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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On the 18th inst., at Broadfield, Leyland, the wife of Mr. John Stanning, of a daughter. MA.RRIAGES On the 11th inst., by the Rev. NV. Riteon, Mr. Joshua Woodburn, drysalter, Ulverston, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Edward Bramwell, lope and twine menu- facturer, Preston. On the 18th inst., at the Parish Church, Preston, Mr. James Dixon to Miss Jane Waddington; M1r. Edward Walsh ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE SIR W. 'FIRBAIRN. Wehave been requested to publiuh the followitg gopj of an addreass presented ?? Fairbairn by thwevicev Presidents and Exeoutive Committee'of, the Manchester Steam Users' Association, and of the reply theretc received from Sir Thomas Fairbairni- The Manchester Steam Usors' Association, . 41, Corporation-etreet, Manchester, Sept. 1. 1874. Dear Madam, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. f On the 1Sth inst., at St. James's Church, Preston, by- the Rev. J. Wilson, Mr. Thomas Hlysworth, builder, to Ye Martha, daughter of Mr. W. 1fall, of this town. d. Oa the 21st hilst., at the Parish Church, Preston, Mr. Jnmes Bell to Miss Ann Turner,; Mr. Michael Langtrce to Miss Albreda Metcalf. d Ol thc *2nd inst., at the Parish Church, Preston, Mfr. William Cranslhaw to Miss Mary ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , ?? MA2RRIA}GES. 1 On the 4th inst., at thoc Parish Church, Preston, by the.; Rev. J. J. Thornley, brother of the bride, and the Rev. H. Morland,brotherof the bridegroom, Albert, sonof Thomas 1C Morland, of Westfield, Rcading, to Annie, youccgest daulhtcr of John Thornley, i3ank-parade, Preston. IC On lhe Gith inst., nt St. James's Church, Preston, by the Rev. John Wilson, M.A., Vicar, George ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... T11E LATE R)EV. J. T. BIROWN. At Holy Trinity Church, Prcston, on Sunday, two special funeral sermons weno prencllil tom-cing the death of the late incumbent, tile 3ev. J. T. Brown. That in the morning Wsas preached by the R1ev. J, ?? Shepperd, of St. Thomnis's, who said it would )be hiN diitythat morning to say a world or two respecting him whose remains they iid followed to their ?? resting ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 313htluJk, laufage0, anb Rzatb, BI;RTHS. Dy.t nyse ns -On the 2Srd inst., at Ebenozer HoBeon, Aloan. i iel Pnrk, behwitoof John Derby5hire,of ason. eILFs.- On the 22nd inst, at Stamford Villas, Biewdon, +41 *ife of Henry Iflies,g Mu. D., of a diughter. ' Ey'mAN.-On the 19.h ist-, at 129, StOek-street, Chtet . uti xoad. the wife of Philip Hyman, of a son. Agla XJEblnd..-On the 21st inmt, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE LADY FR&N.KLIN. Lady Franklin, the widow of the renowned ArOL., explorer, died at her residence in Phillimore Garden London, at nine o'clock on Sunday night. Reviewin he Ladyahip's hiatory, the Tiaes observes that remarkbl as her ila abeen inrnany respecta, she ischieflykO05 as having taken a prominent and dietinguish0ed pat i the cause of Artioc dicovery. Agenerationhas elapsed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BULTIsS.- - l £rBvg6T,-On tle 13th inst., *t C measbbo, Dobshfe, the wi= oi 3Georwe H. Akhurst. of a daughter. . I I .&.rnss.-On the lttbaust., nt Malta House, es, the e of Jcrla C. Ataine, vO a son, DAnnUsMksE tH.-OU the lith Sept., at Stretford, the wife of Xvihor B. l'x, disbanian, of a son. BimuReC.-On the l5binst.* at Rewstead House, Whalley Bange, the wite of F. . Uaeriok,'ef a daughter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... f , ?? DrRTX'S.]1 1 W :. Ansrrasnc-At .8j ht. Lrke's Temree CheOtham, on the 25th *Decembsr the wife of John ?? Ashton, of a son. CAIILON.--n S~dy26, Daeosiber instant. St' torbur y Booth's EE ord, he.'wifae f Janies Carlton. Esq., of a son. MABBIAGM& C0Awme-RZI)oXiDSOn the 25t! iat.. at the old parish church, Leyton, Alfred, son ol Elijnh. Cormab, of Chihwiek to Emma. only daught;r of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Brffjos, fiarriageo, att 39eatbz¢ BIRTHS. CLATEZ.-On. the 11th inst., at Coleraine Terrace, Salford, the wife of Alexender Carson Clarke, BLD., of a son. GADuIJt._On the 6th int,.. at Oakley. Bowdon, the wito of H. T. Gaddum, of a daughter. STRr;s..-Nov. lOth, at Highstreot, Altriaoham Chosbit, the wile of Charles Steamsi, of a son. ..6MA RIAGES. 6A.T.3WIN-CocRLcw-.OD the 10th nst., at St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 6th inst., at the Patish Church, Preston, Mr. 6' Joseph Melling to Miss Mary Ann Wilkinson; Mr. John G Holt to Mrs. Sarah Blinston; Mr. David Duckworth to Miss Sarah F nllington. it On the 7th inst., at the Parish Church, Preston, Mr. pi Frank Goodger to Miss Ellen Last; Mr. Thomas Almond d o to Mrs. Mary Metcalf. V On the 9th inst., at the Parish Church, Preston, Mr. T W m. ...