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... as E UT E R'S TE L E G R A MS. SPAIN. MADRID, Nov. 6, Morning.-Official despatches announce that General Jovellar has entered Teruel. The Carlists take to flight as he advances. Some considerable Carlist bands in the Maestrazgo are said to intend surrendering to the Republican authorities, The Government has sent large reinforcements to the North. A Carlist force has been defeated at Castello, ...

Published: Friday 06 November 1874
Newspaper: Pall Mall Gazette
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3892 | Page: Page 8, 9 | Tags: News 


... IT is odd that the Bonapartists, who are so fond of enumerating the benefits conferred upon France by the Third Empire, do not make more capital out of the service which it rendered in raising Le Turf from the position of a mere exotic to that of one of the institutions of the country. For this is unquestionably one of the achievements of the Empire quite as much as a flourishing demimonde ...


... SECOND EDITION, 2.30 ?? A GERMAN IMPERIAL BANK, (BPECIL TBLEORM.) 0 ?? IN, Tuesday.-The Imperial Government has consented to the pro- posal for the establishment of a National Bank-that is, the conversion of the va present Bank of Prussia into such. It is expected that the Bank Bill will 1 be withdrawn in order to introduce this new provision. In that case the bill p will be reintroduced in ...


... A HERO, AND A JIMA RYR. W| EN the women were gone, the old man's expressive features brightened a little, and he drew his stool nearer me, with a certain genial alacrity. There are bookmakers who would not let you know that, Madam, lest ycu should turn from their Lhero with aversion; but, when I deal with fact, I am on my oatb. At all events, understand him, before yoa turn frcm him. You see ...


... THERE are few things in our day more remarkable and worthier of attentive study than the nature of the two Powers which have struggled against one another for more than a year in the contest in Spain. All the superficial interest attaches, of course, to the Carlists, though there is nothing very new or surprising in such success as they have obtained. We have long known, from our own history, ...

Published: Friday 13 November 1874
Newspaper: Pall Mall Gazette
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1597 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... LAST WEEKrS LATEST NEnv., - - -- _- '77itifoUoirg appeared in our ldijtion of lot SV MR. B0OORD, M.P., AT GRJfrlETWIR. Oa Friday night the Con-crvative te::,r n nhich atldressed a meeting of h 9 con tii tur- ' Lecture Hall, Royal-hill. 'I tho Mr. BooRD met with a h'artv reception fron hjs tupporters. On the subject of ritualihin, he etiut3 .eb may that the votes ho gave on tl e Pablic ...

Published: Sunday 29 November 1874
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 8440 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: News 


... M. Emile Girardin, the new director of the newspapee La France, publisher a statement of its policy, wvich, he says, is contained in the word France, the title of the journal. Every other thought will be su bordinate to that patriotic aim. The paper will belong to no party, and hi.Emiie Glirardin, in conclusion, sma lup its programme as followsv: ' personal Septennate until 1880, the ...

Published: Sunday 22 November 1874
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1671 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... 1MR. BOORD, M.P., AT GREENWICH. On Friday mnght the Conmervative member for Green. which addressed a meeting of his conatituents in th4 Loeture Hall, Royal-hill. Mr. BOOnD met with a hrarty reception from hlt supporters. On the subject of ritualisus, he would Merel! say that the votes he gave on the Public Worehip Bill were sufficient guarantee that he should pursue the conrsc which that ...

Published: Sunday 22 November 1874
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 652 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... THE MtIUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Or LOND ON. An influential iepntatiou waited upon Mr. Cross, an Wednesday, at tbe Home-offiEce, with rerard to the munieipal goverrnment of London. Lord Eli;Co briefly introduced the deputation, and thanked dIr. Cross for his courtesy. Their object, he explained, was to get an imprroved government for London, to get unity of authority and of action, and an efficient ...

Published: Sunday 01 November 1874
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 759 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... THE PUNCTIONS Or SUDGES AND JURZlES. TO THE EDITOR OF REYNOLDS'S NEWSPAPER. SIR,-I have read with much satisfaction your article under the heading of Sqaint-caed Mercy, and, with your kind permission, would wish to say a word or two. You draw a comparison between the cases of poor Coppin, who was recently hanged, and Parsen Watson, who was respited by the Crown and got off with his life, ...

Published: Sunday 01 November 1874
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 848 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... An old and interesting controversy is likely to be revived in connection with the successful production of Hamlet, and a general desire to see what can be done with England's Shakes- peare in other quarters. When Hamlet appears, for the first time on record, with a dagger as well as a sword; when the Prince of Denmark stands before us in a loose silken jacket, edged with sable, pronounced by ...

Published: Sunday 29 November 1874
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2259 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: News 


... v -T ' -- .4G - 1I.^ I PTI lb WA . lop! , H ,; '!REIOf-ASS$ELYi:A M-WSHAL OMA 'Ss S4.. .Te Iessags is Still unse6ttled, and it is doubtful. m whether it willbe 'reed hon d T uesday, ,or C~ed 'da, Tb~e lastnaimed is ,most pro- bable?; especially as; -the Duo Decazes is aid to ha~ve' ieceive~ 'instruor' 'set 8o fmrae it as to satisfy all sebtionsof..the Conservatives, including ; Legitimis' and ...

Published: Saturday 28 November 1874
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1094 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News