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y* rpUC-ATION. f* ,nC!r ' ?? t w ),,vh Young Oentlemen Receive . rfect Scl'^. cal juthematical, or Commercia L

... wood — Pale . . . Is 6d ISa Do do. —Golden . . . lsfid ?? 3 years in the wood— Pale . . . ls 9d 21s 3 years in the woed— Golden . . Is 9d 2ls 4 yeari> in the wcod — Pale . . . 2s 0d 24a 4 years in tho wood — Golden . . . 2b Od 24s 6 years in the weod ...

&^ E I>UCA«ON. ' r-MOtfO Academy. * U . POIB HIMM.I!8I>1«> -OH. **^MAM**t£±- ■ rri* 1 !* 1 :

... and Youths' Trousers, Vest*, kc. The stock ef BOOTS comprises Ladios' Elas- tio Kid t'-oots, Men's strong Boots, do. Ela-tic, Boys' and Youths' strong Working Boots, do. Elastic, Girls' and Children's Boots and Slippers, &c. The DRAPERY and HOSIERY consist ...

' fIEVEI^ ACADEMY, \v*TlOV BOAD. MIPDLESBROJGH. Y ' EPOr P-Wm.Gbi E vk,B.A.,LL.D. prinei, T * «* which Younp ..

... Pale . . . le tid 18a i Do do. —Golden - . . ls tid 18e J 8 years in the wood— Pale . . . ls 9d 21s i 3 years in the wood— Golden . . Is 9d Sis I 4 year? in the wcod — Pale . . . 2s 0d 24s ! 4 years in the wood — Golden . . . 2s Od 24s j 6 years in the ...

B DUOATION. J Tteveund Academy, ■ L S BOAD, Mmm.F..SBRO^H. •^rrWM.GB^.B.A.LL.L , IWicip* 1 ■ * . V . MUZ

... and Youths' Trousers Vesfc», Ac. The stock of BOOTS comprises Ladies' Elas- tic Kid Boots, Men's strong Boots, do. Elastic, Boys' and Youths' strong Working Boots, do. Elastic, Girls' and Children's Boots and Shppers, Ac. The DRAPERY and ...


... and Youths' Trousers, Vests, &c. The stock of BOOTS comprises Ladies' Elas- tic Kid boots, Men's strong Boots, do. Elastic, Boys' and Youths' strong Working Boots, do. Elastic, Girls' and Children's Boots and Slippers, kc. The DRAPERY and ...

EDUCATION. Tin and Academy, Ct EV J^KROAD MIDDLESBROUGH. V^°Vm GRIKVE, BJL.. LL.D. fti-cir* 1 : DR ' . „a ihe

... wood— Pale . . . lsfid 18s Do dot. —Golden . . . ls fid 18s 3 y»ars in tho wood— Pale . . . Is 9d 21s 3 years in the wood — Golden . . . ls 9d 21s 4 year. in the wcod — Pale . . . 2s Od 24s 4 years in the wood — Golden . . . 2s Od 24s 6 yeara in the wood ...

B . A . f LL . D

... from the wood— Palo ls fid 18s Do do. —Golden . . . ls 6d ?? 3 yeara in the wood —Pale . . . Is 9d 21s 3 yeare in the wood— Golden . . . Is 9d 21s 4 yeara in the ?? — Pale . . . 2s Od 24s 4 yeara in the wood — Golden . . . 2s Od 24s fi yeare in the wood ...

VACATION. ' Ct&WJt^ Aopemt. v -OAP MIPDLKSBRO'JGH. jrtmWlK* % ; h g ; ikvk . p. A., LL.D. flindP^ :

... and Youths' Trousers, Vests, &c. The stock of BOOTS comprises Ladies' Elas- tic Kid Boots, Men's strong Boots, do Ela-tic, Boys' and Youths' strong Working Boots, do. Elas ie, Girls' and Children's Boots and Slippers. Ac. The DRAPEKY and ...

' Ptetemn** Academy, Nation boad, midd^srro ;gh. H*J ' . Yonns: Oentlemen Receive I fS»I Mathematical, er ..

... the wood — Pale ?? Is 6d 18a Do do. —Golden . . . Is 6d 13s 3 years in the wood— Pale . . . Is9d 21s 3 years in the wood— Golden . . . ls 9d ''Is 4 yoars in the wcod — Pale . . . 2s 0d 21a 4 years in the wood — Golden . . . 2s Od 24s 6 years in the wood ...

l ?? EDUCATION. ! Cleveland Acade-y, WriON ROAD. MIDDLFSRRO .GH. -° R?0BA Dr WM.nBTKV*.-...LL.D. pjincipa' . ..

... Youth-*' Trousers, \ est., ice. The stock of BOOTS comprises Ladies* Ellas- tic Kid Bootn, Men's streng Boots, do. Ela-tic, Boys' and Youths' strong Working Boots, do. Elas'ie, Girls' and Children's Boots and Slippers, kc. The DRAPERY and HOSIERY consist ...

?? FDT7CATTON. MOTION ROAD. Mmr.LKSBROJGH. •° P?OBA T p r WM.G R TKV,.B.A.,LL.D nc, - r ?? . .hiVh Young

... ord Trousers, Boys* and Youths'' Trousers, Vests & c - The stock of BOOTS coinpri-es Ladies' Elas- tic Kid boots, Men's strong Boot, do Ela-tic, Boys' and Youths' strong Working Boots, do. Elas i-i,. Girls' and Children's lioo's and Slippers. &c. The ...