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... Indinnopolis reporter ealls the late unsuccessful printers' strike in that city a typographical blunder. A morning paper speaks of thieving in the outskirts, which may be interpreted, picking ladies' pockets. Why is it almost certain that Shakepere ...


... theirs, saw her deliberately read the labels thereon, and return in triumph to her companion, ?? right-it is them; I'll go and 'speak to them. ?? Oh, please not, said the younger lady. 'Why not, pray P'i It looks so forward and inquisitive: and they must ...


... a capital horse for agri- cultural purposes, rising 6 years, at 180 guineas. TUESDAY.-This was the second, or practically speaking the first, day of the fair. On Monday night a large num- ber of horses, though of inferior quality, arrived, and something ...


... VAEIETIE S. aIMS OF TIHOUGHIT. ADvicE.-Bc gainsled in disecolslC, attentive, and slow to speak. 13c not forvard to assign reasons to those Vho have no righit to asic. SILESwCE.-Silel1Ce alkoie is a powcrful wve apoln. An Arabic proverb says, Sile-ncc ...


... but no men is ever discontented with the world if lie does his duty ill it. Who sedulously attends, pointedly a8ks, cablily -speaks, coolly answers, and ce'4's vwhen he has no more to say, is in possession of some of the best requisites of wan. Profanity ...


... dressed it the height of fashion, to lend a charm to the occasion. She stood loaning gracefully against a show-case, never speaking a word or betraying the least emotion, or showing the slightest preference for any of the contestants, except- ing there ...


... inspriring natural sight whisir a glazier carl contemplirte is the gleame of early, daty breaking tirronigir the windows a. Speaking of the newly-discovcreil r rock in maid-ocean, Spiner infers that it is thre rock in mid-oceani that sickerra so many people ...


... allowed him to induce me to rest there the whole of the next day; for it did the poor fellow no end of good to be able to speak of ?? six months' separation from Earopean society. A few months after our strange ^meeting he was robbed and murdered on the ...


... started, and then suddenly dealt the corpse a blow on the head, exclaiming at the same time, When a man is dead, he should not speak. It was the last time they tri4to scare that shoemaker. ...


... your favour court. Is that success may wait on your support ! And now, howeder reluctant to be heard, The time must come to speak the final word !. To all the patrons of the past, and you, In kind acknowlegment, his thanks are due. Trusting his name may ...


... and virtues of infirmi- ties to which they arIC subjet. Speak kindly in tile uorninig; it Lightens tile cares of the dlay, and mallice tile household and eli its affairs move ?? SMOotliilY. Speak kindly at nighit, for it may be that, before dlawvo some ...


... conversation, that will make you agreeable in all companies. It isecomnmon to sy VThat a liar w ill not be believed al- though he speak the truth. The converss of this pro. position is equally true, but more unfortussate-tflat a man who has gained a reputation ...