Advertisements & Notices

... RX1IiE BOIL-ER INSURANCEl~ 1jj ENNBU RLI1FE .OFk'1&Z~ .Df ofPROF)ITd. foan. for a 3,YzAR',$ ADDVZI9NAL BOX*Vf aSONMS ¶4ODERA'TZ. _aI'rf d.. sonti tflfree sah the o 1 M I TH JR SO , J ~ ~ S,&rNSS & MAP AGENTS. 5that they bayM OYJSD from 70 St t the ada.40ye~n) to iou ?? New cluo., TOll I asstUA e ign6oO Yard ofaON t Flaune ?? uar*4r~ &DaItl; -or to: j~tASTGIUN AT BARRODWTIP- WORKSR. Fateeg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A WSON &MA CNICOL ?? D LIDn.B3'NTXERCLOTILINhG .WIL DPATXXT. In LADIE3S' Cltin HOME, FOREIGN. C ANDI MARRIAGE OUTFITS. C 54 BUCHANAN STREET. - Th OTHcAO Lengt, * taeol mtiet-f heClob~HaLAS steeson.Street. - kviloje Ill requ, - -. 7 ?? - ~~Ad lVERCOATS TO ORDER AND 10 READY-MADE.' u tent~lemen whoD pro! or having their OVERCOATS Made to nluer may liavo'lte Made Up in the Best a .Style in a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNITED EVANGELTIC CSMTTEE. CIDIEN'S MN IT'Gin EWING PLACE cEaueR 5'&DAY.*- a TWVI NOO.-THOS. A. BOYD. EQ. ?O iiding. Subject-Chrit'lst IAbS TEMPERLNO EyPAYdi: hlEE:T}X GsnR3>R HAT.,s Cd CZ2JwDY:R STeE. at 6 P-.X REv. AD BE IKEAY sdrede the YPOUN hE:N'B Mi1Tl, in the CIT8Y HALL. at7 e.g. _ MXS¶NGI In D~tl~l H. ae9 JM.s, 1 LX4L ?? and ?? Contribntions are still required to Meet the General E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADY ERTISEMENT INDEX. v foiloww& ei tihe order sl ?? nentinto-das FIBIT PAOZ. 1 Than= PAOa. Eit-stlen-'ound. Contracts. nrners1iie. Minerals To Sell or Let. in\er. GrounG d to Pen, Let. orte11. Prouertlies to Sell or Let. P.:iona VacAMt Psol extiesfor Sale. uatiowu Wanted. l)rsnr. Governesie. 8X BV30TeHt rAGR. IDesconal Thugagement& B Elo t. im lar Beuertaimente Publioboticea S ECON D PAX ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 'Ctoles.-4ouu4lil.i -1^I Fi3 I: etig Msre, l'laio (Giod Leck'r , 1 ., i ?? Award at lieatonat, 102 Stock- s, TuWr;-X olersdayearieuU, a ?Hore-eshoe rio ;-r, --e reward will be paid to itayoen. :: r..r. I. eat ?? Bllohanuan Street. I.i dy, 12t iu., between Abbrti - , . ?? r rrS ttationJ B. w luton Street, .: 1' l'egsassra Ls. 1 Chacanant, I r 7LI: as, in Tbird Clas Compart- ?? t.lt40 1.1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... __ ?? ALTERATION AND) EXTENSION OF PREML ISIiS.I OH N L E C K I F & & C O., C In order izore eflicie-tI to conduct their increasing : Retil ;usnemhav fond t. ?? eparate theirI ?? ndHs.RNESiS DzPARTAJLNT I frum their DAG. pORTMANTE&U. and WATERPROOF STOCK. I and have gti. taken in Vte large ?? Shop, I18o. 120 ONION hI'ItERT.3 During the necessary Alterations a part of the Stocl: hasI Mau Soiled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IDb A- a C v T TI IL VT,'S CO.'S BABY ENGINES. r Wi S];TSVAWE TACKLEisobeExaiIrB -fbi'Q r tof* j WAV27v u-dS 2tRa lses 9woiT~. 20tb g3 o-1IO TRACTION f JfAA S 1l 1 s v Ean di; s 3S, Prico £375, wilU be 17sjHIiRS AXHIBiWon AT LEED3 T puua ,,ftSA> UFACTU3 VOIA nz IgTHIE QUJEEN ziBOP~ isi*yi3 ID7UKEOFDUOURGB 3 3g;~l f rJ.O. DAYSON, GenrThl WS11nwe?. THIE BOTHWELL A8YLUM, I T E K=91A.ND8. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JADVERT1iEXENT.3 THE THARSd COMPXANY. Glsegow, 28th A pril, 1875. It is clet-riy not worth the time and trouble to a holder of only 20 share sto continre this ontrovereFylonger. ft iaquire true that I wad fortunate enough to get rid of the great bulk of my shares at between £33 and £53, and fie bord and their friends bought them. This way have kept alive the bitterness of five years ago, aud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Itl I notl Ml O UEY T0 L BN B rjft N MI~ hin Prress ftbli Weeks. ftI. SI WEST GEO Y. ST ?? lasgow A1L&SGOW PRUDFNTIALJ2NVESTMENT .~ASSOCIATION (LIMUTED). ('Money received on Deposit at from Si to to 41 per Cent., ~'kd e Dec~tesh at 44 and 44 per Cent. Loans grantied on 1'H1erale euit.Rpaal by mastainsens or otherwise, as may be arranged. ply to J. A. A P. S. M`Lcan. Writers, 163 St Vincent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :sd GBA| h 8 .DVRTI6E9F=85 - c.gorgweori-fentist exrste Teeth writhont ad dea8 St.. set DooraIJovO N.B. Ballway Statilon.I tea L~-GRAITZFUL A:iD CeiO VltG. -The reet~ of thia prepsiatiio baare dered ita _ ¢. }d8 simply rwith ?? water or-milk. 0stg labelled. JAMESN EPPS ! CO,, ?? t S tneedle~treet, and ?? Works, L- d Camden T9ow, London. -No more Gout and Rheumattsm. 'To proe rbe ould at once ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ?? Ac, . Zro e dsabarph Gwrckl. r CornHy of MACMASTER & JACK: IL 80.otbRBcan8te4&sor.v ,a ~ ~ ~~ Gagowasbi VW5 Day DISSOLVEDD by mutua sonaleut Is toie ?? V!ILI.IAM SOMERVILLr, Witnayla Dff ILkLAM RENf a itness . MI ReferrMng to 'he abovel cr onthe usewbt tnhisong NUame- ?? in the am Premist, seed Is hreby i auholed oupift sed discage ?? ?? a asla nt ow ad hewillpayi a plleb mes uebtyt lehe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? AL 4IUCAL AM)D THEOLCGICAL WVORKS.|J BTILD BEFOrE THE FLOOD, AND R, YISTOR OP THE SATRIAtOBS. By tih ' s>sH~aI Author of The Temple: its wsr~ro anServices Sc. With MaPI. Crown roa clonth BOards [al Plnirehd. PZ TEgPLE. its Ministry and Services at Al M r- eot Jesuas Chri;t. By the PRev. Dr EDarc-_ X ,, 5p$rial.16mo. Sa3CIoth Boards. khrs5W the varied topics be discueanes bte rf ?? iit ...