Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRT'HS, MARRIAGES, AND DEA7HS. BIRTHS. SONS. BATTISCOMBE, Mrs. A., at Glasbury, Radnorshire, July 24. CURTIS, wife of Surgeon J. L., 18th (The Royal Irish) Regiment, at Cork, July 22. EVANS, wife of the Rev. C., at Solihull Rectory, July 22. G1RAVES, Mrs. E., at Weldon, Northamptonshire, July so. LATHAM, Mrs. P. A., at Kensington-gardens. Square, July 21. LLOYD, Mrs. T., of Leghorn, at the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Chidt OEbenialld f~bee. THE DEATH OF MARSHAL CONCHA. The Times publishes the following special telegrams from its correspondent at Madrid: MADRID, June 29, 6.15 P.Ma.-The first news the Minister of War received of the loss the army bad experienced was contained in a telegram from his own son, who was one of Cconuba's aides-de-camp, announcing his arrival at Tafarm as escort to the body of his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. SONS. PoSDr. wife of the Rev. J., at Anderby Rectory, July i6 (child died shortly after its birth). BRAND, Mrs. H., at Framfold Lodge, Frarrfield, Sussex, July 19. CHILD, Mrs. H., Jun., of Deptford, July 2a (pre- maturely, stillborn). CRAIIPTON, Mrs. B., at Cambridge-road, Brighton, July 7. CNAWUFORD, Mrs. R. D., at Southernwood, Weston- super-Aaise, July ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FASlIlU0I'\A!,;S MARIAGE. l. ha Y -sturday, the narrivzge of AMlr Williamr B ?Y i :'toln.third sonll i ?? l Malcolmil of Pol- 1n tdloh, ~th eorgfel tzt.oeh, with (4eorgiua, third and youngest e iautghter of L-nly Wlac. Wellesley, and granl- I augater ox Artiur, Iirst Dulk of Wellington, I t *V~i3 sulennased ai 4t tovrge's Church, Hanover ha I -lw-o London. The wedding party assembled ju- a t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? : thill StreE't, on the 23d inst. i the wife .fi'TEbak GR rcU' o the 24th lust. Mrs 'a3 asDnst, eb Sr*D ?? athe a d inst., Mrs sY, s' s Ddtreet, Deonnitoun, un ths 24t At9SJaMACLE , a son-tii horrp. --g6 cl13, Both,,ell, on the 2'th instant, Mrs IL E~0f LjjverT)ool, on the 2d iu3t.,the - ?? ~v~n~ro~ *a daghter. 1 e v York, on tbe29th ; 0:cf1o3BLrC~xAoJITHlate of Paisley; - ?? on the 23) ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SHIPPING AND EMIGRATION. D 'vNSIGNEE WANTED, for 56 tone of BAR IRBN, r ?? from Hudik~val, per ship ltemembrance. -Apply to R. DICKENSON, itnilway Wharf, Stockton- I on-Tees. 9* 11 S TEAM COMMUiVICATON between HULL and i WYBUBG. For freight aun iurthor portioculars apply to J. F. GRANBERG AND CO., 8, Princes Dock 1 Chambers, aulln.whowili diopatolitholirat-olasa ateame AINO, Capt. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OUDRxITsY aONWM POSAMISf tz .AL CONCH& -The Times Iya that the desib of the Donll nsuder Of the nadtiona em y of Spain will cause general regret. .In Spain, it wiII be felt Ths e public calamity. Peoile had begun to believe in I Conc has, nd tf look to him for the salve aij of Ce one- I try. The all of.a comsi a neri n ohia e in battle ie a rare I e'e~n aunI ito effet on the. imagination is ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WREE;KLY PETUIRN OF BERTMS 2LND DEx'M1S Lo' Tart 00 O i LBi-D 0 S. In ?? 2Pm \rimz, 18574. uiuzlast StUfrdaY 4,iiltths tnd 2,607 of 154, whluh the deaths u ore 8241 below, the nvcr''ttt rtIM wee!':1; numbersl Lu 18'73. Theo ?? -,'tciwe'it a tltrel'se COt of £7 fr'aztn tho-i' r~err.'ud it, rho previo,1Swe, ai ia jocutodeil '13 witelh w-re rehfrr'xt to tin' t'even primnr- pal 'syinotie dizvseas, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BITHS, MARRIAGES, &ND DEATaS ,11 OHARGBD AS ORDIWARY ADVEMTI3MXIETS At the frlloiw irng mte:- Two Lnaiit OR 16 WORD1I IU. M. And Gd* for earq atilloust Nine Worde. &fi Sntb Wi arlneenets must ho auteethipaaated b7 the ngmte all6 a ddee ot Ilra een'br. Pnotas3 etemle insi b3 e~at ire payment. Wiftb. Coanstt.-Jaly 3th, at Wray, near Lanceater, the wife of Arnol 1tl, Conder of a daugihter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MIARRIAGES, AIND DEA~THS. C~~i~vrg.?6r~~r 21r~itccncterntsof Sfr hs, Za7iaes ?? ?? for Annotzvc, ?? ith, feris , ad Deaths, 2s. 6d. eacr. To insuire ;7wzertton ar.nn.Oet -netzs shouil beypropaifd, an>t in ait cases they must be azst1au- cated by th c8sigrattura and address of thf1 scndr, wirho:x.A tchich they can i, iso case ba insarted. BIRTS _. DETNY-July 1J, at Georgel' Park, county ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE LATE EARL OF DALHOUSIE. The funeral of the late Earl of Dalhousie took place at Panbride yesterday afternoon. As will be remembered, his Lordship, in company with Lady Christian Maule, waited on Her Majesty at Bridge of Dan station when on her journey southward, on the.24th of June, and that same night he was seized with the illness which ulti- mately terminated fatally. It was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... leu DEATH OF MARSHAL CON CHA. The soldier in Whom the national party of spain placed their hlopes, is no more. He Vwas killed last week in an attack on the Carlist ijtacnchments before Estella. That he should haave unnecessarily exposed himself in acompa- ratively vinimportiiut engagement mnstbe mat- ter of the very deepest regret to all who areI watclhing the struggle lberal Spaniards ae| ...