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Cardiff Times

;1,} B L A,. N,, D,, ail W A y,

... Millard1# Toihst REQursraa are .eelebrate-i for their great purity sni daliaacy øt joanuiactur^. cherry Tooth Psete, }s per pot, uii equal'ed for preserving od beautifying the tectli a no gums. Invisible Face powd,er} packets Bd, boxes' puff, Is and 2s each; Iminenxly fragrant: imparts a; lovely bloom to the oom- plexion. Bighly-scented Vloløt Fcoder, 4d packets, 6d and Is I inN-alualAefor ...


... MINERS' CONFERENCE AT SHREWSBURY. [SPECIAL TELEGRAM.] SHREWSBURY, THURSDAY. To-day the Conference of the Amalgamated Associa- tion of Miners was resumed at Shrewsbury, Mr Thomas Halliday again presiding. The CHAIRMAN said it had been decided to dissolve that Association, and to unite the members with the New National Union. It would, therefore, not be amiss if they expressed their opinion upon ...


... FOR WEEK ENDING Skpt. ^3. I 1875. 1874. Increase. D* ? Taff Vale 9,466 8,f93.. 773.. Penarth Harbour, 4c. 2,0:5 1,4J4.. 601.. Rhytrney .2,613 2,79 131 a Mjdlajnd s U,5 5,1S5 Pembroke and Tenby ,185 6 9, ■— I Mefopolitaa (385 ...

Citi'diff |3®lice JnteUigcnct. —

... Citi'diff JnteUigcnct. MONDAY. NEGLECTING TO PROCEED TO JSEA,—At the Police-court on Monday, before Mr. Jt, Jones and Mt*. Alderman Piide, Richard Grant, a seaman, was charged with neglecting to join the ship Lebanon, of New Brunswick, after siguing articles. The ship was bound on a voyage to Kio Janeiro. The piisoner signed on the oth to join on the 6th. The vessel sailed on th-j 8b, having ...


... THE CHILDRENS' MEAL. SIE,—Will you kindly insert the following acknowledge- ments of donations received on account of the above fund :—Sacramental offering at Robertson's Chapel, St. Leonards, per Rev. T. New, £12 15s A Domestic, London, 3s Workmen of Mr B. llees, Swansea, £ 1 os 6d; collected by Florence Persis Morgan, Vicarage, Bunuey, 10s 9d; Mary Ann Evans, Cottage, £ 1 ;^iiev. T. B. Evans ...


... Sir,- I do not know how far the publication of the analysis of the voting of Friday last which I have seen' to day is justified, but that analysis enables me to lay before your readers the following figures, which show the number of burgesses who voccd for each caudidate at the late contest, as distinguished from the number of votes. The result will no doubt be int -resting and satis- factory ...

latest j\1f1\tt.

... to the Editor. RITUALISTIC INNOVATIONS AND THE DUTY OF THE LAITY. SIB,—I enclose a statutory declaration which would, in my opinion, meet with the support of all who love the Church of England. I desire publicly, with your per- mission, to call the attention of all interested in this matter, to their duty, and invite them to rally round the church-warden with their support and sympathy.— I am, ...


... FOOT-ASD-MOUTH DISEASE. At the Merthyr Police-court, on Thursday, Wm. Pugh was summoned for neglecting to report the condition of a cow in his possession, which was suffering from, the foot- and mouth disease, Deierdant, who is invalided, was represented by his wife. This pereon attempted to show that she asked a man named Lewis to give notice to the police of the condition of the cow, but ...

SOUTH WALES TiDE TABLE. ------------------------

... SOUTH WALES TiDE TABLE. CARDIFF. NEWPORT. SWANSEA. MAY. Mom Even Hght Morn Even Hght Morni Ever. iHght 14 Friday 1 52! 2 28j2? 3 2 o' 2 86'20 7, I 4 1 43,16' 5- 15 Saturday..1 2 5? 3 27'23 6' 3 7 3 35 22 11 2 16 2 41 17 6 16 Sunday 3 4 2I;25 0 4 3 4 29,23 9 3 11 3 3418 9 17 Monday 4 46 5 10 26 3 4 54| 5 18'25 2i 3 57 4 20 19 9 18 Tuesday 5 33) 5 54 27 0 5 411 8 4 26 l1 4 43 5 3 0> 4 19 ...


... FOR WEEK ENDING JULY 17. ,r 1875, 1874. Increase. Decl las Vale 8 g 84 — Penartli Harbour, &c. 1,6,9 1909 3)9 Midland 114,307 113,236 1,071 Rhymney 2,S30 2,L ...


... POST OFFICE, CARDIFF. DESPATCH ARRIVAL or or WEEK DAYFT. Lsrrsas. Lswsaa Box JtKt'a Deiiv De/iv „ claj's Stmp at to Bridgend, Carmarthen. Haveifor 1 west, at up to Calrs ll uielly, Milford, Narberth, Ptmbroke, a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m S'. Cleira, Swansea, ienby, &c •• 7 BOi 7 #5 7 0 6 45 Bristol, Chepstow, Gloucester, and New- p m port (Mon ), Ac | • •• # 5 9 1C 8 10 3 10 Aberdaie, Meit.yr Tydvd, ...


... THE GRAND 'OPERATIC CONCERT AT CARDIFF. The annual concert for the benefit of the regimental band of our local volunteer artillery is always looked forward to as the most important musical event of thtr year, as it is known that the very bfst talent will be secured by Colonel Hill and his officers, regardless of, cost. Were it not for their enterprise, Cardiff would not enjoy the advantage of ...