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November 1874
26 13


Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales



South Wales, Wales

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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales

[No title]

... BEWABE OF PRRATICAL IiiiTATioys OF ALLCOCK'S PENOTR* PLASIEE.—thvin? to the wonderful sale these celebrated plalo ten; have obtained by their curative properties in lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism, pains in side and back, and in short, aU pains and local aflectiuIls, some unprincipled parties have been manufacturing and offering: for sale spurious plasters, put ap in such a manner so as to ...


... SATURDAY.—(Before A. De Ruizen, and J. Probert, Esqrs.) INEBRIATES.—Lewis Gething, puddler, summoned at the instance of P.C. Hunt for drunken and riotous be- haviour in Sand-street, Dowlais, on the 26th ult., was lined 5s and the costs. Benjamin Davies, collier, for a similar offence in High-street, Penydarren, this (Satur. day) morning, was, upon the evidence of P.C. Jones, fined a like ...


... At the AGRICULTURAL SHOW, lately held at Rochdale, the ILVER MEDAL offered for The Best Sewing Machine Dressmaking and Family rse, was awarded to 'TAYLOR'S PATENT MACHI.VE. It has a new Patent Shuttle, having only one hole to thread, and a number of other recent improvements. Parties wanting a Sewing Machine should, if unable to get this one from local Dealers, send for a prospedus to ...


... KERNIOK'S DANDELION COFFEE, refreshing, healthy, and much approved, is a most valuable beverage for preserving a healthy condition of the liver and stomach, and as an aid to more potent medicines. In canisters at 6d., lod.,and Is. 6d each. Shopkeepers may be supplied by the proprietor, or the fallowing wholesale agents -Leonard and Robinson, Bristol. Clutterbuck and U-riflin, Bristol; Hugh ...


... MR. GLADSTONE AND THE VATICAN. W. quote some of the most remarkable pauagea from Mr. Gladstone's Political Expostulation on the Vatican Decrees just published by Mr. Murray. Mr. Gladstone begins by reiterating the principles he laid down in his famous essay in the Contemporary Review, which he summarifes into four propositions :— 1. That Rome has substituted for the proud boast of Semptr ...


... MASSACRE OF THE INNOCENTS.—Parents valuing their children's safety will avoid Soothing Medicines. containing opium, so frequent!y fatal to infants, and will use only STKDMAN'H TEETHING POWDEBS, which are safest and best, being free from opium. Prepared by a Surgeon (not a Chemist), formerly attached to a Children's Hospital, whose name, Stedman, has but one E in it. Trade Mark, A Gum ...

[No title]

... HHYMNEY INTEttIG-ENOE. 'T .JOHN'S CATHOLIC SCHOOLS.—Special services were held on Monday iu St. John's Church, in aid of thp above schools. The preacher was the Rev. Canon. Vaughan, of Hereford, and his able discourses were | listened to with marked attention by numerous con- gregations. The Rev. Father D-tvey, of Dowlais, was the cei?brant, and the Rev. Fathers Williams and Hur- wortil, with ...

[No title]

... THE INSURRECTION IN BUENOt AY RES. MONTEVIDEO, NOV. e.—The insurgent flotilla Is Bueno Avres. and several Government steamers htTW been despatched in pursuit. An engagement is reported to have been fought tt, the Province of Mendosa, in which the insurgent leader Arredondo was defeated with the lorn of 2QQ Ksa. ...

.....,_'0'--'-LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. 1

... LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. DISTRESSING CASE OF SUICIDE. — On Wednesday morning a case of suicide occurred at 1G, Waterloo- street, Cuepantywyll, when Hannah Francis, a widow, ¡Iged 74, committed suicide by hanging herself to the bed-post. The deceased was one of the widows in the receipt of parish relief, and it is supposed that her im- poverished circumstances generated a disease which so affected ...


... The usual weekly meeting of this Board was held on Saturday, Mr G. T. Clark in the chair. There was a good attendance of guardians. MR, R. H. RHYS ON THE PAUPER RETURNS. Mr R„ H. Rhys asked the clerk to read the return as to the cost of paupers per head during the past three years ending September, 1874, of which he had given notice last week. liThe Clerk said, taking the population at 104,110 ...


... A Liverpool clerk suot himself while being driven through the strtets in a cab. Dr. Julius littng has been summoned before the Court of Justice at Linz to give evidence in Count AmiLU'S affair. The spread of smaJI-pox r}; Todmorden is ro great that the closing of one of the factories there has been solicited by the operatives. Kr.llmmm is to serve his term of fourteen years: iuiprisohment in ...