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... jHE gORTHERN RCHO THU1R7DAY, NOVEMBEB 5, 1874. I -- -- MR EDGAR LAYABD,who for some'ime past in: has been acting as Her MAJESTY'S Consul at its Levaka, is to be the Mo'st governor of otir to new dependency of Fiji. He possesses an d- thorough acquaintance with Fijian politics, of: ik and if he is but as strong as he is well- an a, informed, his term of office should establish del affairs in ...

Published: Thursday 05 November 1874
Newspaper: Northern Echo
County: Durham, England
Type: Article | Words: 2656 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... - FO1D CEHArACTELI OP CEPTICISM. TOF Tv ir id T ?? .D Wl.ia deserves 0 doh'a !;pect but tlelm i10 155ss a spirit of qtuipat Y' -i ii callb nlailinly for rcbuke, A do say-md. Tif Vi0 Marn, he will ,vise rui;l; 1 s dly ti ' i -thalt 1-tmil., Lio 11romf, or no bear ' t ,f the e-itoence of CGod, in his 0dequi't5 P lie, of tre Lw \0 iaturrl facrs and .th waici he abls utto ;mb to acquaint ...

Published: Friday 06 November 1874
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 309 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LOCAL AND GENERIIL NEWS. Madame Florence Lancia gave a farewell concert> in the 'Toown i lall last evening. A New York telegramn says that Mr Elihn Borritt is dangerously ill. A war of reprisalk hls commenced between the Midlalnd and Great Northern Railways. The latter cviii now compete wills the tormer in all direc- tions. As a return the Mkidland will carry its lines into the Great Northern ...

Published: Friday 06 November 1874
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 4677 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... FOPElIGN INTEL tULGEN CE. GXEAT Fuims I-N *%miuCc;.-A fire lhas dollaLs. Creat fur-st firva have, ocourI(iA iii Onto and audiant.. MEDICINE IN JAPA:;.-The island of cess.) k beionit n ore snnic and inu e vrospe-pr us. Ali Anmeioatni ?? has funtrlded as in-iny as fivs ospiitls tur tilto ii;tiVs. I-IL! has emtabliseh'l, at eguli' ciiniiue, ?? grives leciurso to the studentii, hesr Ice-Lu aer-e ...

Published: Friday 06 November 1874
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1987 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... MULTUM - IN ? ARVO.. M. Rochef rt has established an office Rome for the publication of his Lanterne. An effort is being made to found a Ch for Celtic in the University of Edinhburgi. The London international Exhibition 1874 was brought to a close on Saturday. The new Town Hall ot Bolton has c 166,418. Intelligence from various sources etates tl Don Alphonso and his wife have re-sniered Fran ...

Published: Friday 06 November 1874
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 3696 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... MONDAY, NOVZ73E.rFB 2, 1874, . , .j.Ju I. 1F AN intelligent foreigner were to visit I the North tiding to inspect the workings of te British fie idlCtion, wo should much regr~et if e dep~rtel vwithout making him : Ie1f acquainted ?? the Borough of Thirsk. I the experience of that hapless constita- eney he would see many illustrations of a tl condition of affairs now happily almost ex- VP ...

Published: Monday 02 November 1874
Newspaper: Northern Echo
County: Durham, England
Type: Article | Words: 1997 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... DARLIFNTON GBAMMAR SCHOOL j GcOVERNORS. . UV V Z`-1VU. b A neaeting of the Governors of ?? Darlinlgton .raminar Schvol waa hctl S6d.d1y. r, I.. Dlde (cecnpied tbe chair, r)nl tbele were ?? pre-t sent the Mayor, the Rpwqs. W. (b. Stephens and A. H. Hruglhes, also Aldermen Luclk, Bowroeu, and 1.Henry Pease, Mtesers Edward Pease, Tberidoce Fry, T It. M. Plews, ae' Ttn1'nelo. OSiSC5LLAn;OOUS.i lhs ...

Published: Saturday 07 November 1874
Newspaper: Northern Echo
County: Durham, England
Type: Article | Words: 2458 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... MAKING STREETS IN MIDDLES- BROUJGH. I On Saturday, several owners of property were c summoned before the magistrates (Miessrs H. a at Thompson, R. Stephenson, and J. Stevenson) for t Y* various amounts due t) the Middleebrough Town e Council for the making of the street in front of I ry their property. The first case heard wss one in W 'al. which Wmn. P. Elliott, of Stockton, was sum- 1. ke ...

Published: Monday 02 November 1874
Newspaper: Northern Echo
County: Durham, England
Type: Article | Words: 721 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I BY W. HEPWORTH DIXON. [r- -1 ?- VWRITTEN FOR ruE NORTHERN ECHD. 1 O LETTER III.-THE NATION'S WARD. 1 d RICHsMOND, OCTOBER., In the capital of Virginia, I saw this morning a by poetical figure called the Nation's Ward; a negro iiboy, in all the freshness of his youth and all thet stimpotence of his race. Thenegro type is tenderly c g sabdued; not into that of the African Sibyl, in s 1. ...

Published: Saturday 07 November 1874
Newspaper: Northern Echo
County: Durham, England
Type: Article | Words: 3362 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ALNW:ICTi.. SCIENTIFIC ATN9. MECHA- NICAL IN'TIT'UTION. CELEBRATION OF' THES JUBILEE. Tuesday was set apart for the celebration of the jubilee of the Ainwick. jcientific and Mechanical Institution.. The mode adopted for, doing honour to the o.casiorn was a happy one-the holoing of a. polytechnic exhibition. Alnwick was ens of the foremost towns in availing itself of the enlightened. views cf ...

Published: Friday 06 November 1874
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 5147 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... THE DARLINGTO)N RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION. T ---L A . . . .. - n List night a meeting of the ratepayers was 0 held in the National School-room, Lead YarJ, r for the purpose of forming a committee in the y South Ward in connection with the above associa- -. tion. There was a f ir attendance. h Mr MANNERS ?? the chair, and after a Ibrief introduction called upon Mr J. T. SEDGwIcK who moved the ...

Published: Thursday 05 November 1874
Newspaper: Northern Echo
County: Durham, England
Type: Article | Words: 1338 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: News 


... DARLINGTON. NoB. W. SiMPSON AND THE CENTRAL WARD. DISORDERLY PROCEEDINGS. On Saturday afternoon, according to announce- M ment, Ur W. Simpson addressed the burgesses of I the Central Ward, in the Market-place. The can- rdidate took ris station on the leads opposite the second foor windows of the Bull's Head Inn, and from the first the large crowd received his re- marks with chaff and ...

Published: Monday 02 November 1874
Newspaper: Northern Echo
County: Durham, England
Type: Article | Words: 3999 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: News