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... TEHERAN, March 22. Mv budget of news-that is, of such news as this country usually affords- is rather various this time. On the evening of Saturday, the 13th inst., the bazaars, shops, and some streets were illuminated, and fireworks to the value of 3,000 tomans (fi,200), I was told, were let off. The next day, Sunday, was the forty- fifth anniversary of the Shah's birthday. At noon a salute ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C0-OPERATIVE CREDIT BANK, ( MANSION HOUSE CHAMBERS, ,2, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.C. Filrt issue of Capital: ?? in subscriptions of One Pound and upwards. Interest in lieu of dividend x8 per cent. per annum, paid monthly. Current accounts opened, and 5 per cent. interest allowed on the Minimum Monthly Balances, CHEQUE BOOKS SUPPLTED. The Bank grants credits and issues Circular Notes for the ...


... WmRN Prince Batthyany purchased Galopin, the winner of the Derby, at Middle Park, two years ago, he was accompanied by Lord Falmouth, whose two fillies, Spinaway and Ladylove, have, as it was generally exp ected that they would, run first and second for the Oaks. Lord Falmcuth was rather unlucky in the Derby, as his two representatives, the Rcrentance colt and Garterly Bell, finished third and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e-I. 1pPOP/ for tiN' PApIA. NTAI.L. ' por !fpppP''.~ P i /P ?? 7/,pp , Ti. pvpd Dl 'i/Ts we ' i-tO '/Ia 'P ?? pj H' i ~ ?? PPI /i pi p . P ?? PIPPP p.'w , or (I L/.pa.'P or P I /1 ,pIP pj ?? to iPeI Tie PALT H 'AFMl (p'P NI` F1. b-pe ob!'70p/ped (pp Fappip C H' JOHN'P Aki111114 to, RPPH C'.PSTIP.I I iN , 71NO ?? p11.0 receie 4d/Per- H~E 7711/'A 7lS. C,'Pp INT ?? PP 1 II ?? pp [II If 1pp-a ...


... IF it were asked what is the most critical and interesting part of a race, the answer would most likely be the finish, of course. And so, no doubt, it is in the case of all but very short races. In these, however, the start is sometimes, if not always, everything. A clever jockey, mounted on a horse that is quick in getting on its legs, may steal a march upon the other competitors; and ...


... FLORENCE, APril 4. ITALY has astonished the world by her actions as well as by her good luck. In less than fifteen years she has achieved independence, unity, and liberty; she is very near attaining another more material yet no less: important object-that financial equilibrium which is necessary to restore her credit and secure to her the place in Europe to which she seems to have a right in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H ER MAJESTY'S OPERA, THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY LNNE. Mri. MAlT1,I'S'ON irastlirelionmnoir to irrfointi tire patrons rof 1c ijil tfr t~e SE'ASON xiiill EIIN oin S'i-'l'l.RDAX, Apti ii o. '1 tofo m a e crl Sr r be iron in nrc atirrre Roydl, D)rurry Larin, peirding tire coml).ttpirn o tire CrtnN, rio I (1Or,r 1(1 cc rr' it, o ,rr-c of Oeoletonr oir tire, Victoria ELnnixrrrn Irt. Mr . \ aug l ?? ill C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Advecrtisemn~m ts for ti A 'Jl MITIA O'IRTTIT *Announcein,i's of p/ met i, .11-iea~:Cs, and Deattis are inourted i11e' pzi'i, isi Gx,,zill(v at a char~te of FEle' mSa//4. 1 vo Ile seat threou,/l an A, ,: l ez N osid-'lnt, or Ltrral or, / ?? ?? to tile 2/ie PALL MAT, GA1. ZETTE Vtan be' obtaineintr ,fapns frcom .Mll. J(IIIN ARHUR~tI, i., Run CANIIULIONF, V11/0 ,otiel/ als rcelive Adiver- TilEj- ...


... TRA DE RO O UTES TI/F C) UGIJ I U .Il/A If TO WESTERN C/II.Il. y I A (;I'AT deal has been heard lately of the importance of opening a roa i LI to Wcstern China from Rangoon or Ilamo; and the disastrous issue of thC last atteml)t to cross the border lands into Yunnan has concentrated ?? n intcrct upon thc qluestions raised. Tlhe practicability of establishing any e trade routes, and their value ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1IIFNTAL BAN, CORPORATION. I sl'cl I} Royal Charter, Augonst 3,.8ir. 0 lttiriloril!;tl ?? ,O reserved foods, 50ooo ig inrrt ~Daft, and negotiate or i0 ;l; llabe lo I olPY, Calcutta, Colombo, e ile oi lo~oc , Rnidy, Madras, lie Point-deGCalle Pondicherry, 2111 Siii,~ Singapore, Syny, li tiO , Oatela o ntism which may be lI il ! th ofLO I They also issue Circular f tic u of travellers by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UAGiRA BANr K (LimITED), T --tabiised in I933,-Capital,t1,o0Do00o, Lybir yiAD>OFF ICE. 'rbl.leLoinbard-street, London. ?? Calcutta, Bombay, SI r.l N- dixe,} Agra, Laiore, Shanghai, I-ong F~g ,r T AccOUNOs ore kept at the Head-Office toroatv with London Bankers, and r illcld when the credit balance does not fall be ?? received for fixed periods on the fol- itol.'- t. ltV per annum, subject to ...