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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , I= W~ M. MARC DE GOULARD, who was one of the chief ministers under the Y-gihne of M. Thiers, was born, at Versailles, in i8oS. lie came of a good family, and adopted the legal profession more for the sake of having something to do than as a means of livelihood. lie was not a brilliant advocate, and was never asked to defend great criminals or political offenders, but he acquired a solid ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTSs, MARRI GES, AND DES THS. BIRTHS. SONS. BAnELLI, Mrs. J. M., at Como, July 8. FATEY, Mrs. W., Jely 5 (prematurely, stillborn). BLACKADER, Mrs. C. G., at Southampton, July g. COLLINSON, Mrs. J., at Porchester-terrace, Hyde Park, July 8. EVANS, Mrs. J. J., at Rose Bank, Rock Park, Rock Ferry, Cheshire, July 4. HOLDEN, Mrs. A., at Nuttall House, Nottingham- shire, July 8 (stillborn). JONES, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRYIS, MAARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. SONS. BEALE, Mrs. W., at Sutherland-gardens, St. Peter's Park, July 7. BROwN, Mrs. J. C., at Holmbush,. Horsham, July so. FRASER, the Hon. Mrs., of Lovat, at Phoeneas House, N.B., July 6. GULLY, wife of Laptain P., at Larchfield House, Faroham, July 8. JONES, wife of Mr. L. H., M.D., at Brighton- parade, Blackpool, Lancashire, July 9. PARRY, Mrs. G., at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I THE DEATH O0 THE 'LYI4 MAN. The inquest upon the body of Vincent de Grd,1 otherwise The Flying Man, was resumed ou Thursday aftemroon at Chelsea workhoe, before Mr. Diplook A model of the yin&g maabise wse produced. e MI. Besley said ho appeared in conseuqence of a meeting of the inhabitants of Chelsea, who were de- sirous to have the whole circumstances of the case fully investigated. Hoe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BjRHTIS, MARRIAGES, AND DIEX 2/IS. BIRTHS. SONS. AINSLts, Mrs. A., at Lightburn, Ulverston, June 27. Droaaoron, Mrs. H., at Yarrow House, Norfolk, June 24 (stillborn). ELKFOaD, wife of Mr. R., late 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers, at Fontenay, Jersey, June 27. FAREvELL, Mrs. G. F., at Neachley Hall, Shifeal, Salop, June 28. GoonEvE, Mrs. G. W., at Colombo, Ceylon, June uS. HARE, Mrs. S. E., at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTZS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATIIS. BIRT HS. SONS. At!PLPBY, Mrs. C. R., at Belle Vue Villa, Hither- green, Lewishaur, June 3o. BAXTER, Mrrs. C. F., at Sornerleyton-road, Brixton, June z. CLARKE, Mrs. W., at Ladbroke-grove, July a. CRANKE, Mrs. J., at Ulverston, June 30. CRbss, Ms$. M., at Cadambadi, Negapatam, June x. DUFFIELD, Mrs. E. R., at Rio de Janeiro, June 6. FULLER, wife of Mr. R. H., B.A ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AN7D DES4[IHS. B IRT HS. SONS. CARDENz, the wife of Lieutenant-Colonel G., ith Fusiliers, at St. Helier's, Jersey, July 15. CArr, Mrs. M. A., at the Strand. July 8. l CLIVE, the wife of Licut.-Col., Grenadier Guards, at 78, Chester-square, July r6, Cox, Mrs. G. B., at Prince's Park, Liverpool, July 17. CRANE, wife of Mr. C. A., M.D., at Hallaton, Leicestershire, July 15. ' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... M. JULES GABRIEL JANIN, the Prince of Critics, was born at St. Etienne (Loire) in 1804. He was the son of an advocate, and was educated at the public school of Louis le Grand, having Lerminier and Sainte-Beuve as his schoolfellows, but not greatly distinguishing himself as a pupil. On leaving college he lived in a garret with an old aunt, to wbom he was indebted for his education, and gave ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... JuI 10, at Sunnv-bank, Winchester, the wife of C p- L~lTr,'. anld 46. Secrice, of a daugh~lter.. taj ~i ?? ith retil S Julio, at Halifli, Novas Seoifa, the f sLpt-iiL l isgliilLI. Lg 60th Royal lBifies, of n daughter. 10, at lou1ghboxough-pa1k, Brixton, the wifo of J, . J. jilyci,' of a ioul. -J l 10, at Sion-bal, Clifton, the wife of Sir T. C. IfCO,~ of a son. Boei jB ?? 12, at iornaington ...

BIRTHS. ?? 29, at Wa

... rwick-equare, the n. it . Corry, of CWICIlTON.-Junn 29, at John-street, Berkloey-squaro, tho Lady Margaret Maitland 31. Crichtan, prenaturely, of a daughter, stillborn. 30ODS.-Juno 29, at Park-villas, Shepherds-bush, Loudon, the wife of i. Si. Dada, of a eon. WteIf ~.-JUnO 29, at Wbineld, Dlarhungton, M. Feetham, ~AZtT~li.Y.-JunO. 27, atlfareourt-atreet, aDublin, the wlfc of J. F. aretley, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRT'HS, MARRIAGES, AND DEA7HS. BIRTHS. SONS. BATTISCOMBE, Mrs. A., at Glasbury, Radnorshire, July 24. CURTIS, wife of Surgeon J. L., 18th (The Royal Irish) Regiment, at Cork, July 22. EVANS, wife of the Rev. C., at Solihull Rectory, July 22. G1RAVES, Mrs. E., at Weldon, Northamptonshire, July so. LATHAM, Mrs. P. A., at Kensington-gardens. Square, July 21. LLOYD, Mrs. T., of Leghorn, at the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Chidt OEbenialld f~bee. THE DEATH OF MARSHAL CONCHA. The Times publishes the following special telegrams from its correspondent at Madrid: MADRID, June 29, 6.15 P.Ma.-The first news the Minister of War received of the loss the army bad experienced was contained in a telegram from his own son, who was one of Cconuba's aides-de-camp, announcing his arrival at Tafarm as escort to the body of his ...