... his Ebor Sale Rooms, 2, Low Ousegate, York, on WEDNESDAY, A l oust l*th. at Two o'clock. ?? * May be viewed the day prior to and on the Morning of Sate. CITY OF YORK. EBOR SALE ROOMS, 2. LOW uUSEGATE, YORK. IJSrCIENT. ORIENTAL, AND ENGLISH CHINA, DILI, tc. „ • , MR. G. ACTON, has received instrucfaonfl to SELL BY AUCTION, in his Ebor Booms, as above, on TUESDAY, the 10th day of August. 1«75. a ...

Published: Tuesday 10 August 1875
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17924 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

JteUs bjj %udkn* - C==^oyiK FO-TNIGHTLY FAT STOCK SALES. MX. R. IDDISON will SELL BY AUCTION, in the Bay Hobse

... Yard, Monk Bar, on WEDNEB- -» Beptkmbeb 16th, a number !of Prime FAT BEASTS. 2-EEP. CALVES. LAMBS, Ac. Entries open up to the morning of Bale. * Sale at One o'clock, Office: 30, Blake-street, York. HEWOBTH HALL, NEAB YOBK. ff «0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. R. B* KICHARDSON, at Habkeb's Hotel, St. Helen's floU-SB, York, on TUEBDAY, the 28th day of Beptember, 1375, at Thbee ?? in the Afternoon ...

Published: Friday 10 September 1875
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17419 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

?? ALLAN LIFE _S_E__iafe£-__ Shortest Ocean Passage to B

... Sailinjr Daya— From LIYEBPOOL every TUESDAY and THURSDAY to CANADA, and every ALTERNATE TUES- DAY** HALIFAX and BALTIMORE, forwarding Pasaen- gera on eaay terma to all parte of CAN AD A and the UNITED States. Surgeon and Stewardesses provided free for all clasaea of Paaeeng-r_ who aecare their Ticket* before leaving home are met at the Bailway Station In Liverpool by an appointed Agent «f the ...

Published: Saturday 07 August 1875
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17629 | Page: Page 9, 14, 15 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO THE ELECTORS AND NON-ELECTORS OF BLACKBURN. GENTLEMEN, — For the glorious victory achieved let me thank you. ..

... not recount the many great efforts made by the Committees of the different Wards on my behalf, bnt simply offer my humble cervices to my Fellow Townsmen as their representative in Parliament. My heartfelt thanks are due to the Working Men of Blackburn for the support they have so generously accorded to me. I remain, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, DANIEL THWAITES. Billinge Scarr, Ist October ...

Published: Saturday 02 October 1875
Newspaper: Blackburn Standard
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15090 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 | Tags: Classifieds 

COUNTY OF ESSEX. BY direction of the Justices assembled at tbe Gpneral Quarter Session of the Peace for the county

... of Essex, j holden at Chelmsford in the said County, on Tueedav, the 29th day of June, 1875, j _• Bo Jfytxcb-o ©tbc public Xottce That it is the intention of the Justices of the said County to appoint at the next Quarter Session to be held for the said Connty, on Tuesday, the 19th day of October, 1575, a Committee of Justices to provide an ADDITIONAL ASYLUM for the Pauper Lunatics of tbe said ...

Published: Friday 09 July 1875
Newspaper: Essex Standard
County: Essex, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16134 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT BANK. INTEREST 18 per oent. per anuum. or SOs per month, for every £100 deposited. DEPOSITS ..

... UPWARDS PORTSMOUTH BRANCH will SHORTLY BE OPENED for BANKING BUSINESS in ALL DEPARTMENTS. CLYDE SHI PPING COM PANY.- WEEKLY SAILINGS. DIRECT STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN GLASGOW, GREENOCK, BELFAST, A SOUTHAMPTON (carrying Goods, at through rates, to London and all Stations of the London an* South-Western Railway Cempany, also to the Isle ot Wight und the Channel Islands), by the CLYDE SHAPING ...

Published: Wednesday 15 September 1875
Newspaper: Hampshire Advertiser
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11882 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Steamers Yachts, Sailing Vessel*. Merchandise, aud Private Effects at the lowest rates consistent with first-class security. Orderw can be telegraphed hy us until 3.30 p.m. OVERLAND ROUTE AND SUEZ CANAL. Under Contract for the conveyance of the Mails to the Mediterranean, India, China, Japan, and Australia. Tne Pen- insular ani Oriental Steam Navigation Company despatch their Steamers from ...

Published: Saturday 03 July 1875
Newspaper: Hampshire Advertiser
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 34344 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | Tags: Classifieds 


... A^JON and FARM LANDS, rith suitable FABM BUILDINGS, desirably situate near the Town cf SOUTHWELL, and comprising about Ut Acres- TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. BAKEB and SONS (in conjunction with Mr. J. M POTT), on jueeday, the 29th day of June, 1875, at Two o'clock •mciseW. at the Assembly R oms, Southwell, by direction of the Trustee thefollowing highly Valuable FREE BOLD and COPY HOU) B ...

Published: Friday 25 June 1875
Newspaper: Nottinghamshire Guardian
County: Nottinghamshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 18107 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

jo SOLICITORS, ESTATE AGENTS, AND ■* AUOTIONRERB. *j e beg to impress upon Solicitors, Auctioneers, and gttate ..

... of forwarding to our office formtference and distribution, the Plans afU i ParticumWs of Estates, and Catalogues of Machinery, Furniture, Books, and other Property sdtertietd tn our column*. Sales tog frttrtign. BY MR. J. li- FO'tT. rvrHE OOONrY OK sons AND NBAtt TO IHE ** TOWN OF N^TTINOHaM. 4 VALUABLE F«E'.H)LD ESTATE, A cowaUtii* of S3S *cr«.of aRABLK and PASTURE LAN Kof w*ry -ur^n «r q ...

Published: Friday 19 November 1875
Newspaper: Nottinghamshire Guardian
County: Nottinghamshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 19271 | Page: Page 1, 4, 6, 7 | Tags: Classifieds 

fOSOUOTTORS, ESTATE AGENTS, AND AUCTIONEERS. ft beg to impre** upon Solicitor*, Auctioneer*, and Estate Agent*, ..

... our office for reference and distribution, ike Plan* I and Particular* of Bntate*, and Catalogue* of Machinery, Furniture, Book*, and other Property advertsxtd in our column*. fair* liit ~ - ~~ BY MR J. mTpOTT. TflK FARM, adv rised for SALE by Private Contract, is Dl H»OS«P OF. J M. POTT. IN CHANCKKY. BRADWKLL v. OLYER. TM. POTT wiU SELL by AUCTION, on c the premises ' l h fe l»'e Mr. John ...

Published: Friday 10 December 1875
Newspaper: Nottinghamshire Guardian
County: Nottinghamshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 19124 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Public ftoticts. t MAhK'S CHURCH, MANNINGHAM. S** Xhe nl.ove CSiurch will ?? be CONSECRATED by the ?? t-,v the LORD

... Bls H • P OF RIPON, ?? w (Tufsdat), F bruary 16th, 1875. Seiviee to commence at 11. -SO o'clock. ?? with the Consecratior St. oal Servke6 will be rr lF v|.AY Evkmno, lebruary l C.t h . Preacher: i r CANON MiTTON, M.A., Vicar of Bt. Paul's, ?? Manningham ; Wl ?? Ert.MNr., Fr-bruary 17th. r „ W TT AITKEN, M.A., Vicar ol Everton, Liverpool ; Thi*kshat Evkkino, February 18th, lev NwK.vIAN McNKILK, ...

Published: Monday 15 February 1875
Newspaper: Bradford Observer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17999 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

(jttbtic flotkcs. T^VcTn LANE CHAPEL* H° X SERVICE OF PRAISE. ?? T rv.LIGTOUS SERVICE wfll be held fa h SI

... Tt CiupMo To-uoebow (Tuesday) Evmwo, April KS»£rSa« MELLOR, D.D., »w». Re%. *~ Hahfax. v A Choir of Fifty picked Voices wfll conduct the *® * ,re Th£ bvmns to be sung are selected from the Appendix ■ii**' ,ZZAe Hymn Book. to tt e i^Twiii bejrin at Half -past Seven o'clock ; and after jbe Bervioe * , , Uvtioll be made towards the oost of the the »g?^g£** ?? CALVERLEY. WESLM* B AZAAR f rueful ...

Published: Monday 19 April 1875
Newspaper: Bradford Observer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 22025 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds