickly populated neighbourhood, which must, when completed, be a great boon to the majority of the inhabitants, and especially to the police. Some of us are very unruly, as your readers are well aware, and it is surprising that we are kept as orderly as we are. when we take into ...


... THE ENGLISH NAVY. We are certainly an extraordinary people, says the Tn'urx. It is the habit of some persons always to disparage their country but whoever will take the trouble to examine the iqreeches which were deli- vered on Monday night in the House of Commons on the Xavy and its Accessory services must end by asking himself with wonder whether any other nation could keep up the same ...


... VALUABLE DiscoviBT FOR THE HAIR .'—If your hair is turniug grey or white, or falling off, use The Mexican Hair Renewer. for it will positively restore in cuery case Grey or WiMc hair to its original colour, without leaving the disagreeable smell of most Restorers. It makes the hair charmingly beautiful, as well as promoting the growth of the hair on bald spots, where tho glands are not ...


... NAVY IRONCLADS. A Pnrlialllentary paper just published gives some particulars with regard to our ironclads which are more thantisunlly interesting as following upon the debate upon the naval policy of the late Govern- ment. It seems that the Inflexible was laid down to build at Portsmouth on the 24th of February, 1^74. In consequence of the novelty of the design, which involved groat ...


... FLORILINE !—FOR THE TEETH AND BREATH.—A few drops of theliquid Floriline sprinkled on a wet tooth- brush produces a pleasant hither, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites or impurities, hardens the gums, prevent tartar, stops decay, gives tc the Teeth a. peculiar pearly whiteness, and a delightful fragrance to the breath. It removes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed ...

[No title]

... MB. FOTHEKGILL'S SPEECH ON THE LICENSING AMENDMi £ N T BILL. The following is a full report of the speech of Mr R. Fothergill, M P., delivered on Monday night on the occasion of the introduction of Mr Cross's Licensing Bill :— I desire, sir, to take the earliest opportunity of ex- pressing my satisfaction at that new and valuable feature in the Rill of the right hon. gentleman which aims at ...

[No title]

... POLICE C k) U it T. SATURDAY .—(Before A. De Rutzen, Esq.) AN ACTIVE CRIPPLE.—WilHam Davies, a man hold- ing a pedlar's certificate, and said to be a native of Cardiff, was brought up in custody charged with assaulting P.S. Hopkins in the execution of his duty, and also with damaging eleven panes of glass in the window of a cell at the police station, in which be had been locked up. It ...

[No title]

... THE DOUBLE SUICIDE IN PARIS. There is not now the slightest room to doubt that the suicide of an English lady and gentleman w] ich has caused so much excitement in Paris has be-in committed by natives of Bath, who some months sii ce obtained considerable notoriety by an attempt at self-destruction at Ilfracombe, the result of which was that they were both prosecuted, the husband, whose name is ...


... THE WEATHER AND THE CROPS. The Mark Lane Express says :—After the rain of the previous week, the sudden outburst of summer ex- perienced during the past few days has had an almost magical effect on vegetation. The hedges, merely tingfcd with green, have expanded their foliage the pears and plums have become loaded with blossom, and the meadows have been clothed with a verdure more abundant ...


... ADVICE TO MOTHERS !-Are you broken in your rest by a Rick chil,1 suffering with the pain of cutting teeth? Go at once to a chemist and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. It is perfectly harmless, and pleasant to taste, it produces natural, quiet sleep, by relieving the child from pain, and the little cheruh awakes as bright as a ...