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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 20CA1 0frf4ih'3Efztl(C WEDNESDAY, Seph'emb or 22,1 875. .l -- -- -- At 17d5, Cfrown Street, on the lit> lill.. Ohe wife of Cpt tp.'l JAMDES HISNDISRSON, hauque *Pli. ..f \..1.*s ,of a son. At 1, Albury Road, Ferrybill, no iC!. 2'ith inst., tbe wife ti ANDRI:IV GORDON, Union Bank of S t I faf a d.Iiigiter. At 18:3, Galblogate, Aberdeen, o'l tie !i,. in st., tihi NtlC r ROBERT WATSON, of a son. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, October 20,1875. Bll:THS. At 16. Rnbislaw TerraeL, on the 13th inst., tho wife of Surgeon- Major T. FARQUIIAt, H.M.'s Indian Modical Service, of a son. At 9, Union Terrace, on the 13th inst., Mrs-Dr CROMIBIE, of a At Barron Street, Worodside, on 15thl inst., the wife of Mr J.IMRS SHI\NER, fan-ner, of twin dauglhtels. At Anilrcwsforel, Fyvie, oln the 1th inst., the vife of Mr Wn. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, October 18. 1878. A K BII~~l~~lS. A At 41, Dee Street, on the Sth inst., Mrs R. D, GARDEN. of a daughter. i A. .Aivee cottage, Mearnt Street, A boldoell, on tile 10th inst., T the wife of.Mr JAMES MOiRAY, telegraph departmnent Gonerli I Pest'Offlce, Aberdeen, of a eon. A On the, 5th Oct., at Smnridpate, the ovife of Caiptainl Fon~-stei to ROBERTSON 93d (Sutherland, ) Hlighlainlers, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, September 15,1875. h p BlIRT1S. f( At 11, Ferrybill Place, Aberdeen, oil the 10th instant, the wife t of JoIIN TLYAIL GRANT, of a SOI. At 10, Crimion Place, on thle 18th inst., the wife of JASIES Ross, draper, of a SeII. h At turosie, Fyvie, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr JAmES P IhlO)SIIlI, of a SeII. ti At Aboyle, en the 6th instant, the wife of Dr LIONEL DIXON h Srl.\rCn. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE DR CRUICRSEANH. Dr Jolns CrUucSmInAN, whose namne appears in our obitu- I ary of to-day, was born on the 5th July, 1787, at K(nauch- laud, in the parish of Rothiemay, in Baniffsaire. His fatbel was a weaver, who died when his sOn wals only two vears old, and John's upbringing was dependent on the industry Iof his mother. In his early days lie had to work in the fields to hellp himself ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ish MARR[AGE OF SIR JAMES COLQUHOUN OF LUSS, isb - BART. ise AN event of much interest to Banffshire and Aberdeenshire was the marriage o Sir James Colquhonn of Luss, Bart., with Miss CC d . Charlotte Mi~ary Douglas Munro, youngest daughter of Major git n1s Monro, which maas solemnised at St Thoms's Episcopal Chapel, Tss ian PEdinburgh, on Wednesday last the 8th current, in the presence Br IS ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fine whi the WEiDNESDAY, January 13,1875. MSer den o so g BIRTHS. of At 167, Skeno Street West, on the 8th inst., the Wife of JAMES a. m WEBSTER, of IT daughter, art. At Nve-t High Street, Inverurie, onl the 10th inst., the wife of 0 WI'LLktI ALL.AN, Builder, of a son-still-horn. wise On l1th inst., at Laitliers, the Honourable Mrs STUART, of a of 3 danubhter. joy. At QS, Queen's Gate. London, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - WEDNESD.AY, June 2,1875. ed ns, BIRTIIS. At 261, Union Street, on the 27th nlt., Mrs DYCE BROws', of a son. At 59, Bon-Accord Street, on the 28th ult., the wife of the Rev. T. I'eLIS WALSH, of a SOD. At 11, Ann Place, on the 27th ult., Mrs H. FILDES, of a son. ii- At Mains of Arnage, on 31st May, Mrs GEORGE PoeSON, of a [m- daughter. I At Ellon, on the 30th May, the wife of the late TIOMAS - ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... To. WEDNESDAY, July 28, 1875. the _____________eigI mne BIRTHS. the At 21, Springhank Terrace, en the 23d instant, the wife ef lsnr NATAIErARcQUHA.)R, Advocate, of a daughlter. fsie At 87, Crown Street, en the 21st inst., thle wife of THOMlAS rou ADAM, junior, Shi powiler, of a daughter. its At 37, Carden Place, on the 24th inst., Mrs JOHSesTONE, of a anti At -10, Belvidrler Place, enl the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNRSDAY, August 11, 1875. Bil RTHiS. ; ! PI-1da Plac, r on the 3d{ inst., Mrs JOHN WILSON '; itL - hti, who only survived a few hours. 'lifo- thIc-, 0on the Sth instant, Mrs MITCHELL, Of a ;tir l'crlely Street. Portman Square, London, on the -thf eir*,f I)r FE~RPInR, of a dsaughter. :; sSqler Kennington Road, London, on Wednes- ,,; ;1- 'I~t, ls i. A. CAeRXIE, of a son. (Monday 9tb, II t , I) ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... mol -- -- Mal NVEDeLNFSDAY, October 27, 1875. Bell _______________ ~~~~in t mos - N in f~~~nace on 25th cur~t., thle wife of JAMES B~ISSEiT rtav 'N cihicrn Assuratnc Offlice, of as 'i' 'Ma N ii~vs-treet, Aberdleen, oin the 21st i st., tl aft itM Xi (iiof a daughltE~r. t I -IA,.iSreet, oni thle 24thi inst., the wife of J. C. PEAR- b ad ! .N3. I1 and 0. Co., of it daughlter. reoc N: 'l~tria ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DELTEf OF MRS POLLOCK. NORTHERN playgoer, old and young alike, will learn with th iregret that this respected ]ady dlied at Dalkeith on the co ~jmorning of Thursday last. The advanced in years amongst sp 3us who Were wont to frequent ' the little house in Ma- Je riscisal Street ere the century was out of its teens, will, by Lt the event we are now recording, have momories awakened p of a ...