... .PORTRAITS COATEMPORAZNS, B1. THkOPHILE GAUTIER used to say that he had written articles and tales enough to fill some. three hundred volumes, ce qui fait que tout le monde m'appelle paresseux et me demande d quoi je m'occupe. The boast was perhaps almost as much an exaggeration as that other saying about Gavarni, that he might have built a large house with the lithographic stones he had ...


... PORTRAITS CONfTEJIPORAINS. * AL THtOPHILE GAUTIER used to say that he had written articles and tales enough to fill some three hundred volumes, ce qui fait que tout le monde m'appelle paresseux et me demande d quoi je m'occupe. The boast was perhaps almost as much an exaggeration as that other saying about Gavarni, that he might have built a large house with the lithographic stones he ...


... FAS.ITON AND rIrTBTX.VS. I UARRIAGE OF MR. MURRAY GLADlSTONEf. The marriage of Mr Murray Gladstone, onesin to the late Premier, with the Hon Emily Wynn second daughter of Lord Newborough, was celebrated at l'eartenmavwr Church on Tuesday. The officiating clergy were the Bishop of Ban- gor, the Rev S H de Minto, and the Rev David Jones, The bride, who was given away by her brother, the Hon ...


... THE DT.TKE oi?' EDLNBURGH IN LIVERPOOL. jH MU}ilALGSICJAL FESSTiVfAL. The Duke of ?? was punctual in his afttend^ ance yesterday mornin g at the Philharmonoic HEall. Thq iserformances emubraced the first anid second parts of the oratonio of the Creation; Gonnod's newv mass; SS. Angeli Custodes tits first performance in Liverpool,) and selectionls 1mmr Ilandel's Messiah, ''Israel in ...


... , . LITERA 4 T-RE. - - I S I _, A, ! - ?? , I ., , ? Thte Ancient i.at'ion. yte uro ?? el 0 Anicdptee, &o. London. keeley and 00i9 W 54, Fleet-steet.t.. -v- i; l n {rie g osfthiS ?? we, woe under toe fin- peus into nove.lad with 9a Ha.breW~titoi. fo the hero band a Gentile: mslden~, p nPl U f'or thegentle harouie, sxoiund whom the bao icinterest would ciren b; hue hfdnot pro.f ceeded far ...


... I TJEmuLRPI L MUSICAL ESTIVAL I -- I ?? sn^ OnM OWN COUnZsPoNDN.3 ' . aD ( : .- 25S AND TIEL-GRA.PH.) h LMVPOOL, W= AssDxY :V=PO. e: Either in coisequence df the unsettled weather, -a heavy shower of rain having fallen at the ii time whdri the majority of the audience would be g setlart out for the Philbarmonio-or of the some- what high prices charged for seats, the attendance p at this ...


... .. LIVERPOOL M1STOWAL TERTIVAL.j o i I.. balsa IfsSVE nr~nzew~ Gar i (FwoM ?? 1WM (ORRiSPOiNDN.T ) rly . Liverpool, We eaday Evening: - 61 . The programme of this morning's concert- was at eas not A satisfactory 's it. might have been. Iti nt, commenced- with the two dirsta of Haydn'e p theo Creation, folloawed by 'Gounod's new wasor i, wfinishing with selections from Handel's three iM ,he.- ...


... Le Follet says a docided ?? is being made to bring in pattern materials for the autumn and winter s5easzn. Whether or not it will succeed a few days will decide. We think it more than probable that the final arrangement wiil be their employment as trim- mings, or parts of the toilette or.ly. There are innu- incerable varieties of patterns-broad or narrow str-.ie3 of a dififrent material-such ...


... Le Pullet says a decided effort is being made to bring in pattern material fir the Autumn and Winter season WVhether or not it will succeed a few d:.ya will decide. We think it more then pro bable that the final arrangement will bs their em ployment as trimmings for parts otthe toilet only. Thtre are innumerable varieties of patterns, broad Ir narrow. stripes-stripes of a different material ...


... A LIVERPOOL THEATRICAL SCAN-DAL. A case which has caused considerable scandal in ttheatrical circles, and in reference to which it is sought to impute blame to the police, has recently been brought under the notice of the authorities. It seems that on the 26th of August last, whilst an in- speutorof the detective department was engaged in the police court, a well-known Liverpool merchant asked ...


... HOLYWOOD HARVEST FE3TIVAL A HARVEST thauk-giviog service was held last I evening in the Churc'h of St, Phillip and St. James, Holywood. There was a very large congregstion, the sacred editios being filled in all parts. Among A the oleigymen preient ?? Lord Bishop ofE Down, Rev. Dr. Bailty, Clogher; Rev. G R. I IWynne, Vicar of Holywood; R1ev. Hl. Hewitt Rev. E. J. Hartriclr, Rev. A. J. Ard, ...


... R' L1TERATURE, AND SCIENCE. .F - , . _ . lessrs fliv ilgtus lhave in the press a bio- Iphy 4t tltu lalclbishop of Capetown, by his son, e liev. , ( ...