... At the Clork assizes, on Friday,,Judge Keogh heard an actton for breach of promise of marriage,. brought by Sarah Jane Crowley, daughter of the head-constable of police, against John Henry Perrott, member of a L firm of iron manufacturers in Cork. Defendant, it ., was stated, had been nearly three years engaged to the a plaintiff. He repeatedly sought delays of marriage on r the plea of ...

Published: Friday 30 July 1875
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1511 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... FRIDAY: Before Mr. T. H. TRAVIS. DISORDERLY FISHER-LAD.-William Tayldr, fish ing smack apprentice, was charged by P.C. Hunter (24) with being disorderly in Porter-street, about 11 o'clock last night. Mr. Travis said that he should have to 1 adopt the same plan he took formerly with regard to I disorderly lads in Queen street, and send offenders like the defendant to gaol without' the option of ...

Published: Friday 30 July 1875
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2315 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... HULL, POLICE COURT. FRIDAY: Before the MAYOR and Dr. BELL. GAMBLING.-TWO little boys, named Patrick Kilbride and Luke Howley, were charged by P. a. Parrott (113) with gambling in Prince-street, on the previous day, The constable stated that on taking the: prisoners into custody they swore at him in 'a most shocking manner. A previous conviction was proved againstHowley, who' was the least of ...

Published: Friday 03 September 1875
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2119 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... I I , . - _ . _ o. n- MONDAY: Before the Rev. C. J. WALL and Dr. d. OWEN DALY. n TRANSBER Or LICENSES..-The Garibaldi, beer- tt house, Roos, from Richard Nicholson to Thomas I Fowler; the Queen's Read Inn, Preston, from is Thomas Bird to James Haimmond ; and the George Inn, Aldborough, from John Fussey to Richard Nicholson. POAcHINuG.-William Mapes, an old offender, and George White were ...

Published: Friday 14 May 1875
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1026 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... QU!RTER SESSIONS I HrUL~L BOROUGH QUARTER. SESSIONS . F F'lT.- Betore the Recorder, S INGULAR BREAkKDO)(Njr OF AkN IND ICTMENT -Ed(IwarI d Mitchell, agea 21, was chabr ed witha stealing a hammrl tille property Of his then emlosyers, Messrs. omPry, and Pearson, ontthe 29th Mai.hie. Sith was fix the :rose angll t ad Mr. Haigh Tor the defence. Two or !)ingthe eproI ag3tert ?? sad1ersn iie lt ...

Published: Friday 15 January 1875
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 721 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... FRIDnY: Before Mr. T. H. TRAVIS. Tholnas Shepherd was chkrged by P.C. Piensiell (13jq with conmmcittiing a felony, and further romaided fox se en days. Joseph Archer, John Mr. Archer, Edmund Sheck, William Longthorp. four juveniles, were charged by P.C. Aklaen (25) wvith stealing a pipe, a packet of I tobacco, and two boxes of matches, from tile shop of * vs. Johnson, 27, Porter-street. Mr. ...

Published: Friday 05 February 1875
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2590 | Page: Page 6, 7 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... THE PURFLEET MUJRD1ER. ] The trial of Richard Coates 'Was concluded on Mon- day at the Chelmsford Assizes, for the murder of the little girl, Alice Boughen. The jury found him guilty, and sentence of death was passed in the usual form. SUDDEN DEATH IN A THEATRE. On Thursday evening, a lady named Armstrong went to the Theatre Royal, Newcastle, accompanied by a lady friend. When they reached the ...

Published: Friday 12 March 1875
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2715 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... CLAMORGM'SThRE QUARTER SESS{ON?. F]1RST aUOUKT.-Wi~rDN8fflAn, (Iloloralds. L., 0. JONES, (Jh raur; and lir.1N. P. CAteuneN.) The Couart cat at ten o'clock. 55CO80NliO NEYz.SeD. *Wl~tliem Lloyd, forund guilty of fraud on 'lPaceday, was sentenced to twelve monthsa' mprloonmena with hmod labour in Cardiff gaol. John Tl~elon, a boy, found guilty on Tuecday of oltelaleg money by falce pretenceis at ...


... The business of the assizes began yesterday. Baron Oleasby took his seat on the bench at half- past, 10. The following gentlemen were sworn as the grand jury for the county :-lessrs. J. B. Bowen (fora. men), O. Allen, J. Beynon, W.A. Baley,R arrow, B Evans, 0. W. George, J. Harvey, H. L. Harris, T. T. Jackson, J. James, E. T. MIasey, H. S. Mor- gan, W. H. Owen, J, Owen, W. Owen, L, Mathias, T. ...


... MIE GLAMORGANS']RRE WILL CAUS1i In the Court of Probate on Wednesday, Sir James act nen proceeded with. the hearing of the cause a Jenkins v. Williams and wife. Serjeant Ballantine, Mr. F. A. Inderwilok QO.., and bfr, E, A. Bayford for the defondants; And Dr. Deane, Q.C., nrd Mr. it, Searle for the plaintiTff. E On the case being called, evidence for the plain - tiff wee given. Mr. Howell ...


... NEWNHA.Mi COUNTY (CIU KR[T% TUESDAY. (Before Els ?? Judge ?? ) Clt1M 71015 MIASONRi. THOMAS GArEsJ V. GELUJGF1 JcEe,-t..opla ntitf is a builder at Uinderford, and the ;eb tot Ilvep act Iuepidge, Tue uction Who brvught, ;rrover £7 7c Jd for day worl urd maoonry dw,.e by the perch, MIr. Gookd for the plaintiff, au:d dr. Jack. ron for defendant. In croa-examinaii :a. the plain. tiff said he would ...


... AN IMPORlTANT ENQUIRfY. - ?? - - lr Xs II TBAVELLIEB: Which Ia the hest.Rall vay Gaido e for South Wales? PullssiEx: The ?? Mail (iaWo Peoraie alid ) Brown's) Time Tables. TRAVELLER: Why go? t2.;n PtuLis6iHR: BEecause it gives more fully thin Any other Railway Guide the arrival sud departero - of local tratrse. TRAVELrEB: But does fltgbva the main llues to otber parts of England?' CA3 ...