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Advertisements & Notices

... SflTUATIOINS WA1ITMn M IPOAL.- Lonoc onsa ,eshce fong oagimebora .s~ Aisistoosy. -At w.rse'au~t mass itAdd'a& Medion Post Ollbc,liuSllludt. 1J-p iftitI4L-V'ats, Situsit~loms AMsistant, to attend orinary LL.easMidwifery, and disiplls'5. -Addr.3.s, Medie'alIli {~C{3UFAION.-An1ndi-i-dual.%ZeOin 30, W-hoh-, Ireatiordiron L113'to 0550luss daseasau-tineY it sonlc tnucecsn. btu Whlo TUVirt.bfi for11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRADSESMEN'rS ADDRESESE IMPOIRTANT TO PiAKOFORD I 1-W it:Ryi. ?? EL.EGXANT INSTRUMENTS, on One, 1 Two, or Three Yearss stre, rxettrnitg to parties at good Sound nettruncaent. tar zpiei'erable to the worthless Pianos So much offered :o the Public, Several Thousand-1s havbig been sozld in BIRMINGllAM and the DistrIcts dulrinig rho last THIRiTY' years, is the best proof of their ircellenee. ...


... THIE GAIKIVAR OF BARODA. 111 X - - I - 1 X - v TIE history of the large and opulent Mabratta State of Baroda during the last few years has been all eventful one. The present Gaikwar stepped from a prison to his throne. Soon after this event troublesome rumours were afloat in India as to the altered condition of affairs at the Baroda Court. The favourites of the former Gaikwar, and especially ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EhDM5NDSOs And CO. have ilaige g touk of | Boy Stacs,&c. &c Podn lbatternsi kts ?? kts Lonon lu Pater, Albeit Rockzers, Ladies, Skats,, HoutL Fucisbtng, Ironmongory, and Gas Fitting Show 33. 34, 35,36 CAPEISTREET. J. -DMUNDSON and CO. is; PILHAR IOSI-C SOCIETY.16 CONCERT ROOMS, BRRNSWICX. STREET The Committee have the pleasure of inforingin tile mems. Ders chat they have engaged the foliosring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A -i ?? ?? SOtil'l A , IS ?? titN~ ii Ni' I (iL N for * it, I out pecr Citit. I clcmitur-c Awhtlo, 'd . G ?? lailii ilnt inn ten tic Act , n, NO. 17, f'i tile ?? if lsaiVen-Y SI ?? 1\ o ~i~t~lit' , Oflini 't Ii o ll ti(i C0 oli . 1,eti 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES B~ 'Al O(N. Allaghly ss impaasat saltalasa aP aiaalaitbl V.ssaliqmll;an I~fe Xsaa'teme ~ai ,,sasisd WI~aNI FOX vassd '1011 '1~tT5D Asre asWEI'S 11l's's] ?? Jims. 'a1, ?? a psc~I-'y, CEUTia'A~IN I N'A'.M al ?? a a'v 'a ailasla aaI ,? II I ol:ay saifa ay m Uaa as IaL S' ai aI iablla it Ca. (I musaaa ?? aa asi ?? aapa's ?? tisau ssslt stN rlaiaas A umbsllsaa' 1a asI p iwi, Isa saala a'IL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -SERMONS. ST. MICH7S ROB AN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS, I -. NORTH ANNE-STREET l And Presentetion Female Orphanage, ieorge's-bill. On SUN'DAY, 3rd January, 1$75. Hi Immediately after the first Gospel of the last Mass, which A ) commences at 12 o'Clock, Da THE ANNUAL. CHARITY SERMON, Li. Ia aid of the four Roman Catholic Schools of St. Alichan's ?? ?? E Perish will be preached in the Mr PAROCHIAL ...


... UBLISHED DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) HEAD OFFICES:? CoHO BbILDiN, P=~ST6ATh. DAWf'bI ,The Northerle 23'hdLSOea be hcaQ OtileIy.kd ?? rogMessW. H. Suxr_ & on~~il aftf he trrclofthe t% ro h~~vha WhEIITB.- h1,ofle Dsrii ltOO tbhbe Sa. afoht 'in Xi . { . ~w aiu *B trilgis lAl, l . Ll. S . Oddfe; loWS' ?? L&A vvNDe, AsT~ Da S sil~.l ?? tton a~gt. Mu~ I TBlOUPJ ' ?? ,..S ?? 6 'n r Ae n NBT EBlrNOL~pne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i:R '0lS, COLC ONHITiS,7 - e, EFFEC'U - S ) 1S , IL A LI EL R T'S AT ISNO T $I RULY EF'FICACIOUS apd ANT' *WITFHOU¶ CONIi'NING the BO or A TCTlNG G 3HE.4D. A few of the many thousand Testimonials of Cure of Ast~hma, Conlsumption, Coughs, Colds, Shortness of lkvoth, ared all Disorders of the Chest and Lungs, by akin- L.XIIIERT'S ASTHMATIC BALSAM. Snlflerus f roin Asthma, of however long ...


... A LUNATIC AT IARGF. A young man UIho gaVaC the name of William Pansling was charged at the ?? police-coinrt to-iay with being a wandering lunatic. A policemin saicl that at three o clock this niorning he was in High-street, Notting-hill u hcrc he saw tl- plisoner Xxith hlls coat off. He said that a numbar of soldiers had sumroutinded him, and attempted to stal) him. ?? also said bis u~ifc and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHBAP PRB.TAID ADVEBTSEMENTS- Far= ~'rtci~driZad Insertions of tb.? classes of amail Advertlseimentp1 pat alr sed belowv the following are the 7jvr~eai4 chargo: 16 words, Once - I d. 1 17 to 82 words, ?? In, 0M. vitto, Tire n Is Od. Ditto Three Insertions .. cn. Advortiscsesots exceeding 32 woa'd aue charged at the rate of 6d. fne every additional eight words for one inoertlon, a, reitio _ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .E'R4Ti.>~IIO COtEM2ISl$ ' INO TICE. mala -w, ?? VIT'ElU I. , : 1 Vt1A'O),o }xlMlX.'llA)fjY.Et.1 Tt'(£I ,, s 11( r RTC XV P4 t 10ai f Kii). 4 ~ix~,25. 0,; . 8 IX \1Q.WtUN bi,; f ?? ?? 4 Uw.P, Nu ?? , 4tl'~il's't'E~an ?? A Ch'OO. ?? ' ~ f ji j~ IA !1 ti £rL i i .A iZrA) wl? n is iar : rEm, & e ?? i 6 ,9 to RRA l3 Axlili'>13.Cwtr ,. e , tu.,,,Wll;iW1 l b hthx: ...