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November 1874
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London, England


London, London, England

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... THEI GARDEN.-By Mit. Wnxu.m Egay. SEASONABLE 'GARDENING FOR TUEWEEK * ENDING DECEMBER 5. Some of our readers are anxious doubtless, to possess a few early-bloomed or forced iyowers, at as early a, date as possible, and no doubt some there be in posses- sion of a glass-structure, who consider doing 'o an easy matter. The fact is, however, where but a solitary glass- house exists, and which is ...

Published: Sunday 29 November 1874
Newspaper: Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1784 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: News 


... ' PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY MORNING, IN TIME FOR POST. POSTSCRIPT. LLOYD'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OFFICAE SATUIDAY MORNING LATEST ELECTRIC NEWS. .THWIOUGH REUTER'S A6ENCh.) GERMANY. BERLIx, Friday. To day's morning papers announce that anew bill has been draughted at the Imperial Chancellery, centaining a clause for the establishment of an Im- perial bank. The draught will be submitted forth- with to ...

Published: Sunday 29 November 1874
Newspaper: Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 6974 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: News 

This Evening's News

... Chid Obeningld gew!?. THE CARLIST WAR. (REUTER'S TELEGRAM.) MA.DRID, Nov. 30.-Official advices received here state that the Marquis de Villadarco and Sefior Calderon, superior officers on the staff of Don Carlos, have abandoned the Carlist cause. The same advices mention a ramour that Saballs had also taken this course. Fifteen Carlists have solicited amnesty from the authorities of San ...

Published: Monday 30 November 1874
Newspaper: Pall Mall Gazette
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2587 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... The Circular letter (f Archbishop Manning, appointed to be read last night in all the churches of his diocese, contains in its third paragraph a very significant announcement:- It has come to our knowledge that some who openly refuse io believe the said doctrines (the Immaculate Concep- tion and Papal Infallibility) persist, nevertheless, in calling themselves Catholics, and give out that ...

Published: Monday 30 November 1874
Newspaper: Pall Mall Gazette
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4348 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: News 

This Evening's News

... thid Obtainald OtW?- THE CARLIST WAR. (REUUTER'S TELEGRAM.) MADRID, Nov. 30.-Official advices received here state that the Marquis dc Villadarco and Seuior Calderon, superior officers on the staff of Don Carlos, have abandoned the Carlist cause. The same advices mention a rumour that Saballs had also taken this course. Fifteen Carlists have solicited amnesty irom the authorities of San ...

Published: Monday 30 November 1874
Newspaper: Pall Mall Gazette
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2590 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... a' A E E M-A S 0 N R Y. Grand L~odge. m evenling the usual mleeting of Grand Lodlge il it j-reraoiis' Hall, but v-a May 'lot excpect to see tlsc 0 W0, I 'reId, alhbutigh it ii announced that thle Cran lytice a Im a otc oif cendf~locie to Grand Ledge of ireland. oci ftsoI t Dkeof Lobister. hr are o Sevra important items te. to te traiisacted, among which is this vote ofcoolne ` r f tile n1 ...

Published: Sunday 29 November 1874
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1256 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... FOREIGN INTELLIDENCE. Sunday's municipal elections throughout the Country resulted in the trial of the Republican candidates in most of the large tovus. At Lyons, 34 Radicals and 1 Moderate Republican were elected ; at Marseilles, where the Conservatives were neutral, the Moderate Republicans were defeated by the Radicals by about 18,000 to 7,000; at Bordeaux, the ...

Published: Sunday 29 November 1874
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2268 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... EMP1ERATCZ CONFERENCE AT BIAN- CnESTER. On Tnesday a confireace of the ministers of all denomi- nations was held in the Free Trade Hall, Tefanchestcr, to consider the questior. of intemperances. The conference was called by the Britbah Temperance Leagne, and be- tween 900 and 1,000 ministers intimated their intention to be present. The Rov. W. M1An7, of Liverpool, was elected to the chair. He ...

Published: Sunday 29 November 1874
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1290 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... The popular Lessee and Manager of the Olympic took his benefit on the evening of Thursday last, when the elegant house was crowded to repletion by a fashionable and brilliant audience, ready to do honour to one of the most industrious, intelligent, refined, gentlemanly, and able actors of whom the English stage just now can boast. What Mr Neville has done for the stage both as actor and ...

Published: Sunday 29 November 1874
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1739 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: News 


... TEE COLLIZEY EXPLOSION AT RAW- I MIARSHX, The explosion at tha Rawmarrh pit has resulted in the death of twenty-three e iners. The explosion is the most serious that has taken place in South Yorkshire since t.ho accident at the Oaks pit; Mr. Casey, one of the secra- taries of the South Yorkshire Miners' Association, and Mr. Broadhead, the treasurer, arrived at Rwawmarsh fhe the purpose of ...

Published: Sunday 29 November 1874
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1506 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... c'UMMAARY OF THIS MORNING'S NEWS. Nothing was positively known up to this morning as to the course to be aupt t d en the opening of the French National Assembly to-day. It was 1htjievcd Ncsterday that the President's Message would not be read until tniorrow or Wcdncsday. The result of the Paris municipal elections yester- diay was to give a great majority to the Radicals. .Accoydir- to a ...

Published: Monday 30 November 1874
Newspaper: Pall Mall Gazette
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2515 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... Ml. Moulin, a draper, at Cbevrouso, has been tried for firing ft his wife and M. Martean, a priest, her suspected lover. Al. Monlin is a respectable draper in the sleepy and very priest ridden town of Chevrouse, a Conservative in his politics, bat sufficieutly moderate to be esteemed by th' Radictals o~ the ptace. Ml. Moulin is, moreover, good-loolinlg, in the prime of life, and of a fine ...

Published: Sunday 29 November 1874
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 834 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News