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November 1874
35 20



Glamorgan, Wales


Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... BY THE RAILWAY MAN, No. 2. WE left Niagara. at midnight, thrilled with emotions of solemnity and gratification at having witnessed one of the grandest freaks of nature musing in its thunder- ing strain to the everlasting glory of the Almighty. America is a foine' country if 'tware all fenced in, remarked a. fellow-passenger who I reckoned up to be a green horn-a term applied to all fresh ...

[No title]

... THE RESERVE FAMINE STOCK. -Calcutta, October 18.—At Calcutta the reserve stock of rice foe famine relief purposes is advertised for sale. Twenty thousand tons divided into four lots are to be sold by auction on four different dates, the last on January 18. An accident of a serious nature has happened to Mr George Foot in the hunting-field at Parkstone, near Bournemouth. Whilst coursing with ...


... ELECTOR XL REFORM AGITATION. CONFERENCE IN LONDON. On Tuesday a cotife.ence of Liberals upon the subject [ of electoral reform was held at the Freemason's Taurn, Great J-street, under the presidency of Mr. J. S. Wa K;HT, of Birmingham, and amongst the principal person' present were Miss Lvdia Becker, Mrs. King, Miss Elackburn, Mr. J. C. Cox, Mr. Aston, Mr. W. Dilke. Sir John Bennett, &c. ...


... A royal commission was gazetted on Tuesday night. The Commissioners are Lord Penzance, Lord Hampton, the Right Hon. E. P. Bouverie, Major-General B. Johnston, C.B.; Major-General A. F. Herbert, C.B. llr. Reginald Earl VVelby, C.B.J and Major-Geneial J. Forster. Mr. T. D. Pigott is appointed secretary to the commission. The subjects into which the commis- sioners are to inquire are—What ...


... MERTHYR VTOTIC13 IS HEREBY GIVEN that then. is JJl impounded in the above Pound, a HORSE DONKEY, of Light Colour. Unless claimed within Seven davs of this Notice the animal wi1l immediately thpreafter be publicly sold to recover fee and expenses. THOMAS MEREDITH, Pound-keeper. Caemary-dwn Farm, Merthyr Tydfil, Nov. 2uth, 1871 ...

[No title]

... AND IKON.—It is not generally known that the action of Quinine in destroyiug the disease germ existing in aimost every constitution, is considerably assisted by com- bining it with a suitable preparation of Iron. This is a fact of which weak and ailing persons should convince themselves By t .king a few doses regularly before meals, those to whom the least exertion is a trial, will find their ...

[No title]

... ASSAULTING A MAGISTRATE.—At the Rath- drum petty sessions, man named Thomas Kilbride was charged with seriously assaulting Andrew William Byrne, Esq., J.P., by striking him a blow on the head, aud knocking him into the side of a ditch. The assault arose in consequence of Mr. Byrne endeavouring to protect two young girls from the violence of the de- fendant. The case was sent for trial at the ...

[No title]

... Fever has c.? rather extensively some parts of Nottingham, and one o; smallpox have been discovered. The authorities, how- ever, are taking the most expeditions means of pre- venting the recurrence of the latter disease, which a few years ago carried away hundreds of people. The London correspondent of the Liverpool l'ost says that the Liberation Society are endeavouring to secure the adhesion ...

[No title]

... Epps COCOA—GBATEFUL AND COMVOKTINO.— By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careial ap- plication of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Kpps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavor-ed beverage which may save us manvheay doctor^ bills It is by the judicious use of such articles ot ...


... LTTCKNOW, Nov. 9.—Inquiries made to-day throw doubt upon the identity of the Gwalior prisoner. All inquiries are private. CAWNPORB, November 10.—The Viceroy has sus- pended the formal proceedings in the case of the Gwalior prisoner for more mature consideration. This affords reason to hope that the trial, long or short, will eventually be public and in legal form. The difficulties of ...


... THE revelations recently made respecting the average cost of paupers are of a character to show that the members of the Board of Guardians watch carefully over the relief lists, and have been successful in their efforts to minimise the outlay necessitated by the operation of the Poor Law. There can be no doubt that the maintenance of aged and sick people, unable to provide for themselves, is a ...

[No title]

... TALL OF HousES AT Bow.—It is reported that a block of newly-built houses, situated in the Addington-road, Bow, fell on Tuesday afternoon be- tween 3 and 4 o'clock, seriously injuring eleven men, who were at once removed to the German Hospital at Homerton. THE LORD RECTORSHIP.—Lord Derby has in- timated his intention of accepting the Rectorship of the University if elected. At a meeting of the ...