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Cardiff Times


... LIBELLING A WELSH DISSENT- ING MINISTER. At the Bristol Tolzey-court, on Wednesday, before Mr. Kingdon, Q.C., judge, an action was tried which, if all the details had come out, would have been of a highly sensational character. The plaintiff was the Rev. John James, better known as Iago Emlyn, a prominent mem- ber of the Bristol Cambrian Society, and the defendant, the Rev. Samuel Hart. Mr ...


... LIFB PRESERVERS.—DEAR SIB.—As for your Europa Infants' Life Preservers, their effects are wonderful. always keep them by me, and whenever there's any dis- turbance of whatever kind in the health of any of my younger children a dose or two of your invaluable Powders brings them round quickly, I recommend them all I possibly can. Yours, &c., Thos. Thomas, Manager, Ton foundry, Rhondda Valley ...

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... GOVERNMENT SIGN AL STATION, LIZARD.. Ships reported by Messrs. WM. BROAD & SONS, Lloyd's and Ship Agents, Falmouth, and the Lizard, as having PASSED THIS LIZARD, [SPECIAL TFXEGIUM.J THURSDAY.—Morning, parsed east: barques Peggy Day, of Alloa, Thomas Brockb.aik, of Liverpool. both for Falmouth, barque Lucknow, of London, Gulf of Mexico. Passed west: schooner Agnes, of Llanelly, steamers G. N. ...


... On Monday morning a portion of the embankment on the Bath and iiveicreech line slipped away near Evercreech Junction. An engine was thrown down the embankment, the driver was killed, and the stoker ia not expected to live. At Paisley, on Monday niorningj four children, who were left unprotected, set the bed clothes on fire. Two were bnint to death, and the remaining two children died ahortly ...


... OCT\ CARDIFF. SWANSEA. NEWPORT. AND 1— NOV. MomjEvcn Hyht AIonijEvenjHghtjMom Even.Hght 30 Friday 10 6 10 28 25 101 9 21j 9 45'l9 4^10 1310 36 24 9 51 Saturday.. 10 5211 22 23 010 1110 45 17 I'll 011 30|2l 8 1 Sunday 11 f5 jtO 911 1611 5115 8) h8 19 2 Monday 0 84 1 20 26 5 10 32;14 11 0 42' 0 4318 5 3 Tuesday 2 5 2 42 21 6 1 18 1 68)15 10 2 1#! 2 lffllO 7 4 Wednesday 3 14 3 45 23 5: 2 82 3 ...

latest JUarHets

... MR. BEACH, M.P., ON TURNPIKE LEGISLATION. Mr Beach, M.P., speaking at the dinner of the North- East Hants Agricultural Association, said that there was a matter which demanded urgent attention at the present time. and that was the road question. The debts on existing trusts formed a difficulty, and it might be said that they should be thrown on the rates. But could any more flagrant injustice ...


... CARDIFF. SWANSEA. NEWPORT. OCT. MorniEven Hght Morn Even|Hght|Mom|Even Hght 2 Friday ..11 4 11 3* 23 310 27 10 57|17 311 1211 4221 3 Saturday. 0 1120 611 29 15 0 0 1918 9 4 Sunday >. 0 57 1 52 20 lj 0 11 1 414 8, 1 5 2 018 J 5 Monday 2 39, 3 19 21 6 1 55 2 36 15 11 2 47i 3 2719 9 6 Tuesday 3 56| 4 27 23 11 3 12 3 40 IT 101 4 41 4 35!2! 7 7 Wednesday 4 52i 5 is 26 1 4 3 4 25il9 7! 5 0 5 23 25 6 ...


... The competition for the E battery prizes, given by Mrs. Captain Almond, took place on Saturday, on the Artillery range, East Moor. The number of competitors was good, and the firing was excellent. Lieutenant Stringer and Sergeant-Major Mills carried out the ar- rangements, which gave general satisfaction. The ranges were 200 and 400 yards, seven shots at each range. The list of winners is ...


... AMALGAMATED ASSOCIATION OF MINERS. BIRMINGHAM. SATURDAY. The conference resumed its sitting at ten o'clock this morning. Mr. Thomas Halliday presided. The deputation which was sent to Wigan yesterday having now returned, it was determined by the conter- ence to receive their report, and proceed with the further consideration of the question, if necessary. Mr Halliday read several letters and ...


... THE FATAL COLLISION IN THE CHANNEL. We append particulars of the dreadful collision which occurred on Wednesday night, near the Lizard, between the Candahar and the Kingsbridge. The following are the names of part of the crew saved from the Kings- bridge, and taken to the Royal Cornwall Sailors' Home, viz. :—M'Donald (first mate), Jackson (third mate), Jackson (carpenter), Richards (cook), ...


... SOUTH WALES TABLE. CARDIFF. SWANSEA. NEWPORT. OCT. — Moni|Evcn HghtMorn IvenjHght'Morn Even Hght 9 Friday 6 13[ 6 29 29 o! 5 22 5 38|21 10| 6 2l' 6 37 28 4 10 Saturday.. 6 45! 7 2 29 3(5 54 6 10 22 l' 6 53 7 1023 7 11 Suuday 7 171 7 31 29 8 6 24 C 37 22 5' 7 2% 7 39 29 1 12 Monday 7 46: 8 li23 6 6 53 7 8 22 3 7 f4 8 9 23 It 13 Tuesday 8 16 8 31j28 9 7 23 7 38 21 8 8 24: 8 S928 1 14 Wednesday 8 ...

Jtatest Jttarfcets,

... CARDIFF. DRUNK AND DISORDERLY.—At the borough police- court yesterday, before Mr R. O. Jones and Mr D. Jones, Thomas Mciivoy, a young man, was fined 5s and costs for being drunk and disorderly in the Hayes on Thursday evening. SHOP ROBBEBT.—Michael Carpenter, a man of respect- able appearance, was charged with stealing a coat from the shop of Mr Blaiberg, pawnbroker, of Bute-street. On Monday ...