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The Examiner


... success, without hoping that the School Board authorities will not put a stop to this most beautiful of Christmas shows. Speaking of School Board authorities, a somewhat an- dacious and clever joke is perpetrated at their expense in the VIcTORIA Pantomime ...


... than the mighty labour of explora- tion itself. So great a portion of his life was spent in Africa, and away from English-speaking people, to say nothing of libraries and literature, that he can hardly be expected to write with the classical lucidity of ...


... introduced. The remainder of the pieces for pianoforte solo belonged to the modern school of composition, or, more accu- rately speaking, to its two greatest masters, Chopin and Liszt. By the former, Dr. von Billow plaped Nocturno, Op. 9, No. 3, and Scherzo ...


... far fron {'the roadway that recalls one of the strong slayers of Caesar. He sees pallid forms arise, and he hears a voice speak disdainfully:-- Deliberately, solemnly, did we front death and infamy from the many, to teach them that a single weapon may ...


... the brothers in the Orlando Furioso, joining them with Leonardo, Mantegna and Gian Bellini in that famous passage where he speaks of Buonarroti as more than mortal. a divine angel. In the foreground the knight is wrestling with a red and naked man, while ...


... ambition of his fellow-explorers to discover the Nile sources, and be remembered as a great discoverer. Indeed, he now and then speaks expressly with a certain proud humility as not unconscious of the high position he has won by illustrious effort among his ...


... that Louis Blanc, who chivalrously supported a motion for the recall of the law of proscription against the Bonaparte family, speaks of Napoleon Ill. with an asperity which never excludes impartial feeling, and, apparently, Mr. Jerrold ignores the fact that ...


... attention to an important publication recently issued by the enterprising firm of Messrs. Stanley Lucas, Weber, and Co. We are speaking of a new edition of the songs by Franz Liszt, with an English version by Constance Bache, sister of the well-known pianist ...


... mytho- gy, and science of Babylonia and Assyria, were not the work of a Senitic race, but of a totally different people, speaking a language quite distinct from that of all the Semitic tribes. There is, however, a mare remarkable point than this; it is ...


... Kinglake will have a more troublesome battle than ILkerman to fight to hold that position. It is a noble charity which bids us speak no evil of the dead, but the dead must be judged by facts as well as the living; and facts are the difficulties which M2r. ...


... musical foris of expression.. Both these; qualities vrete acknowledged in their fu llestmeasure by Robert Sedhimann, 'who speaks of Steradale Bennett as the most musical 'df ill Ehglishmen, and in another place cails hinm, in his enthusiastic way, an ...


... is, in our modern acceptation of the word; for lie was only fifty- nine when he died. It was the custom of old writers to speak of people being old when they were only fifty, ?? thereabouts. Thus Lord Huntingdon spoke of Coligny as being very old when ...