Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ^ r- ?? C AND ADETTH ;iT 3! La S. - ldiden, klrtey. the wife . p , , ;> ?? Ca[it. OIh ?tif iS, of a: ,Ft -rilly, India, the wife of ?? . e C rd, 16h Bengal Cavalry, , i c ?? Squawrc Iocrth Belfast, 11; : ; 2, of f:son;2., 1C!, Mrs. William ,7, sinari, WV.itcathey, tae wife * of anson,| ; - r; ad _ottage, Cavan, the 1' , of a ?? r, ik i5a 'ficrd Place, RauseHl ' ' p ' ij,, cot 1Xdb:: ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 2IR HES, AMA RRIA GES, AND DEA 'HS. B I RT H S. SONF. BENVE~TT, Mrs. Henry R., at The Old Rectory, St. James's, Shaftesbury, Dorset, Oct. 7. ERADFORD, wife ofthe Rev. John, at Chilton Vicar- age, Thame, Oct. 8 (L%-irS, tPrematurely, stillborn.) BROWN, Mrs. David, at The Park, Harrow, Oct. 9. EOORD, Mrs. H. R. 'at Hounslow, Oct. 9. HILL, Mrs. Daniel, at Greerhill, Harrow, Oct. g. MOLT, Mvcrs. G ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IBIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIBTH.-NEWOASTLE, at 11, Victoria Square, on the 5th inet., the wife of Henry kollard, of a eon. L4719 MA3tBI)w. 9OUTH SaIELDs, at St. Hilda's Cburcb, on the 28th ulc., by licence, by the Rev. J. H. Chester, John George, eldest son of Captain Haxforth, to Ann Eliza Constantia, second daughter of the late Thos. Dixon, of Ladwick. (4745 DIED.-LOW ErLL, rt Derwent ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... el WEDNESDArY* October 14, 1874. pi BIRTHS. At 10, Castle Ten-ace, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr GEORGE 'je MASSOs, Jun., of a daughter. J At tree himase, Durrie, on the 12th inst., the wife of the Rev. At Moikle tUolp, Turriff, on t'he I2th instant, the wife of Mr hi ALvxoAsoDI. Cxiu wCiosH4Ng, Agent, N~orthorn Agricultural Cor-n T eoltan. IndX on the 11th September, the wife of Dr R. JV ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . tr BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS, 3For simple announcements of Deaths no charge Is made, but announcements containing anything additional mint be paid for'at the rate of Sixpence per line. . AU announceme ats muint be authenticated by the aignaturo and address of the sender. * ' BlRTHtS. D ;A81nsm.-Ortober 3, rt No. e, Clifton-ooDd-orescent, the wife v r If 'meorge Ashhbee of a son. - IE ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IEIRTES, AzLREIAGES, A1ND DEA7!IS. B I RT F S. SONS. AStsURNERu I wife of Mr. Lionel, ?? Bombay C S., at Bcmbtay, Sept. 78. BAECHAhID, hlrs. Elphbistote, Oct. 7. .-AwTisEn, wife of Mr. A., at Sutton, Surrey, Oct. -x. CurisR, Mrs. Thomas, at Nswron.ta-tt-Wiltosws, Oct. 9. DAVIS, Mrs. Owen, at Lce, Kent, Oct. II. DAVIS, wife of Mr. Henry V. 1I. F., R.E., at Folkestore, Oct. to. GFEGORV, wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I ! BIRTH 11. WILSON-On the 7th inst., nt Melbourne, Derbyshire, ?? w wife of Arthur Wilson. Esq., of a son. I MAIRRIAGES. S CAUISON-WALLACE-Oct. 8, at St. Werburgh's Church, Derby, by the Rev. T. B[rrv, vicar, John Henry, only s- L f of Henry Carson, Grove-Streot Lodge, Litchilmtrh, to Susan, youngest daughter of Mr. John Wallacv, Cheap- e side, Derby. WOOLLPEY-jYTF-Oct. 5, at Morley Church, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Announcements ofaBndrts, anrf .Marri an- nounooments 'wit1 'No Cards attached, are chCI ared . s Actertisoements. ' . ' ?? 'MARRIAGES. L HEwircxSAxa'Y.-27th ult., atbthe Churoh of the Holy Trinityj South Winribledona, y the-Bev. Edwd. Cartis, Herber Willisam Custins, only. so of Joli Hpwke, ;Esq., of Great Yarm outh, Norfolk, bo Benrietta Eliza. beth Ashby, second daughter of the late Henry ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH S. Sept. 26, at Wolvercot, the wife of Mr. Henry Hedges, of a daughter. Oct. 2, at 71, Ifflay Road, Oxford, the wife of Ernest Lloyd Savory, of ta daughter. Oct. 7, at Ebstone House, Oxon, the wife of S. R. Brewils, Esq., of a son. MAR RI A GE S. Sept. 30, at Holy Trinity Church, Clifton, by the Rev. C. H. Wallace, M.A., Vicar, assisted by the Rev. B' Y. Harford, M.A.,Vicar of Bathford, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'c1S MAiKRR',GES, -kAND DEP:V11H.S. bl t ?? _ _ I ET HS. at 1 ,a Zi, Carlisle Street, Beltsmt, the .i t-~ s; c 'di , o f a daughter. ?? MI> Lodge Road, Belfast, 7 C) in. ot rDianrsc, Of a son. at 4, ernon Street, Belfast, the ]t l y, ktsq, of a son. ' Cl:.rnda Park East, Kingstown, F LE U ?? ?? *. J- it.y, Est., li P. ., of a son. Fcrenco Villa, Lurgan, the ?? 'y . A , o a dat1ghter. -I) -( ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... se MELANCHOIY AFFAIR AT c TREFOREST. ad SUDDEN DE&TH OF A RETURNED 011o EMIGRANT. tM At the latter part of last week an event happened tl at Treforest tihich created a most painful feeliag throughout the district, namely, the sudden dealith of of John Edwards, a returned emigrant, who ex hs pired within a couple of minutes after reaching tlk home from the United States. The deceased livad, gc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ,for f___ _ ok, _ t . t werits. Simipl, -1atoeIaCeootOs euf towl.1 azc t t itwtlL. f obt1ego, jtot to~e toettlels ?? liuei.-,' or t:y ?? I :.ddietei, fi]it(t ti tet to t utietoo i, i tiV, i:teortiri. III:oil ce-ce, tie oieoccet mest he :ittxot by thie 2 outic ;el cetr of tle seeder. BIRTHS. R 'tion-On the, 3rd estant, ait the 1 Ahoti Tavern, t A rhliuen strrei, lor L ...